Tuesday 9 May
READ: Gen 2: 18 - 25
MORE LESSON: Eph. 5: 21 – 6: 4
Statistically 50% of the marriages in the United States end up in divorce. While the figures are much lower in Nigeria, it is growing and even creeping more and more into the Church. We have to fortify our marriages against the forces of hell. A lot of people go to psychology books, human ideologies and techniques for help. Some try to run their marriage by how their father and mother ran their home. Others follow cultural practices as the yardstick for their homes. However, only a home founded on the Rock will stand; all other ground is sinking sand. The home must be sealed together in the spiritual before it stays together in the physical. Praying together, studying the Word of God together, staying together under God's cover in the same assembly and being united in the spirit are key.
When God created the first home, it was entirely His idea. It wasn't the man that went to God to beg for a wife. God saw the man, decided that he needed a wife, created the woman for him and brought her to him. Everything about the home was initiated and executed by God. Removing God from the home that He authored is the root of all the problems that men face at the home front.
The first man and woman were not brought together by human ability. It wasn't by feelings, dating, match-making, Facebook or cultural similarity that was the basis of their marriage. It was the Spirit of God. The mode of the first marriage was by spiritual capability. Adam woke up from sleep and said what happened when he was asleep. He said, This shall be called a woman for God took her from me when I was unconscious; her bone was made from my bone and her flesh from my flesh. It takes a spiritual man to tell you what happened in his absence. Adam named all the animals and it was what God wanted them to bear that he called them. This shows that Adam's mind was connected to God's. For marriage to be successful, the man and the woman must be connected to God's mind.
When the father, mother and children in a home are in good contact with God, all things fall into their proper place eventually. The greatest key to a happy home is connection to the Almighty. When the father, mother and children are all connected to God individually, God becomes the pivot around which the home is built. Such a home will never crumble because it is held centrally by the One that cannot fall apart. No principle in this world can redeem a home whose parties are far from God. The secret to a successful home is for each party to be firmly connected to God.
* I rebuke the spirit of divorce over my home and my loved ones’, in Jesus’ name.
* O God, give me a Christian home, in the mighty name of Jesus.
On the authority of God's goodness, I refuse to be enrolled in any register of misfortune this year, in the name of Jesus.
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