Monday 8 May
READ: Gen 2: 18 - 25
MORE LESSON: Matt. 19: 4 - 6
A home is primarily a man and woman joined by God in the covenant of marriage. The children are products of the home. So the home consists of father, mother and children. The home also has a lot of people and environments surrounding and influencing it. Extended families, relatives, in-laws, neighbours, friends and colleagues are all influences around the home. Culture also is an influence around the home. Some cultural practices have bound the home together while some have destroyed it altogether. All the forces in the environment of the home are important and have their proper place. However, the spiritual - the Spirit and Word of God - is the singular most important factor that should rule our homes.
It is important to ask yourself what is influencing your home. Whether you are married or single, you have a home. If you have not started a home, you come from a home. The most vital of all the environments of the home is the spiritual. Our homes must be ruled by God from the spiritual and not by culture, in-laws, relatives or neighbours. The spiritual is the most important environment of the home because the home itself is foremost spiritual. The home is spiritual because the home is God's idea. God is a Spirit and so the home is spiritual. Man also is first and foremost a spirit who lives in a body. Adam was sleeping when his wife was created but he woke up and knew that she was created from his rib without anyone telling him. This is because he recognised her by the spirit and not in the flesh. The Author of the home is spiritual, the process of forming the home is spiritual and the people involved are spirit beings. So how do men think the home can work when they neglect the spiritual?
When there are issues in the home that need remedy, the greatest solution is to go to the spiritual and resolve the problem. By 'spiritual', we mean the applications of the Scripture and the place of prayer, the Word and the Spirit of God. There are many natural principles that have been postulated for making marriage work and there is nothing bad about them. Some of them include buying gifts for your spouse, being romantic, holding hands publicly etc. However, be it known to you that the spiritual rules the physical. When the marriage is worked from the spiritual, everything in the physical begins to fall into proper perspective. When the spiritual is missing, nothing works even if every other physical thing is in place. Psychology is not the key to the success of marriage; Jesus is.
The greatest secret and strength of the home is the revelation that the home is spiritual. Every other thing comes to play only after you run the home by the Word and Spirit of God.
* I declare that the spirit of righteousness will rule my home, in Jesus’ name.
* The altar of God in my home will not lack fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.
This year, my hope shall not be dashed, every promise made to me shall be sure and fulfilled, in the name of Jesus.
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