Sunday 14 May
READ: Prov. 22: 6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 78:9
Spirituality and godliness are the principal requirements for a successful home, not just for the father and mother but for the children as well. In order for the home to fulfil God's plan, we need high level of spiritual capacity for our children. This is the reason why the children need to be part of the spiritual exercises in the home. The children cannot be excused from prayer, family altar and other spiritual exercises on the basis of being too young. They must be trained to do it from early in life.
When I leave my house early in the morning, sometimes before 5 am, I see Muslim men going to the mosque in the cold of the morning, small children carrying small mats, running to catch up with their father as they hurry to the mosque. No wonder they grow up to be ardent followers of their religion. However, when going to church Christian parents leave the children at home, saying they are small, and will not understand what is happening in the church. If they are too young to understand what is happening in church, how come they understand what is happening on the television that they switch on immediately you leave them and go to church.
As soon as children can understand sounds and words, it is time to start training them in the way of the Lord. Let them pray at their level, let them fast according to their capacity when they are old enough to. Let them read the Bible and come for Bible Study. The environment puts several ideas into their minds about fashion, speech, friendship and other things in life. They read all manners of books and watch programmes on the media. It is only the Scripture that can format all the wrong stuff out of their mind. If there is any field that parents must be well versed in more than the children, it is the Scripture. Teach them the Bible.
When my children were young, there was no home lesson that superseded Bible Study. The personal tutor would come home to teach them but once it was time to go to church, it was either the home tutor would leave or follow us to church. All the talk about parents coming to church and leaving children at home that they have home lesson or they are reading their school books is not correct. We don't want to raise intelligent sons of belial.
These children are the next generation that will spearhead the Kingdom of God in this end time. The greatest gift and legacy they can be given is a high spiritual capacity so that they will carry God into their generation. Our children will not be found as spiritual weaklings in their day of battle, in Jesus’ name (Psa. 78:9).
* Pray that the Lord will grant to you wisdom to bring up your children in the way of the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your children will grow up in the fear of the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
Today, I remove my name and family's from any demonic calendar and programme, in the name of Jesus.
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