Saturday 20 May
READ: Gen. 1:1-13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 32:8
The need to plan cannot be over-emphasized in the life of a believer. God is a planner, He planned all things from existence to eternity and as His children, we must take cue and plan fully. Even the devil makes plans, and is diligent and consistent at fulfilling them. The way and manner in which the devil executed his desires on Job proves that the devil is organised and diligent to make his plans work. Of particular importance is the gradual and systemic way in which he unleashed terror on Job. He did it gradually, but one step at a time until he did all he could on Job. It was first his cattle, then his children, his wife, then the attack on Job himself. Even the children of the devil have learnt well from their master. Take the example of Delilah, she was organised, skillful and committed to her plans for Samson; until she dealt devastating blow on him. The struggle of every Delilah around you will fail no matter how skillful and well thought out. You will not fall or fail. You won't be a victim or a negative example in destiny.
As believers, we too must be good disciples of our Father, God in planning and following His plans. Our text today shows God's master plan and execution of the creation work, particularly the act of being able to put first things first. He did not create light as the last thing, else the whole of creation would have been in darkness. Also He didn't create the land animals before the creation of vegetation on which they will feed.
You can make your desires happen by doing the following: pray, present your desires to God, then put them in black and white. Next, work out the details on time, implement strategies and resources ,and take the package back to God in prayer for the confirmation of His will, His blessing and power to perform. Begin implementation and don't be too rigid about anything; rather keep reviewing everything as you go on. Be ready for any necessary change and keep in touch with God and any one who could be of help. Just as God finished the creation of the earth in six days, you too will finish all your plans well. None will fail.
Don't give up on any plan, no matter how tough. Just keep at it, until you get to not just the 6th day but the 7th day of rest.
* Thank God for His good thoughts and plans for you, in Jesus’ name.
* Satan will not hijack the good plans for my life, in the name of Jesus.
* I receive wisdom for good planning, in Jesus’ name.
I command every invisible arrow of limitation and reduction to backfire, in the name of Jesus.