Monday 22 May
READ: Gen 1: 5
MORE LESSON: Gen 2: 19
One of the greatest privileges that God has given man is the authority to give names. We name our children, pets and even possessions. However, we must be conscious that the power to give name is not merely the power of nomenclature; it is the power of death and life. When you give a name to something, you give it a nature and identity. Gen 2:19-20 says, ...out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. So Adam gave names to all cattle, the birds of the air, and every beast of the field. Whatever you call, it will become.
There was a boy that was born with a hole in his heart. The doctor had said he would die in a few days and so all family and friends were weeping and speaking in tongues. They sent for me to come pray and so I went there. When I wanted to start praying, I asked for the child's name and the parents said that they had not named the child. They probably thought what would be the use of naming a child when he would die anyway. The Lord told me not to bother myself praying but merely to name the child. So I asked for the name they would like the child to bear. They told me the name and I pronounced the name three times as a witness to Heaven and earth. I knew that the child must be alive to answer that name which has been given to him. The child is still alive till tomorrow.
It is time for you to engage this power of naming to change your life and destiny. You have been praying for a child, give that child a name and begin to call him/her forth by name. You have to stop crying that you are not married, give your wedding date a name and begin to call it forth. For everything that God created, He called them by name even when they didn't yet exist. He already had a name for each one and called them by name. Call what you want by name and bring it into being. Do a naming ceremony for your heart desire before it manifests.
Similarly, if there is something you do not want in your life, give it a name of expiration. Are you trusting God for a better job, then this job becomes your 'former job' – that is its name. The job you are expecting is now your 'new job'. Do this in the presence of Him whom you believe — God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Rom 4:17).
* I renounce every name that God has not approved for my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Call forth your desires by name and receive them, in Jesus’ name.
I command the potency of negative words and prophecies spoken to my life to die, in the name of Jesus.