Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fighting the Wrong Battle

Wednesday 14 June
READ: Eph. 6: 12 – 13
MORE LESSON: Prov. 20: 18

There was a lady who was a very committed worker in a company. She always received compliments from her boss who testified that she was a hardworking staff. However, she noticed that each time there was promotion exercise, her name was always missing. So she decided to confront her boss over the problem no matter what the consequence would be. She went to the office and told her boss, “ I have done everything right and you refused to promote me. You are a very wicked woman. You even said I am the best worker and you still refused to recommend me for promotion. What did I do wrong? My God will punish you”. After her outburst, she lost her job and then started a three day marathon fasting.
Each time she prayed that her enemy should fall down and die, she had the boss in mind. Unfortunately for her the boss didn't die but seemed to even prosper more. The boss bought new cars and lived well. Luckily, the lady got a new job. The trend started again as her name was being omitted during promotions despite her diligence. It was only then that she realised that it was not about the boss but there was an unseen force that made her to be forgotten each time people were to be promoted.
She began to confront every spirit that vowed to keep her at the same spot. She only got delivered when she had an accurate understanding of the battle and channelled her prayers in the right direction.
Many times people fight physical battles when the battle is to be fought in the spiritual. When the source of a problem is in the spiritual and a man is beating the air in the physical, there will be no headway. There are forces of darkness that influence people and make things go wrong. This is why it is important to obtain guidance from the Holy Spirit and from the Word of God before you engage in prayers of warfare. Matt 10:36 says that a man's foes are they of his own household. Many times the enemy is someone within the house and you are busy fighting the wrong person outside. In fact, the problem is many times right inside the person who is busy fighting people outside. Many times, it is the ideology, belief-system and attitude of a person that are responsible for his problems while he is busy fighting every other person outside as the cause of his problems.
It is important to pray for guidance and instructions in engaging in spiritual warfare. In the name of Jesus, every enemy, both within and without you, that has camouflaged to afflict you will be exposed. The Lord will give you victory over every battle of life, in Jesus. name.

* Father reveal Your will and purpose for my life so that I will not do another man's work, in the name of Jesus.
* Every distracting force of darkness intending to make me lose focus, I come against you, in Jesus’ name.

Any altar or covenant set up to quench my light, celestial or terrestrial, right now catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Play your Part

Tuesday 13 June
READ: Isa. 1: 19 -20
MORE LESSON: Mal. 3:10-11

The Bible is filled with the promises of God for every area of the believer's life. There are promises for divine health, prosperity, wealth, longevity, fruitfulness etc. Whatever it is that you need, be rest assured that it has already been provided by God even before you knew to ask for them. However, it is important in receiving the promises of God to know that there is always a part for you to play. The reason God's promises elude many is that they seem to think that the promises are automatic; so they do not seek to know the part they are to play in activating the promises for their life.
Deut 8:18 says, But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. This means that God has promised to give you the power to get wealth as long as you are committed to remembering Him with the wealth. You have a part to play in getting the power to make wealth. Your own part is to use your resources for God and His Kingdom.
The promises of God always leave you with a part to play. Exo. 15:26 says, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. Divine health has been promised by God but your own part must be played. Your part is to obey every of God's commands in His Word. Disobeying God's command is sin; so your part in walking in divine health is to stay out of sin. Sin always opens the door for sickness. Obedience to God's Word qualifies you to obtain the promise of divine health.
Mal 3:10-11 says, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. If you want to live in financial open heaven where no devourer will be allowed to touch your resources; your part is to pay your tithes.
Receive the grace to play your part in obtaining the promises of God. God is forever faithful to His promises, we too must be willing and obedient to Him so that His promises to us may run to fulfilment.

* Today I receive grace to obey every of God's instructions as a patient obeys doctor’s prescriptions, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace to do my part of the covenant to receive my part of the covenant blessing, in Jesus’ name.

Henceforth I reject any negative and pessimistic attitude and I proclaim nothing shall be impossible for me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Commanded Blessing

Sunday 11 June
READ: Psa. 133: 1 - 3
MORE LESSON: Jam. 3: 16

It is good that brethren live in one accord; doing things together and working together in the house of the Lord. David in the book of Psalms talks about the oil that flows from the head of Aaron, to his beard and then to the hem of his skirt. It is in the place of unity that the blessing of God on one person flows to everyone. David calls it the place of the commanded blessing.
In the place of unity, we forget our differences and focus on who God is and what He has done for us. We should unite and serve God with all our energy, knowing that God's work is to be done by all coming together. Individuality, age and ethnicity should be put aside; one thing that matters is to come together and serve the Lord with gladness. It is in such atmosphere of unity of purpose and service that God commands His blessing on everyone.
Psalm 133:3 says, As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. There is life forever more in the place of unity. Therefore, unity is the biblical key to longevity. Long life is not purchased by drugs, the place of unity is a place of long life. This applies to an organisation, nation, church or family. When there is no unity, everything soon crumbles and gets destroyed. God has commanded His blessing on the place of unity and one of such blessings is life forever more. A practical example of how unity leads to long life and dissention leads to 'short life' is seen in the polygamous home.
The polygamous home is not a place of long life; they fight, frustrate and kill one another. There is no unity in a polygamous home; no matter the façade and pretence that is presented outside; acrimony, fighting and death is what is found in the polygamous home. This is why God's prescription for marriage is one man one wife. Let your family be a place of unity so that the blessing of God can be upon it. Any family where the husband or wife has an extra marital affair is a place of struggles and curses even if they hide it so well that the partner doesn't know. It is not foremost about the spouse knowing; it is about the breach of defence that qualifies that home to be under a curse. The blessing of God is on the oneness. Make your home a place where everyone is united, serving the Lord.

* Lord bind us together and let us be one in unity as a (mention) church, family etc, in the name of Jesus.
* I curse every spirit of disunity in my life, home and church, in Jesus’ name.

I am a planting of the Lord, I carry the fire of God on my life, no demon from the pit ofhell can overshadow me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Mystery of Spiritual Cover

Saturday 10 June
READ: 1 Sam 19: 18 - 24
MORE LESSON: Gen 49: 22 - 26

Samuel was the prophet that God set as the last judge over Israel. He was the one that ordained Saul as king and was the spiritual father over Saul till he rebelled against him. The Lord sent Samuel to ordain David and declare him as king. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David after he was anointed by Samuel and he started doing exploits.
It was after Saul rebelled against God and the prophetic cover set over him removed that an evil spirit started tormenting him (1 Sam. 16: 14). The spirit of murder came upon him and he began to hunt David all over the country to kill him. In one of such murder attempts by Saul, David was only saved because he ran under the cover of his spiritual father - Samuel. There are some life battles that are beyond you no matter how strong you are, you need the cover of your spiritual father. David was not a weak man; he was an anointed mighty warrior who slew giants but when the strong enemy came to terminate his life, it was only the prophetic cover of Samuel that was his refuge.
Having no spiritual cover over your life exposes you to the onslaught of the enemy; it leaves you at the mercy of your enemies. No matter how strong you have become, please do not pull yourself from under the cover of the father that the Lord has placed over you. When so advised, some people feel that this statement is a gimmick to keep them under control but as a matter of life and death, the repercussions of exposing your life by rebelling against spiritual cover is too dire to be dared. The danger of being without a fatherly cover is grave; make sure you submit to spiritual cover for your life.
When trouble came, David knew where to go. He went to Samuel in Ramah and the enemy pursued him there. The assassins came and without anyone touching them, they were mesmerised by the anointing of God upon the life of Samuel. When Saul saw that his army could not destroy David, he went by himself and under the atmosphere of Samuel's prophetic grace, he stripped his clothes off by himself and began prophesying naked. He was slain under the power of the Holy Ghost and David became an onlooker as his enemy rolled on the floor before him in shame.
Eventually Saul died a painful death while David went on to fulfilment and died in a good old age and his dynasty was established forever in Israel. The cover and blessing of your spiritual father defends you and lifts you in life, irrespective of the onslaught of enemies (Gen. 49: 22 -26).

* I rebuke the spirit of rebellion that can take me out of my spiritual cover, in Jesus’ name.
* The spiritual cover over me and my family shall not be lifted, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I activate all the Abrahamic genes of dominion in me to manifest, in the name of Jesus.