Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Mystery of Spiritual Cover

Saturday 10 June
READ: 1 Sam 19: 18 - 24
MORE LESSON: Gen 49: 22 - 26

Samuel was the prophet that God set as the last judge over Israel. He was the one that ordained Saul as king and was the spiritual father over Saul till he rebelled against him. The Lord sent Samuel to ordain David and declare him as king. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David after he was anointed by Samuel and he started doing exploits.
It was after Saul rebelled against God and the prophetic cover set over him removed that an evil spirit started tormenting him (1 Sam. 16: 14). The spirit of murder came upon him and he began to hunt David all over the country to kill him. In one of such murder attempts by Saul, David was only saved because he ran under the cover of his spiritual father - Samuel. There are some life battles that are beyond you no matter how strong you are, you need the cover of your spiritual father. David was not a weak man; he was an anointed mighty warrior who slew giants but when the strong enemy came to terminate his life, it was only the prophetic cover of Samuel that was his refuge.
Having no spiritual cover over your life exposes you to the onslaught of the enemy; it leaves you at the mercy of your enemies. No matter how strong you have become, please do not pull yourself from under the cover of the father that the Lord has placed over you. When so advised, some people feel that this statement is a gimmick to keep them under control but as a matter of life and death, the repercussions of exposing your life by rebelling against spiritual cover is too dire to be dared. The danger of being without a fatherly cover is grave; make sure you submit to spiritual cover for your life.
When trouble came, David knew where to go. He went to Samuel in Ramah and the enemy pursued him there. The assassins came and without anyone touching them, they were mesmerised by the anointing of God upon the life of Samuel. When Saul saw that his army could not destroy David, he went by himself and under the atmosphere of Samuel's prophetic grace, he stripped his clothes off by himself and began prophesying naked. He was slain under the power of the Holy Ghost and David became an onlooker as his enemy rolled on the floor before him in shame.
Eventually Saul died a painful death while David went on to fulfilment and died in a good old age and his dynasty was established forever in Israel. The cover and blessing of your spiritual father defends you and lifts you in life, irrespective of the onslaught of enemies (Gen. 49: 22 -26).

* I rebuke the spirit of rebellion that can take me out of my spiritual cover, in Jesus’ name.
* The spiritual cover over me and my family shall not be lifted, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I activate all the Abrahamic genes of dominion in me to manifest, in the name of Jesus.


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