Thursday 8 June
READ: Luke 24:30-31
MORE LESSON: Mk. 10:46-52
The text says when Jesus broke the bread and gave to the disciples to eat, their eyes opened. A force higher than them blindfolded them but another greater force opened their understanding. As soon as their eyes were open they said, “We actually have been walking with our Master and we did not know''. They were walking with the Lord that they were talking about and they did not know because their eyes were closed.
There is a limit to what men see because a lot of things are hidden from the physical eyes. The truth is that a man cannot possess what he cannot see even if it is within his reach. For example, it is impossible for a man to spend the money he doesn't know he has. One of the major problems with God's children is the problem of not seeing. The Bible says, ...we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses...: Heb 12: 1. This implies that life is like a football match; we are the players on the pitch and there are supporters on the gallery watching the match. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, Paul, the apostles, the angels and a host of other saints in the gallery of Heaven are cheering us on to victory. Each time we score a goal on earth, they rejoice in Heaven. Why then do believers get downcast? It is because they cannot see. A man gives up because he can't see the heavenly provision available for his success and cannot see that he is close to his breakthrough.
One of the forces that blindfolds men from seeing what God has prepared for them is carnality. Carnality, in this context, is walking by sight rather than by faith. In the text, Jesus broke bread and gave the men. The bread represents the Word of God, which is Spirit and life. It is only the revelation of God's Word that can remove the blindfold of carnality. A man can read the Scripture with closed spiritual eyes and walk in darkness because his understanding is limited to the letter, missing out on the Spirit. We must desire to see the Word with open eyes so that we can see beyond the letter into the Spirit because the letter kills but the Spirit gives life, light and understanding (2 Cor 3 : 6).
It is time to cry out to the Lord like blind Bartimaeus and say, “Lord that I may see”. Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church (Eph. 1:17-18), that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened. David prayed in Psa. 119:18 that the Lord would open his eyes that he might behold wondrous things out of His law. As you study the Scripture, pray that you will read with open eyes and capture the spirit and the life therein.
* Lord, enlighten the eyes of my understanding to see Your provision for me, in Jesus’ name.
* I come against every veil and darkness covering my spiritual life, in Jesus’ name.
I am God's battle axe, I shall be renewed for greater works, in the name of Jesus.
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