Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Weapon of Praise and Worship

Wednesday 7 June
READ: Psa. 22: 3
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 23-40

But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel: Psa. 22:3. Singing praises is a very powerful weapon for a believer. If you want to have a successful life, learn the power of praise and worship. When Paul and Silas were locked up in prison, prayer and praises brought the presence of God that broke their chains and threw open the prison doors. You can never overestimate the power of praise and worship. People say, 'When everything else fails, try praise'. Well, you'd better use praise first. Praise is not a trial and error thing; go for praises and your situations will surely turn around. Prayer rises to meet God but praises bring God out of His seat into your situation; and when God arrives, Power has arrived.
Praising God is a great weapon that can devastate the kingdom of darkness. Job complained that in all his crises no one said to him, Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night: Job 35:10 (NKJV). That was because he later discovered that when you pass through a midnight situation in life, singing praises brings you out of the impossibilities and destroys what the devil is doing in your life. If all the time Job spent seeking out what sin he had committed and listening to different opinions, had been spent in praise and worship, I guess his crises would have been over much earlier.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Prophetic worship is about giving God His worth in a prophetic way even when the situation doesn't look good. You take your eyes from the situation and fix your gaze on the Almighty God, and begin to ascribe His worth and attribute His works to Him. You take a good look in your spirit at the Almighty God and begin to call Him by His names and His works. You may or may not be singing, dancing or clapping but you give God His due; that is prophetic worship.
Nothing brings a man into the presence of the Lord faster than giving God prophetic worship. This is what Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel did and won the battle without fighting (II Chro. 20: 14-30). When you enter into prophetic worship, in the heart of the strangest situation of life, you become a spectator in your battle. God Himself comes down and takes over your affairs.

* Receive a heart of gratitude and praise today, in Jesus’ name.
* Give God thanks for all He has and has not done.
* Praise God for your expectations in life.

This sixth month, my light shall burn brighter and brighter and I shall wax greater and greater unto the perfect day, in the name of Jesus.


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