Friday, September 8, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner III

Friday 8 September
READ: Psa. 126:5-6  
MORE LESSON:  Matt.28:18-20

Soul winning is an art, which is perfected by regular practice, following a method adjudged most effective. If you do not know the method, you will struggle to get good results. The Scripture reading today outlines basic methods for effective soul winning, and you must courageously master them.

1. He who continually goes forth...: Soul winning requires going out to meet sinners. There are two types of outing: formal and informal. In formal outing, you go out purposefully to meet sinners and preach the gospel to them. In informal outing, you take advantage of a discussion, occasion or event, a problem or a need in the life of a sinner to talk to him about Jesus.

2. ...goes forth weeping...: This speaks about compassion. Your mission is that of rescuing the sinner from fire (Jude 1:23). You must be purposeful in your discussion, serious in business, compassionate and appealing.

3. ...Bearing seed for sowing...: This has to do with preaching the Word  of God. Souls are never won by rhetoric, logic or argument. 1Pet.1:23 says men are born again by the Word of God. Don't go into politics, economics, or world events. If you must, only cite them to buttress what the Bible says.

4. ...Shall doubtless come again...: Be rest assured that if you go out for soul winning, you will not be consumed in the exercise; you shall doubtless return, testifying like the disciples did, And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.  And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Lk.10:17-19.

5. ...with rejoicing...: Be full of excitement before and after every outing whether a soul is won on that day or not (Lk.10:17). If a soul is not won, you have sown a seed. Someday, you will see the travail of your soul and you shall be satisfied (Isa.53:11).

6. ...Bringing his sheaves...: Expect results when you go out. You may not win everyone you speak to each time you go out, but you will win some. So expect positive response and round off your conversation by inviting the sinner to Christ.

Go into the assignment of soul winning with this understanding, and your harvest will be plenteous.

* Lord Jesus, help me to win souls for the Kingdom with ease and joy, in Jesus’ name.
* Make up your mind on who to preach to today (in your office/business place etc) and pray for that person by name that the Word will make impact in his life, in Jesus’ name.

As the king could not sleep in the days of Mordecai until he released Mordecai, so shall the helper of my destiny be restless today until he blesses me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner II

Thursday 7 September
READ: John 4:31-38  
MORE LESSON:  Ezek.18:20-22

Jesus asked His disciples to look around and see that souls are ripe for harvest (John 4:35). What Jesus referred to as the white field ready for harvest was the souls of men. Jesus knew He was going to defeat Satan on the cross, break the devil’s yoke and destroy every work of slavery over men. He knew he was going to flung open the gates of hell and the power of sin over men would be broken forever, so that it would become easier for men to be saved and serve the Lord God. As for the kingdom of God, the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus were going to usher in the seemingly unending season of harvest of souls of men. Harvest time, though a period of rejoicing for farmers, is actually one of their busiest times. It is a time of serious labour because it takes much labour to bring in a great harvest.

A great harvest requires a farmer’s careful planning, skilled labour, dedication, and courage. A farmer can be intimidated and frustrated in the midst of a great harvest, especially if he lacks the hands, tools, skill and wisdom that are necessary to do the work. There are also enemies of the harvest who, out of envy, are determined to corrupt the field. Therefore, everyone who is blessed with a great white field must do everything possible within the season to bring in the harvest from the field. The first step towards overcoming the intimidation and hindrances to soul winning is a realisation of the worth of a soul; and the risk of dying without Jesus.

The Scripture says, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt.16:26. The implication of this scripture is that the wealth of the entire universe put together is not worth the value of a soul. Sinners are offenders and are in danger of being cast into hell fire. Jesus said, at the fullness of time, The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth: Matt.13:41-42. Furthermore, God said the soul that commits sin shall die unless he turns from his wicked ways (Ezek.18: 20-22). 

You have a responsibility to warn and rescue sinners from dying and going to hell. According to the Scripture, when you fail to warn a sinner and he dies in his sin, you will be liable to judgement too, When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul: Ezek.3:18-19. Be courageous to save your soul and the souls of sinners.

* Lord forgive my failure to preach the gospel and the blood guilt of those who slipped through my hands to hell, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive courage to preach the gospel of salvation to all men, in Jesus’ name.

Today will be for honour, fulfilment and all-round joy for me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner I

Wednesday 6 September
READ: Acts 1:5-8 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 126:5-6

One of the principal assignments that Jesus gave His disciples (and the Church) when He was going to Heaven was for them to be His witnesses (to testify of Him) to all people throughout the world. Those who believe in Jesus are to preach the gospel of the saving power of His name to all people and teach them to believe and call upon the name of Jesus. The preaching of the gospel is to create room for men, who are cut off from the life of God because of sin, to turn back to God; it is to win lost souls. The assignment is to rescue men who are under the bondage of Satan. Any rescue assignment requires courage in the face of opposition, intimidation, frustration and contradiction.

There are obvious reasons why courage is required. 1) All men who are not saved are under the influence of the power of Satan (Eph.2:2-4; Col. 1:13; 2 Cor.4:3-4). There is a force beyond the physical that holds sinners down in sin, and covers their eyes of understanding. They are dead in sin and trespasses, and to resuscitate a dead man under the watch of the captors is a daunting task.
2) The devil who enslaves sinners is a strongman carrying arms, watching over his slaves. The Scripture rightly acknowledges that you cannot enter into the strongman's house and plunder his goods without first fighting and defeating the man (Mark 3:27).

3) Man has both spiritual and natural fundamental right of choice. He has the right to freely choose who he will serve (Josh.24:15) and face the consequences of his choice. No man is permitted to impose his will on another, thus you can only attempt to persuade one another. To do this, courage is required.
4) The social, economic, political and spiritual status of some men can be intimidating, and it prevents them from being easily reached with the gospel of salvation. In some places there are institutionalised barriers in form of laws that hinder the preaching of the gospel. You will have to break through their walls and barriers to reach them, which needs courage.

In order for the job of soul winning to be done in the face of opposition and to be effective in the assignment, God poured out the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. It is therefore true to say that one of the primary purposes the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit is to preach the gospel with all power and effect. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongue, you are already equipped to stand for the gospel. You must now arise and courageously take up the assignment bringing in the sheaves and you will enjoy the benefits (Psa. 126:5-6). You will not be consumed in the assignment. You shall doubtless return with results as the early disciples did in their days.

* Lord, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. I will arise and take up the assignment for which you gave me the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive courage to win souls for the kingdom of God, in Jesus’ name.

This month, no second is allowed for any evil memorial, I send all the enemies packing, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Glorious Light

Tuesday 5 September
READ: Matt. 5:14-16  
MORE LESSON:  Mal.3:1-4

The Bible says that you are the light of this world. Light has glory that radiates and fills everywhere with illumination and beauty. When light comes, darkness disappears; that is the glory of light. However, there is something you need to know about light. When you look at light from the sun, it appears white in colour but in reality a white ray of light actually has seven colours.  A white ray of light consists of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colours. Nevertheless, you can't see those colourful expressions until you pass the white light through certain media like lens, water or glass. In other words, until you pass a ray of light through certain media, you cannot see how really glorious it is. When you pass it through these media then the beauty, glory and colour of the light comes out.

Jesus understood all these when He said that you are the light of the world. Some believers look at their lives and say, 'I am not glorious. There is nothing glorious about me.' But today, I want to let you know that you are highly glorious, you only need to be passed through certain media for the glory to express itself.

One prayer that you should begin to pray until you see the full manifestation of glory in your life is, 'Father, whatever You need to do to me so that Your glory will be fully seen in my life, please do it.' However, as you pray this prayer, you need to be pre-informed that some of those things that need to be done to you will be painful while others will be pleasurable, some will be things you love while others might be things you do not like.

But I believe that if you want to see your glory come forth, you wouldn't mind allowing God to do all that it takes to bring out the inherent glory from inside you. I pray that whatever God needs to do to you for His glory to manifest in your life, He will not spare you, in Jesus’ name. It is not everybody that will like that prayer, as some may think it is a curse but in actual sense, it is a blessing. You should learn how to pray that God should do to you everything it takes to bring out your glory. When you sincerely pray, God will orchestrate situations to bring out glory from your life.

However, apart from the things God needs to do, there are things you also have to do for your glory to come out. You need also to pray for God to open your eyes to the responsibilities that you need to assume for your glory to manifest and also ask Him for grace to perform those responsibilities. You are a light in your generation and your glory will come out by all means, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that from today the glory and beauty in you will begin to manifest, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to make the glory of His light to be seen in you always, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to know and fulfil the demands of shining gloriously

I redeem my month from every evil, I shall be a victor, not a victim, the blood of Jesus guarantees this, in the name of Jesus.