Friday, September 8, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner III

Friday 8 September
READ: Psa. 126:5-6  
MORE LESSON:  Matt.28:18-20

Soul winning is an art, which is perfected by regular practice, following a method adjudged most effective. If you do not know the method, you will struggle to get good results. The Scripture reading today outlines basic methods for effective soul winning, and you must courageously master them.

1. He who continually goes forth...: Soul winning requires going out to meet sinners. There are two types of outing: formal and informal. In formal outing, you go out purposefully to meet sinners and preach the gospel to them. In informal outing, you take advantage of a discussion, occasion or event, a problem or a need in the life of a sinner to talk to him about Jesus.

2. ...goes forth weeping...: This speaks about compassion. Your mission is that of rescuing the sinner from fire (Jude 1:23). You must be purposeful in your discussion, serious in business, compassionate and appealing.

3. ...Bearing seed for sowing...: This has to do with preaching the Word  of God. Souls are never won by rhetoric, logic or argument. 1Pet.1:23 says men are born again by the Word of God. Don't go into politics, economics, or world events. If you must, only cite them to buttress what the Bible says.

4. ...Shall doubtless come again...: Be rest assured that if you go out for soul winning, you will not be consumed in the exercise; you shall doubtless return, testifying like the disciples did, And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.  And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Lk.10:17-19.

5. ...with rejoicing...: Be full of excitement before and after every outing whether a soul is won on that day or not (Lk.10:17). If a soul is not won, you have sown a seed. Someday, you will see the travail of your soul and you shall be satisfied (Isa.53:11).

6. ...Bringing his sheaves...: Expect results when you go out. You may not win everyone you speak to each time you go out, but you will win some. So expect positive response and round off your conversation by inviting the sinner to Christ.

Go into the assignment of soul winning with this understanding, and your harvest will be plenteous.

* Lord Jesus, help me to win souls for the Kingdom with ease and joy, in Jesus’ name.
* Make up your mind on who to preach to today (in your office/business place etc) and pray for that person by name that the Word will make impact in his life, in Jesus’ name.

As the king could not sleep in the days of Mordecai until he released Mordecai, so shall the helper of my destiny be restless today until he blesses me, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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