Friday, September 1, 2017

Time Indicators

Friday 1 September
READ: Matt. 24:1-7      
MORE LESSON:  Matt. 24: 8 – 14

These are the end-times and the Lord will come any moment from now. Jesus gave several indicators to show that the end of this age is here. In the Matt 24 account, the first indicator given by the Lord is that no stone of the Temple would be left on top of one another. When He gave that prophecy, it was the Temple built by Herod for the Jews that was standing. That Temple was destroyed long ago in 70 AD in fulfilment of that prophecy.

In Matt. 24: 6 (NKJV), He said, And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars.... The reality of this prophecy is undeniable in our world today. From Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, South Sudan, to Central African Republic, we can't but see that what Jesus predicted is here with us. Many of the terrorist activities we see are wars in religious disguise, but Jesus, who prophesied these, also told us, ...See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass...: vs 6. Do not run helter-skelter or be troubled even in the face of wars and rumours of wars for all these things must come to pass. They will not touch you but pass you by. There may be no peace in the earth but there will be peace in your heart and life.

He then said that nation shall rise against nation. He added that there shall be famine, pestilence, and earthquake in diverse places. All these are happening in the world today. The pestilence predicted by Jesus are flying around in several forms; Ebola being a recent confirmation of this prophecy. How can these things be happening and anybody will claim that he doesn't know that the end-times are right here? It is amazing that all these are happening as prophesied and many people are still not taking commitment to things of God seriously. How could you see all these happenings and yet to go to church becomes so difficult for you? there is definitely something wrong. The cares of life have taken over people; more cars, better job, better livelihood are the things they run after. As important as these things are, you cannot afford to place priority on them. Jesus said, ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you: Matt. 6: 33.

The point is all these happenings around us are indicators of the times that we are in- the last days. Those who would not give attention to this alert are in danger of being victims of the negative end time prophecy. Wake up friend the end is drawing near and laxity must be sacrificed on the altar of alertness and consecration unto God.

* Pray that you will not be ignorant of the signs of this age, in Jesus’ name
* Pray that you will not be overtaken by the end time events, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will be kingdom minded, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Hallelujah! It's the ninth month; it speaks of grace and glory, no good thing will be missing in it, in the name of Jesus.


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