Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pray without Ceasing

Saturday 16 September
READ: Lk. 21:32-38  
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12:12; Acts 6:4

In today's Scripture reading Jesus did not call us only to pray, but to pray without ceasing. This may not mean to sit or kneel in a place of praying all day, but to develop an attitude of prayer as a normal way of life. Prayer should become like the air we breathe; when we stop praying we die, spiritually. Note that the attitude of prayer is also learnt like all other attitudes. No man was born a prayer warrior, but is made through rugged determination, regular and uninterrupted communion with God. We cultivate the act with passion until prayer becomes an attitude.

We can pray anywhere and at anytime, lifting our hearts in silent petition even while at work. We can pray in the Holy Ghost quietly and we must also create a specific time of prayer in definite places. To pray without ceasing is to pray when we feel like and when we don't feel like praying, until we begin to feel like praying when we are not praying. It is, ...continuing instant in prayer: Rom. 12:12. It is not considering anything too small or too difficult to pray about.

Ceaseless prayer is about being in tune with Heaven so much so that Heaven
can reach us without any difficulty anytime, anywhere. It is about living on earth but your heart is permanently in Heaven. Ceaseless prayer will make Heaven sit in your heart and your heart sit in Heaven. It is a lifestyle every believer must strive to attain because it is the desire of God for all His children.

Jesus did not only pray, He was constantly in prayer Himself. He prayed before, during and after meetings. He prayed day and night. He prayed in joy and pain. At Gethsemane, in great sorrow, He prayed. At Lazarus tomb, He prayed even on the cross He prayed and even interceded for men. He prayed so much that His

disciples came to ask Him to teach them to pray:
And it came to pass, that, as he was  praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John  also taught his disciples: Lk. 11:1.
If being God He prayed and prayed ceaselessly, we too must not do less than pray and pray ceaselessly.

*  Ask God to ignite your heart with the fire of prayer until your life becomes a prayer sanctuary.
*  Pray that you will not faint in the place of prayer.
* Lord God, help me to attain a life style of prayer, in Jesus’ name.

I decree the snare is broken, the chain is off, and it's a new day of escape and joy for my soul, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!


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