Saturday, September 9, 2017


Saturday 9 September
READ: 1 Sam.17:34-37 
MORE LESSON:  John 10:17-18

The Cambridge Advanced Dictionary defines commitment as being “willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise”. It also says “commitment is about firm decision to do something”. Commitment is the willingness and readiness to give all that it takes (time, talent, energy, etc) to accomplish a task. True commitment requires all of you and all that you have. There is therefore no half allegiance or divided loyalty. Where such is found, there is no true commitment.

True commitment does not anticipate a physical reward. Rather, it takes a conscious decision to be committed and stay committed in the absence of incentives, appreciation and remuneration. True and total commitment is like putting a 'yoke' on yourself with respect to a responsibility. Men who have committed their body to Jesus, for example, seemingly put a yoke on themselves that Christ shall be magnified in their body, in life and in death (Phil.1:20). When a prophecy came to a notable prophet, Agabus, about the impending troubles awaiting Apostle Paul if he dared go to Jerusalem, the people began to cry and persuade Paul to put off his ministerial assignment to Jerusalem, Then Paul answered: What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus: Acts 21:13.

There is a call to commitment today in the body of Christ. The call is for all, irrespective of age and sex (Isa.55:1-4, 6; Matt. 11:29-30; Deut.10:12). God particularly placed a demand on young people because they possess peculiar qualities that make commitment easy.  Young people have capacity for vision, passion/zeal, strength, devotion, opportunity, and fidelity. Where are the young men and women who will take the bull by the horn and be the Phinehas (Num.5:6-13), Joshua (Exo. 24:13), David (1Sam.17:26) and Mary (Lk.1:27-29) of this generation?

People who take up the yoke of commitment will wear the robe of honour and glory. Their names are always registered in the hall of fame. Even if they are crushed by the weight of commitment, they are never forgotten, as they remain examples for many generations. More importantly, they are given a glad welcome into their eternal home above with a promise, ...Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord: Matt. 25:21. Dare to obey the call to commitment today and you will doubtless enter into honour and glory.

* Lord, pour fresh grace upon me today for righteous living, in Jesus’ name.
* I pledge my allegiance to You, to serve you with all my strength and with all that I have. So help me God, in Jesus’ name.

Today is 9-9-2017, my blessing shall be double, I shall live and operate on repeated blessings all through the year, in the name of Jesus.


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