Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pray without Ceasing

Saturday 16 September
READ: Lk. 21:32-38  
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12:12; Acts 6:4

In today's Scripture reading Jesus did not call us only to pray, but to pray without ceasing. This may not mean to sit or kneel in a place of praying all day, but to develop an attitude of prayer as a normal way of life. Prayer should become like the air we breathe; when we stop praying we die, spiritually. Note that the attitude of prayer is also learnt like all other attitudes. No man was born a prayer warrior, but is made through rugged determination, regular and uninterrupted communion with God. We cultivate the act with passion until prayer becomes an attitude.

We can pray anywhere and at anytime, lifting our hearts in silent petition even while at work. We can pray in the Holy Ghost quietly and we must also create a specific time of prayer in definite places. To pray without ceasing is to pray when we feel like and when we don't feel like praying, until we begin to feel like praying when we are not praying. It is, ...continuing instant in prayer: Rom. 12:12. It is not considering anything too small or too difficult to pray about.

Ceaseless prayer is about being in tune with Heaven so much so that Heaven
can reach us without any difficulty anytime, anywhere. It is about living on earth but your heart is permanently in Heaven. Ceaseless prayer will make Heaven sit in your heart and your heart sit in Heaven. It is a lifestyle every believer must strive to attain because it is the desire of God for all His children.

Jesus did not only pray, He was constantly in prayer Himself. He prayed before, during and after meetings. He prayed day and night. He prayed in joy and pain. At Gethsemane, in great sorrow, He prayed. At Lazarus tomb, He prayed even on the cross He prayed and even interceded for men. He prayed so much that His

disciples came to ask Him to teach them to pray:
And it came to pass, that, as he was  praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John  also taught his disciples: Lk. 11:1.
If being God He prayed and prayed ceaselessly, we too must not do less than pray and pray ceaselessly.

*  Ask God to ignite your heart with the fire of prayer until your life becomes a prayer sanctuary.
*  Pray that you will not faint in the place of prayer.
* Lord God, help me to attain a life style of prayer, in Jesus’ name.

I decree the snare is broken, the chain is off, and it's a new day of escape and joy for my soul, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Access to the Throne of God

Friday 15 September
READ: Psa. 23:1-6      
MORE LESSON:  John 14:19-21

Prayer is talking with God. If a man must not pray in vain, the first thing is to secure access to the throne where the God who answers prayer sits. Jesus' first lesson on prayer is instructive, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name...:  Lk. 11:2. The key to gaining access to the Father is relationship. Without this key factor one is locked out of God's presence and help, regardless of what a person does, including giving money, property, time and labour for God. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God...: Jn. 1:12.

The strongest relationship is that of redemption, and this is why the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. Many people reject Jesus as the Son of God but cry to Him as a  prophet. While others wallow in sin, they recite all the psalms in prayer; this is an exercise in futility. Even Jesus had access to God first as a Son. No man will enjoy prayer without this personal relationship of redemption. But if you acknowledge your sins, repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you will have access to God and answers to prayer.

When prayer comes out of a relationship between the Father and His son, it is obviously different from any other type of request. At that point it's the Father's responsibility to provide and the right of the son to receive provision. When requests are made on such a platform, failure is limited and the possibilities are unlimited. Start a relationship with Jesus today by inviting Him into your life as the Lord and Saviour and see the door open to your requests.

The sheep in our reading today enjoys all the following benefits just because he has a relationship with the shepherd.
1. Never wants; v1
2. Green pastures and still waters; v2
3. Restoration and divine guidance; v3
4.Divine presence and safety; v4
5. A prepared table and an overflowing cup regardless of enemy activities; v5
6. A permanent assured goodness, mercy and more.

All these happen because of the relationship!
When you choose to be a sheep in Jesus' sheepfold, all of these and more in eternity await you. However, to be or not to be a sheep is a personal choice.

* Receive grace for access to God's throne always, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to grant you grace to have a consistent relationship with Him.
* Pray that you will find favour with God and men.

Every negative turn must turn again this month; they must turn positive, glorious and become a miracle and a celebration, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ignition Point

Thursday 14 September
READ: James 3: 2-13 
MORE LESSON:  I Pet. 3:10

Not all parts of the body have the command of life or death, the tongue has that power to kill or make alive (Prov. 18:21). The tongue is a powerful ignition point for life or for death. Many people suffer self- inflicted problems because of wrong use of the tongue. Several examples are in the Bible of how some individuals used their tongues and the consequences. Noah's son, Ham, saw the father's nakedness and made noise about it, inflicting a curse on him and his generations (Gen 9:20-27).

Miriam the sister of Moses did not control her tongue and ended up with leprosy. God does not want us to use our tongue to kill with the inbuilt power in it but rather to give life. Since the tongue has power and the Word of God has power, using the tongue to speak God's Word will release double life. Putting the Gospel on the tongue releases life to all that come in contact with such tongue. Conversely, Christians who are close-mouthed will never gain, rather they will lose. A refusal to proclaim the truth of the Gospel and God's Word produces death all around instead of life. Therefore begin to engage your tongue correctly henceforth.

Look at that contrary situation and turn it around by speaking God's truth to it. Speak God's Word about the economy and you will have abundance in the midst of recession. Speak what God is doing or what He will do. Walk by insight of God's Word not by sight to ignite the provisions of God in your life. Be careful with people who speak negative about everything and everyone because they will bring death around you instead of life. When you proclaim God's Word you build your power level and become acclaimed on the earth. The disciples proclaimed the Gospel and the whole world heard of them. What will you proclaim as you step out today? What will your words ignite as you speak to people? Make up your mind to ignite life and not death by your words.

Let the Gospel become your consistent language; it is your declaration of faith that God works on to produce great miracles. Some of the advantages of proclaiming the Word and the Gospel daily include: 1) Signs and wonders will be performed through you (Mk. 16:15-17). If you are not going, the signs will not follow. 2.)You enjoy and carry God's presence (Mk. 16:20). Therefore do not be a talebearer, be a Gospel bearer and God's glory will envelope you, obstacles will give way, and you will tread upon snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy. 3.) You enjoy defence and protection. When you use your words to defend and lift others, you will enjoy the same. The gospel is goodnews and when you talk it good will follow you (I Pet.3:13).

Therefore make up your mind to use your tongue positively from today and you will see an eruption of light and life all around you. This would send darkness and death far from you.

* Ask God to consecrate your tongue as a life giving tool every moment.
* Declare that death will not flow from your tongue, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask for grace to form the habit of proclaiming God's Word, in Jesus’ name.

Father, give me a public victory that the heathen may see and join me to glorify You, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back to Basics IV

Wednesday 13 September
READ: I Cor. 14:1-5     
MORE LESSON:  Mark 16:15-18

Those who have the basics have sweet experiences continually because they ensure a perpetual presence of God and the aura of His glory. Another of such vital continually needed asset is praying in tongues.  This is also made deliberately controversial by some in certain circles who teach that tongues are not for all children of God. But Jesus said that there are signs that His followers must possess, which include speaking in new tongues (Mark 16:17).

Our reading today clearly spells out the great benefits of having this as a permanent mark in our walk as Christians: 1) You speak to God when you speak in new tongues. This is an exclusive conversation between God and His child (I Cor.14:2). Demons cannot mess you up in this exercise because they don't know what you are speaking in the heavenly language. So speaking in tongues gives you an edge over satan and his demons. It is a mystery that puts you on top. 2) You edify yourself when you speak in tongues; you build up your spirit, mind and body. Spirit because by the spiritual language your spirit becomes stronger, mind because it helps clear your mind for direction and divine guidance and body because as you are quickened in the spirit by speaking in tongues, it lightens your body and helps you shake off excess psychological and emotional weight. 3) Apostle Paul desires all believers to speak in tongues implying it is of great benefit (I Cor.14:5). He even confessed that he spoke in tongues more than all the believers in the Corinthian Church at that time (v18). This clearly shows that speaking in tongues is of great benefit to the one who engages in it. 4) Speaking in tongues allows you to become God's sign provider to unbelievers. God uses His children's tongues to reveal the secrets of the hearts of unbelievers and that leads to conviction that makes them surrender to the Spirit of God (I Cor. 14:21-22).

Hindrances to speaking in tongues: 1) Lack of faith in what the Lord said about tongues can make you miss out of this glorious experience. Ask for it in faith and keep thanking Him for the manifestation. 2) Lack of thirst. Jesus said it is the man that is thirsty that drinks (Jn. 7:37-38). 3) Fear of mockery can deny you of this privilege, renounce fear and receive the gift with joy. 4) Sin is contrary to the Holy Spirit and tongues are the language of the Spirit. So to speak in new tongues renounce sin and the Spirit of God will give you tongues; 5) Ignorance of spiritual orderliness can hinder a flow in tongues. Be conscious of the order in any service and follow instructions promptly to exercise the gifts and increase in them. 6) Prayerlessness prevents manifestation and growth of the gift in a believer's life. Speak often to God with the little that comes from within you and you will increase daily. Fellowship often with God and you will enjoy the great benefits of speaking in tongues.

* Declare that you will not miss out of the blessing of speaking in tongues.
* Declare that as a believer, signs and wonders must manifest in your life from today.
* Ask God to draw you closer that you may know Him more, in Jesus’ name.

Whoever works against my destiny this year will reap the wind for harvest and their harvest of sorrow shall know no end, in the powerful name of Jesus.