Friday 27th October
READ: Eph. 4:28
MORE LESSONS: I Tim. 6:6-11
There was a man who took his son to farm to gather their harvest. The son duly followed as the man walked to another man’s farm; he looked left and right, front and back to see if anyone was coming. When he realized that no one was watching, he quickly dug some yams, put them in a basket and told the son to carry them and follow him. The son said, ‘Daddy, you looked left and right, front and back, but didn’t you look up? Why didn’t you check if God was looking?’
We cannot make it in live by taking things that do not belong to us. No one ever amount to anything great in destiny and eternity through stealing. This is the reason the Bible says, He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hand, that he may have something to share with those in need; Eph. 4:28 (NIV). A scriptural antidote to stealing is hard work. Since you don’t want to steal, you must decide to work with your hands for all that you need. When you are very productive, you rise above stealing. People only steal what they believe they are incapable of producing. Even big time thieves who steal public funds do because they believe they will never be able to make those billions by their own productivity and ingenuity. So they steal as the easy way out. The world respect productive people but despises thieves.
Greed and lust for things cause steeling. This is why we must learn to be contented with everything we have. Some people have so much but still continue stealing; their end is destruction unless they repent. Stealing is like accusing God of unfaithfulness. It is like saying God has not done enough for you so you take advantage of people or your position to get what you want. All thieves are liars and liars will have their portion in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8).
Steal is not limited to taking material things. A person who is seeking to reap what he did not sow is attempting to steal. It is only a thief that expects a harvest where he did not sow any seed. Therefore, Clamouring for a harvest without sowing the necessary spiritual and physical seed is trying to steal. A man who refuses to give offering and tithe and is looking for prosperity is trying to steal. God told the children of Israel that they were stealing from Him when they refused to pay their tithes (Mal. 3:3-9).
One of the injunction of the Lord in the Ten Commandments is ‘Thou shall not steal’. Exo. 20:15. This command stands till date.
• Pray against the spirit of covetousness
• Ask for grace to be content with what He blesses you with.
• Prayer that God will make you a channel of addition and not subtraction.
I announce the next venue and address for celebration and sound of testimony in my house, in the name of Jesus.