Tuesday 24 October
READ: Zech. 1: 20 - 21
MORE LESSON: Isa. 44: 4 – 5
A spring is an elastic metal that contracts when a force presses it down and expands when the force is removed. The spring goes up when the load which has been holding it down is removed. Most people are familiar with the pen that one presses and the ball-point comes out and you press again and the point goes inside. The mechanism of such pens operates by a spring. When a force is applied, it pushes the ball-point out and when force is applied again, it causes the point to go in. The same is true of the destinies of men. There are forces that hold men down and there are forces that make them spring up. For your destiny to spring up, a force higher than that holding you down must be applied. The fullness of your potential will only manifest when the superior force of the Spirit causes you to spring up. This force must be stronger than any force oppressing and holding down your destiny.
There are yokes of oppression that limit men and hold them down so that they are not able to lift up their heads. Zech 1: 20 – 21 talks about the four horns that scattered Israel, Judah and Jerusalem so that no man was able to lift their heads. However, the Lord sent four carpenters to destroy those horns. The result is that the people of God began to spring up and lift up their heads. Today, whatever force has been holding you down is destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ. You are free to spring up and attain the fullness of your potential. Every curse, limitation and weight upon your destiny is destroyed, you are free to go higher.
Sometimes it is the force of sin that holds men down and does not allow them to reach the fullness of grace and calling of God on their life. Those yokes of sin need to be destroyed so that you can soar in the spirit. According to Hebrew 12: 1, we are to lay aside every weight and sin which easily besets us. This means we should remove the force of sin from our destiny so that we can spring up. Every sinful habit and stronghold that has forced your destiny down is destroyed today and you will spring up to righteousness and holiness as you move in great grace and do mighty things for God, in Jesus’ name.
Finally, ignorance also holds men down. The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...: Hos. 4:6. When men lack knowledge of what God has put in them no one can lift them up. We must search God’s Word for His promises for our life and go from there to discover our God-given potential and by faith put them to work. Prophesy to your destiny to spring up now, in Jesus’ name.
*Command every force and darkness holding you down to be broken now, in Jesus’ name.
*Declare that there is a lifting up for you today, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that your destiny will bud and blossom, in Jesus’ mighty name.
His banner over me is love; no force of hatred will be able to conquer me, in the name of Jesus.
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