Sunday, October 8, 2017

Using the Name of Jesus I

Sunday 8 October
READ: Jn. 20:31
MORE LESSON:  Acts 3:1-9

It's impossible to measure the value of spiritual power wrapped up in the Name of Jesus. Every believer in Jesus Christ has access to unlimited advantages as well as dominion over all the works of the enemy simply by invoking the power in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Living God. God honours the Name of Jesus. A revelation of the true power in the Name of Jesus will bring an end to demonic oppression and manipulation in the lives of men. The real superman is not the one in Hollywood, wearing a fancy red and blue cape. He is the Christian who knows how to use the Name of Jesus.

The real spiritual kings and nobles of the earth today are not those who live in palaces and state houses, but those who have gained mastery of the Name of Jesus by revelation and use. Getting hold of the power in the Name of Jesus and using it to change our world requires that we embrace a few basic truths.

First, we must believe in the Person, ministry and finished works of Jesus with all our hearts. It must be settled in our spirit that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God, born of a virgin, who lived a sinless life, while He walked the earth doing miracles and wonders. We must also believe that He died on the Cross of Calvary for the redemption from sin of mankind; and that He went  down into hell, disarmed the devil of all his power, and God raised Him up from the dead on the third day. Also believe that He ascended up into the clouds to the tabernacle of God in Heaven and purged it with His precious Blood. He is now seated on the right hand of the throne of God in Heaven, with all power over Satan, sin, hell and the grave.

Secondly, we must understand that the Name of Jesus is synonymous with the Person of Jesus. All the power of Jesus is conferred on His name. It's common knowledge that you cannot separate a man from his name. When a name is called, it is the person who bares the name that responds. Simply put, the Name of Jesus is given to the Christian with the assurance that using the name will produce the same responses and results that Jesus desires from that life. Use the Name of Jesus repeatedly and consistently. Don't stop using it until you emerge victorious. There is no defeat for those who use the Name of Jesus. The world is about to be shaken and turned upside down again as it was in the days of old through men and women, boys and girls who will use the Name of Jesus with conviction and confidence.

*Ask God for full revelation of the unlimited advantages of the Name of Jesus.
*Declare that as you use the Name of Jesus, the impossible will become possible.

Any evil plantation in any part of creation targeted against me, be uprooted now, in the name of Jesus.


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