Friday 13 October
READ: Jms. 1:1-4
MORE LESSON: I Pet. 1 : 3 – 9
One of the privileges the believers have is being a partaker of the suffering of Christ (Phil 1:29). Part of the sufferings a believer faces is the trial of our faith in Jesus Christ. Trial periods are not altogether bad; they are seasons to prove the worth of our faith (I Pet. 1:7), manifest the joy of the Lord, develop the fruit of the Spirit, and an avenue to qualify to share in Christ's glory (I Pet. 4:13-14).
The fruit of the Spirit is more evident in the time of trial and a trial season should produce a fruitful season in a believer. In our text, it is clear that our trial produces in us patience (endurance or perseverance), perfection (maturity), and completeness (not lacking anything). The believers’ joy should not be based on what we have, therefore our trials and challenges should not take away our joy. Joy in itself produces strength in us, for the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). The early Church have the testimony of always rejoicing even when they were faced with trials and persecution (Acts 5:41, I Pet. 1:6).
Handling the times of trial requires that you know what God is saying about your situation. Do not allow fear; face the situation with hope of a better tomorrow; do not allow flesh to rule or reign, and handle all things with prayer, fear none of those things which you shall suffer, ...behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life: Rev. 2:10.
Count it all joy. Walk in righteousness, refrain from sin, make sure that the accuser of the brethren, satan, finds nothing in you, thereafter count it all joy, whatever betides. Stand firm in the faith, refuse to doubt or deny your Saviour and it will all end in joy. Count it all joy.
* Declare that the joy of the Lord is your strength, in the mighty name of Jesus.
*Declare that you shall not fail in the days of adversity, in Jesus' mighty name.
*Pray against any situation that can cause you sadness or sorrow, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Father, I prophesy to anything I lay hands on to do this year, there shall be no set back, all will be wonderfully completed, in the name of Jesus.
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