Monday, October 9, 2017

Using the Name of Jesus II

Monday 9 October
READ: Prov. 18:10
MORE LESSON:  Col. 3:16-17

The phrase, ‘in the Name of Jesus’ is not just a theological recitation to punctuate prayer or a church cliche to make people feel good. The Name of Jesus is not a magic word you hurriedly call out to for safety, at the slightest surprise or incident. The Name of Jesus is not the name of another prophet or good man of some high religious pedigree. The Name of Jesus is a place in the spirit. It is a place of authority and spiritual government, and our anchor text plainly confirms it. It says that in righteousness, we can run to the Name of the Lord and find safety. What does that mean? If you ponder a little more on our conclusion from the first part of yesterday’s study, you will find the answer. The Name of Jesus is the Authority of Jesus, therefore, running to the Name of the Lord Jesus is placing a demand on the Authority of the Name of Jesus in times of trouble. This is as a soldier would run to a strong tower during a fire threat at the war front.

Don't wait for things to happen when you have the power to dictate what happens by using the Name of Jesus. Run to the Name of Jesus! Go for it! Don't make the Name of Jesus an alternative. Those who run to the Name of Jesus will find all that they need in the Name of Jesus. To use that name is to deploy, to engage, to activate or commit the power of Jesus to work. This is important because the power and value of the Name of Jesus is not only determined by the owner of the name but also by the user of the name. This is what makes one Christian different from the other. The Name of Jesus on your lips will only be as potent as your relationship with Jesus is, because delegated authority feeds on relationships.

In the same way that you cannot go to an occasion in the name of someone you do not know; it would be impersonation and sheer deceit to use the Name of Jesus when you have no working relationship with Him. This is the reason why many ‘Christians’ go about powerless even though they call the Name of Jesus all the time. God gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. From the Cross of Calvary to the end of time, the devil and his cohorts will never forget the colossal power in the Name of Jesus. So every time you come face to face with darkness, boldly and with full conviction in your heart, relentlessly use the Name of Jesus.

*Decree that you are set free from any form of demonic oppression by the divine power in the Name of Jesus
*Ask the Lord for grace to be more intimate with Jesus and stronger in authority over life circumstances.

Father, I refuse to be a victim of evil circumstances this month, in the name of Jesus.


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