Thursday, November 2, 2017

Prison Breaker

Thursday 2 November
READ: Acts 16: 25 - 34
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 114: 1 – 8

Two great men of God were locked up in a jail. It is surprising that despite the anointing and power these apostles carried, they could still be beaten, arrested and imprisoned. There are times when life wants to mess you up even though you carry grace and you are serving God passionately. It was there in the prison, where it looked like all hope was gone and nothing was working for Paul and Silas, that they applied a timeless Kingdom principle that can never fail.

Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God.  It was praises that brought about the deliverance of the day. The Bible says that when they praised; And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed: Acts 16:26. Praise brought an earthquake, shook the foundation of the prison, opened the prison doors and loosed the chains of the people. Praise is the real prison breaker!

It is said that when all fail, try praise. Well, why wait for all to fail first? Try praise right now! Praise will open strong doors and break barred  gates. According to Psa. 22: 3, God in His Holiness inhabits the praises of His people. This means that when we praise God, He comes to dwell among us. When you praise God in the midst of any circumstance, He comes to dwell in the midst of that circumstance. When God inhabits a place, you can only imagine what would happen in such a place. The Bible says that even mountains and seas flee before the presence of God. So when His presence comes into your situation, the problem disappears. God inhabited the prison that day due to the praise of Paul and Silas and the prison could not stand the glory of His presence. Therefore, the prison started to shake and tremble as the chains of the people also began to melt like wool in fire. Your praise brings God into your situation and, oh, great things happen when He comes!

Therefore if you are in trouble, bring God into your trouble by your praises and the trouble will melt at His presence. Bring God into your struggles, needs, problems and challenges through your praise and when  He comes to inhabit the praise, all contrary situations will flee His presence.  Praise breaks prisons and destroy yokes, so make praise your lifestyle. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him: Psa. 67:5-7.

* Pray that the presence of the Lord in your life will fling every prison door open.
* Ask God to step into every negative situation you are going through.
* Pray that you will never praise God without seeing the manifestation His presence.

My sun will rise in November never to set, the dark clouds will give way for the sun to shine and my destiny will celebrate, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Contending for your Promised Land

Wednesday 1 November
READ: Deut. 2: 24   
MORE LESSON:  Josh. 10: 14

In Deut. 2:24, God told the children of Israel that He had given them the land of Canaan, but then He told them to contend in battle for the possession of the land.  Many times God has made promises to us and what we need is to act and contend for those promises. A lot of believers love praying for promises, which is not bad, but there are times that what you need is to act and not pray. The Lord had already given the land to Israel so the land was theirs to take. However, no amount of speaking in tongues would deliver the land to them without their effort; they needed to cross the Jordan, carry arms and go into battle for the land. The good thing is that it was not a battle that they could lose as the Lord of host Himself had already given the land to them.

Our victory had been guaranteed before the war even started. The reason we have not possessed the land is because the Lord is waiting for us to do something. A lot of people claim they are waiting for God when God is actually waiting for them. It is when you take action that God will have something to act upon in order to intervene in your battle. When Israel conquered Jericho they only shouted and the walls came crumbling down. This shows that it was not their power but God's intervention that gave them the victory. They needed to do something; They needed to walk round the city seven times and they needed to shout. When the walls came down, they needed to go in and take the spoil.

Any sermon that makes you think you will do nothing but pray for you to possess your promised land is incomplete. After prayers, you will need to contend for your possession. No one ever bagged a degree by prayers alone, you will need to read your books and contend with difficult exams. You will have to get down to work and go after the deals for you to succeed in business. You will have to contend in battle to possess what God has promised you.

However, in every situation the Lord always wants to take all the glory.  So He will not allow you to do it in a way that there is no intervention from Him. Joshua eventually possessed the promised land, according to Josh 10:42, . . . because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel. The final victory was the combination of what Joshua did and what God did. Your victory will be a combination of what you do and what God does but what He does will be much more than the little you do so that He will take all the glory at the end. Work, pray and trust God; testimonies will come.

* Raise a standard of God against every power opposing the promise of God in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Declare that the promises of God for your life will begin to manifest now.
* Decree judgement on all giants on the way, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, my heart rejoices in the gift of the eleventh month, it speaks of Your faithfulness Oh God, thank You Jesus, in Jesus' name.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The two Men and their Names

Tuesday 31 October
READ: Luke 16: 19 – 31   
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20: 15

The story in the text is about two men; a poor and a rich man. The poor man had a name that Heaven recognised; the Bible records that his name was Lazarus. The name of the rich man, on the other hand, was not recognised in Heaven; he was merely referred to as 'the rich man'. In the world today, to be called 'the rich man' seems to be a very good name. But, no matter how nice a name sounds, if the name is not recognised in Heaven, it is not yet a good name. The Bible says, a good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of one's birth: Eccl. 7:1.

We should pursue a good name. Really, the best name that a man can have is a name that is written in the Book of Life. It is good to do things that give you a good name on earth but beyond that, the best you can do for your name is to get it into the Book of life. The issue of your name being in the Book of life becomes more and more crucial even as the day of a man’s death approaches with every passing second. Lazarus had a good name written in Heaven while the rich man's name was unknown in Heaven. For the two men in the story, it was death that eventually revealed the true value of their names. Similarly for every man, it is death that will reveal whether you have a good name or not.

The two men in this story died; just as everyone reading this will, if Jesus tarries. The rich man died and he was buried with fanfare with which a rich man's burial is always associated. Lazarus died and the Bible doesn't say how he was buried or not buried. But the Bible tells us that Lazarus woke up in Abraham's bosom while the rich man found himself in hell. We must never forget that, is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment: Heb. 9:27 (NKJV).

There is life after death; and all that makes the difference is where your name is written. It doesn't matter the name you bear here on earth as much as where your name is written in Heaven. If a man's name is 'governor' or 'president' here on earth and the name is written in the Government House but it is not written in the Book of life, the man is in a very precarious situation. The timeless questions that you have to answer are. “Is your name known in Heaven? Is it written in the book of life?” Accept Jesus into your life today, confess your sins and receive forgiveness through His Blood. Then ask Him to write your name in the Book of Life. As you do this, your eternity is secure in Jesus.

*Pray that you will have a good name that Heaven recognises.
*Make use of this opportunity to decide for Jesus now.
*Pray that your name will be written in the Book of life.

Thank You Lord for October, this last 24 hours will deliver and announce my day, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Blood Covenant

Monday 30 October
READ: Zech. 9: 11 – 12   
MORE LESSON:  Deut. 18: 10

God drove the inhabitants of Canaan out of the land so that He could give it to the children of Israel. God replaced the people that were living in the land of Canaan because of their sins and wickedness. I pray that your place in destiny will never be given to another, in Jesus’ name. One of the reasons why God replaced the inhabitants of the land was because of their wicked practices of witchcraft and making their sons and daughters to pass through fire (Deut. 18: 10).

In those times, fire and blood were used in making covenants. Men would pass through the midst of fire or blood of an animal cut asunder when they were to make a covenant. The implication of this action was that anyone who broke the covenant is bound to a vow that the way the blood of the animal was mercilessly shed, so would his blood also be shed. Similarly, in making a covenant by fire, they were agreeing that if anyone should break the covenant, fire should consume and destroy him. Blood or fire covenants are severe and dangerous; God therefore forbids His children from entering into such covenants. Many of the covenants made by men in the world are backed by demons and evil spirits. This is the reason children of God should not be involved in any covenant except the Covenant of the Blood of Jesus that has been made for us.

Blood covenants are very strong and except God breaks them, no man can. Blood covenant affects people through many generations. It is the cause of reoccurring misfortune, barrenness, incurable sickness and even untimely death in many lives and families. Many people are ignorantly suffering the consequence of the blood covenants entered into by ancestors in their family line. Until such covenants are broken, the effect continues in the lives of the children. Ancestral covenants are the reasons for so much oppression, stagnation and ill-luck in many lives today. Unfortunately, many of these victims are unaware that they are prisoners of demonic covenants and they sometimes just joke about the incidents plaguing their lives.  

However, there is a way of escape through the greater Covenant made by the superior Blood that silences all the other blood covenants. According to today’s text, it is by the blood of the covenant of Jesus that all prisoners are released from the pit that they have been put by negative covenants. The Covenant of the Blood of Jesus is the antidote to all evil blood covenants. When you engage the power of the Blood of Jesus, it will silence all blood covenants that might be speaking against you. Heb. 12: 24 says, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

*By the Blood of Jesus, invoke life on your destiny.
*Pray that the Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ will not fail over your life.
*Pray that the riches of Jesus’ Blood will not be absent from your life.

Father, one more day to the end of October, remember me Oh my God, in the name of Jesus.