Wednesday 1 November
READ: Deut. 2: 24
MORE LESSON: Josh. 10: 14
In Deut. 2:24, God told the children of Israel that He had given them the land of Canaan, but then He told them to contend in battle for the possession of the land. Many times God has made promises to us and what we need is to act and contend for those promises. A lot of believers love praying for promises, which is not bad, but there are times that what you need is to act and not pray. The Lord had already given the land to Israel so the land was theirs to take. However, no amount of speaking in tongues would deliver the land to them without their effort; they needed to cross the Jordan, carry arms and go into battle for the land. The good thing is that it was not a battle that they could lose as the Lord of host Himself had already given the land to them.
Our victory had been guaranteed before the war even started. The reason we have not possessed the land is because the Lord is waiting for us to do something. A lot of people claim they are waiting for God when God is actually waiting for them. It is when you take action that God will have something to act upon in order to intervene in your battle. When Israel conquered Jericho they only shouted and the walls came crumbling down. This shows that it was not their power but God's intervention that gave them the victory. They needed to do something; They needed to walk round the city seven times and they needed to shout. When the walls came down, they needed to go in and take the spoil.
Any sermon that makes you think you will do nothing but pray for you to possess your promised land is incomplete. After prayers, you will need to contend for your possession. No one ever bagged a degree by prayers alone, you will need to read your books and contend with difficult exams. You will have to get down to work and go after the deals for you to succeed in business. You will have to contend in battle to possess what God has promised you.
However, in every situation the Lord always wants to take all the glory. So He will not allow you to do it in a way that there is no intervention from Him. Joshua eventually possessed the promised land, according to Josh 10:42, . . . because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel. The final victory was the combination of what Joshua did and what God did. Your victory will be a combination of what you do and what God does but what He does will be much more than the little you do so that He will take all the glory at the end. Work, pray and trust God; testimonies will come.
* Raise a standard of God against every power opposing the promise of God in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Declare that the promises of God for your life will begin to manifest now.
* Decree judgement on all giants on the way, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Father, my heart rejoices in the gift of the eleventh month, it speaks of Your faithfulness Oh God, thank You Jesus, in Jesus' name.
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