Friday 3 November
READ: Eccl. 10:18
MORE LESSON: Jam. 2: 17 – 26
A building that is not in use and which no one is staying in decays with time. Anything that is not put into use becomes dilapidated. The Bible likens a believer to the building where God lives (1 Cor. 3: 16). Therefore, like a building, disuse will make a man's life become dilapidated. Idleness and slothfulness cause a destiny to decay. For a man to amount to anything in life, there must be action. Only men of action enjoy the beauty of life.
Anywhere that there is no motion, there is demotion. A destiny decays when there is no movement. The easiest way to lose value is to do nothing. If a man wants to fail in life, all he has to do is to do nothing. When faith lacks action it is merely an empty boast. James 2: 17 says, In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (NIV). A man who confesses faith and prays but does nothing will soon die of starvation.
Anything that has decayed is usually thrown away and destroyed. The key to not becoming discarded or destroyed is to do something. As it is written, By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through: Eccl. 10 : 18.
Life celebrates men of action. A man who adds value is valued and can never become discarded. As every man values and preserves his best possession, so does God also value people who add value in His Kingdom. Therefore, a man of valuable actions is honoured by God. There are people who are dead but the fruit of the valuable actions they took while alive is still speaking today.
Matt. 28:19 contains the Great Commission which is the responsibility placed on the Church. The first word in the Great Commission is 'go'. 'Go' is a verb; it is an action word and requires motion. Therefore, you cannot amount to anything in the Kingdom unless you take the action of going. Jesus was always on the move when He was on the earth. He was always doing something. Church title has no meaning unless you take actions that meet up with the responsibility placed on you. The responsibilities include bringing others to Christ, witnessing for Jesus, serving in the Church and blessing lives. Empty chairs in the Church and innumerable sinners on the streets, show that we are not taking enough actions. By the grace of God, you will no longer be a motionless Christian. There is beauty in going as commanded by Jesus. There is beauty in doing as admonished by the Word of God. Your life is beautified as you take Word-inspired actions.
* Declare that as you put your faith to work, God will work wonders in your life.
* Pray that God will make you the doer of the Word.
* Pray that God will take you beyond lip service to serve Him actively.
It's a new day, a new season, a new glory; all old things have passed away, in the name of Jesus.
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