Tuesday 14 November
READ: Gen. 13: 5 - 8
MORE LESSON: Gen. 19: 15 – 29
When God called Abraham, he took Lot with him. It was as a result of God's blessing upon the life of Abraham that Lot became blessed. However, with time, Lot forgot the source of his blessing and allowed selfishness to overtake him. He began to have contentions with Abraham's men over grazing land. He felt that his cattle were not feeding well because Abraham's cattle were taking up the space.
It is like allowing a visitor to stay in your house where you pay the house rent, utility bills and even buy all the food while he keeps saving his money in the bank. Then one day, after accumulating at your expense, he starts to complain that you are suffocating his business. There are some selfish believers like that. They take advantage of other people's benevolence and want to live entirely on other people. I always teach that if a believer is staying with someone, he must also try to make contribution no matter how small. Even if the host is blessed and is not demanding, it is good you make your little input to his/her overall wellbeing. If you are working and are still staying with your parents, buy some things and bring home. They probably do not need them but it shows a sense of responsibility on your part.
Lot faced Abraham one day and said “Uncle, I don't know what is happening these days, my cattle are not feeding well because your herdsmen deprive them”. He has forgotten that when he left Ur, he had nothing. The cattle he was calling his own were probably part of what Abraham gave him to start him up in life.
Abraham on the other hand said, “Let there be no fight between us, choose where you want to graze your cattle and if you go one side, I will tell my men to go the other side”(v8). What a selfless man! He didn't even make the first choice though he was older. Sometimes selflessness could look like foolishness but it always pays off in the long run. Abraham relinquished the right to make the first choice to Lot who selfishly grabbed it. Lot looked at the place where the grass was green and the land was very good and went for it. Little did he know that he was camping in Sodom, the place of destruction. When selfishness rules a man's life; he ends up destroying himself.
Abraham chose the path of selflessness and ended up in Canaan – the land flowing with milk and honey. Beloved, review your relationships today and check what you are doing to your Abraham, your destiny helper. Look back and front and see whether you have been ungrateful, greedy or selfish in life, and repent before you end up like Joseph’s brothers who attempted to kill their Joseph yesterday only to seek his help from famine today! Abraham may still be needed tomorrow.
* Ask the Lord to grant you grace to live as an instrument of peace anywhere you go, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray against the spirit of selfishness, greed and self centredness, in Jesus’ name.
Father, I declare that I might have seen delay but I shall not be late, my victory will appear to all this month, in the name of Jesus.
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