Saturday, November 4, 2017

Benefits of Praise

Saturday 4 November
READ: Acts 16: 25 – 26 
MORE LESSON:  2 Sam. 6: 14 – 15

It was praise that brought Paul and Silas out of the prison. There are numerous benefits in praise. The Bible said that when Paul and Silas praised that there was an earthquake, the prison doors were opened and every man's chain was broken. They experienced those three benefits in one action of praise. Strange miracles happen when you praise.

Many times the reason we do not achieve maximum benefit from praise is because we are too careful in praising God. We do not want to be too out-of-place, so we do not go all out in praising God. David was not careful in praising God so He became the man after God's heart. When the Ark of the Covenant was being brought into the temple, David praised God and danced so much that some people were getting embarrassed for him. But personally, he was not embarrassed about praising God. These are times we must throw away caution when it comes to praising God: we must praise God anyhow.

Praise is not just something one does in the bedroom or in the Church; it is the day to day expression of gratitude to God. Praise is an attitude and it shows in our interaction with people and our environment. A praise giver is always excited about God and people; he has a grateful spirit and always expresses thanks at every opportunity. A lot of people praise in church, but their attitude and expressions in everyday life negate all the benefits that the praise in church would have brought to them. Praise must be total; in your closet, in church and in everyday life. If you must get maximum benefit from praise, then you should note the following points.

1. You must not make praise only a secret affair but also a public one. God is impressed by your praise when you make it public. If you give secret praise, you get secret result. To get outstanding and public results, you should give public praise.

2. Praise must come from the heart. Real praise is not a lip service; it should be a heartfelt expression.

3. Praise must be all involving. You can't praise God and not be physically involved in it. You don't praise aloof and you don't think praise. You do it and engage yourself in it. Do not praise God while your mind is on other things.

Praise has untold benefits. Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely: Psa. 147:1.

* As k the Lord to release upon your life the spirit of praise.
* Ask God to help you to be more conscious of His presence than your environment when you praise.
* Declare that your life will always show forth the praises of God.

Satan, your hold on me is broken this month, in the name of Jesus.


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