Thursday, December 14, 2017


Thursday 14 December
READ: 1 Cor. 16: 21- 22
MORE LESSON:  Rev. 22: 12 – 14

The word 'Maranatha' is no longer commonly used in our days. We hear so much about faith, power, healing and prosperity; and these are important, but we hear so little about Maranatha. This is the word that should be ringing in the conscience of every believer as we await the return of the Master. The main thing that should occupy our hearts is 'Our Lord comes – Maranatha!'  The early Church was so eager for the coming of the Lord that they turned it into a greeting. 'Maranatha' was the slogan with which they greeted one another. Therefore, even by salutation, everyone was reminded to be ready for the coming of the Lord. They identified one another by the greeting.

Unfortunately, today we are more concerned about this temporary earth than the eternal abode. Our priority shows in our greetings, sermons and programmes; these all ring with themes of well-being on the earth without attention to eternal matters. We must never forget that we are sojourners on earth and we are going home soon. It is good to be comfortable but a man should not be more comfortable in his shop in the market than the home where he lives and sleeps. The earth is like a market, Heaven is home. Maranatha is about keeping the home at heart and preparing for it while still in this place of sojourn. The issue of the coming of Jesus should bother our heart so much that it features in our talk, greetings and our preaching.

In Rev. 22:20, the Bible says, He whichtestifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The early disciples desired and prayed for the Lord to come. It is natural to anticipate meeting any one that you love. It is lack of love for the Master that makes the heart of a believer to beat faster in fear whenever he hears that the Lord is coming back. This is the reason the Bible says, If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha: 1 Cor. 16:22. If any man loves not the Lord, let him be damned at the coming of the Lord. The consequence of not loving Jesus is eternal damnation at His coming. It is time for you to love the Lord more and love His coming. Maranatha! Say Maranatha to someone today and use this to remind yourself and the person that Jesus is coming. Maranatha!

* Ask the Lord to help you live ready for His coming, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that your love for Christ will increase as you wait daily for His coming.
* Ask God to deliver you from anything that will hinder you from going first flight with Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I lay hold on the promises of God, and I declare the land of my sojourn shall not devour me, neither shall the land of my birth deny me my inheritance, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Wednesday 13 December
READ: Exo. 17:1-8  
MORE LESSON:  2 Tim. 2:1-7

Sometimes the confrontations of the enemy come in quick succession but as children of God we know that victory is ours in Christ Jesus. Quick succession of problems breeds quick succession of miracles and blessings. When Moses cried to God, ...What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me: Exo. 17:4, the solution God gave him was the command to strike the rock with a rod. This implies that sometimes you may have a part to play in the miracle you are expecting. Beloved, do not allow your needs or problems to block your spiritual ear and sight so that you are not able to hear and take the necessary steps to your miracle.

The fact that you are victorious over one battle of life does not mean another will not come. The Israelites were confronted again, Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim: Exo. 17:8. When you are confronted, and you do not know what you are to do, you should then know where to go. The way Moses handled the fight with the Amalekites shows he inquired from the Lord. One great lesson from this study today is to always clarify matters with God instead of running around seeking solution from wrong places. God always has whatever you need and the answer to all your questions. You will win in every battle of life and after every cloud will come mighty showers for you, in Jesus' name. Whether it is the problem of lack of water or of meat or of even the Amalekites, the solution is always to be in a state of preparedness as Christians. Like the song writer says, “Christian seek not yet repose, hear your guiding angel say! Thou art in the midst of wolves, watch and pray”.

Many heroes like Paul, Peter, David, and even our Master, Jesus, had to consistently confront opposition to become what today we know them to be. We too must refuse to be discouraged when battles run like they would not end. There is nothing wrong with crisis, it is how they end that matters. Be courageous to battle, fight, lay hold on eternal life and God will see you through. Don't give up, victory is sure and near.

*  Pray that you will never be caught unawares by the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to defend you from every unannounced battle, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Declare that by the Spirit of Jesus, you will always be victorious in any battle of life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, I decree that as this year runs to an end, every arrow of the enemy shall exempt me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yoke Destroyer

Tuesday 12 December
READ: Isa. 10: 27  
MORE LESSON:  Jer. 30: 8 – 9

A yoke is a strong metallic or wooden object kept on the neck of an animal so as to keep it in servitude to its master. When a yoke is put on a bull, it cannot fight the man that controls it anymore, it only goes where it is pulled. Even a horse as powerful as it is, when the bridle, a form of a yoke, is put around its mouth, it is not free to run around anymore. It can only go where the man holding its bridle pulls it. There was a goat that was yoked and left to move around; as stubborn as the goat was, it became servile and could not do as it pleased anymore. A yoke limits and brings the yoked person under control. There are people with a lot of potential but the enemy has put a yoke around their lives.

Satan is wicked and he delights in bringing people under yoke. This is why many struggle, sweat and are frustrated in life. Sickness, ill-luck, unfruitfulness, stagnancy and other evils are yokes that the enemy puts on people's lives. Such people may be moving around normally in the physical but in the spirit realm, there is a yoke hanging around their neck. These yokes are perpetuated by demonic forces that want to oppress and limit them so that they do not rise in life. Can you imagine a person lying down with a gigantic man sitting on him? How does such a person rise up? The person rises only when the force sitting on him has been removed.

The Bible says, And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing: Isa. 10:27.  The anointing of God is a yoke destroyer. It destroys everything that keeps you limited and gives you the power to rise. When the anointing comes upon you, all human limitations disappear. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that destroys yokes and sets men free to rise in life. Grammar, beauty and education are helpless in the face of demonic yokes; only the power of God destroys yokes.

The anointing is present in the person of the Holy Spirit who is the yoke destroyer. Today you must engage the power of the Holy Spirit  against all yokes of limitation in your life. It is time to rise above all yokes by the power of the Spirit. There are a few steps you can take to destroy any satanic yoke you have noticed in your life or in someone else’s:

1. Examine yourself and ensure you are born again.
2. Confess any known sin and ask for cleansing by the blood of Jesus.
3. Take a fast.
4. Use the following scriptures in prayer: Isa. 58:6; Jer. 28:4, 30:8; Gal. 5:1.
5.  Give thanks for your liberty.

* Ask God for the anointing of the Holy Ghost that breaks yokes, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare and command every yoke limiting you in life and destiny to break off you  now, in the name of Jesus.
* Celebrate, knowing that the yoke is broken .

Every lost opportunity in 2017, return in quick succession before this month runs out, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Angels at your Service

Monday 11 December
READ: Psa. 91:1-16 
MORE LESSON:  2Chron. 32:17-21

Man, in his physical make up, is nothing but mere clay. He cannot see beyond his physical eyes, nor hear beyond the limit of his physical ears nor understand beyond the capacity of his intellect. This is not so with angels and spirits, who are able to operate at levels far beyond where mortal men can. The Scripture acknowledged this when it said that man was made a little lower than the angels (Psa. 8:5). So, in the hierarchy of the spirit, man is a step lower than the angels. Interestingly, God gave angels the assignment of ministering to man. God assigned angels to encamp around, watch over, attend to, protect and defend those that fear Him, The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them: Psa. 34:7. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways: Psa. 91:11. 

Who are the people that qualify for the service of the angels of God? Why did God decide to put His angels at the service of these people?  Heb.1:14 gives the answer to the questions - the angels of God are sent to minister/attend to only those who are heirs of salvation; that is, those who believe and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. They fear God and turn from their sinful ways of life by putting their total trust in the name of Jesus, God's only begotten Son. As it is written, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12. The heirs of salvation become sons of God when Jesus comes into their lives. Their status in the spirit realm changes and they become sons, exalted and made to sit with Jesus in the heavenly realm. They become special and treasured possessions of God. So angels are put on assignment to minister to them.

The angels of God are not assigned to watch over all men. It is only those who are heirs of salvation that have the privilege. Until you become a son of God through Jesus Christ, you are still at the bottom of the ladder, lower than angels. That also means you are lower than demons who are fallen angels. The implication is that you are vulnerable and susceptible to demons, and they can invade and manipulate your life at will, subject you to bondage and torture. Could this be the reason why you are not making progress in life? Take the step now to become a son of God by asking Jesus to come into your life. Your status will change and angels will begin to minister to you. They will chase away your oppressors and carry you in their arms so that you will not dash your foot against a stone (Psa. 91:11-13).  May your destiny be rescued from demonic manipulation by the angels of God, in Jesus' mighty name.

* Thank You Lord for assigning angels to watch over and defend my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to give His angels divine order to keep you in all your ways today.
* Pray that the angel of the Lord will minster to you daily and no prince of darkness shall be able to stop the answer to your prayers, in Jesus’ name.

Angels that behold the face of my Father in Heaven, watch over the rest of the year for my family and destiny, in the name of Jesus.