Thursday, December 14, 2017


Thursday 14 December
READ: 1 Cor. 16: 21- 22
MORE LESSON:  Rev. 22: 12 – 14

The word 'Maranatha' is no longer commonly used in our days. We hear so much about faith, power, healing and prosperity; and these are important, but we hear so little about Maranatha. This is the word that should be ringing in the conscience of every believer as we await the return of the Master. The main thing that should occupy our hearts is 'Our Lord comes – Maranatha!'  The early Church was so eager for the coming of the Lord that they turned it into a greeting. 'Maranatha' was the slogan with which they greeted one another. Therefore, even by salutation, everyone was reminded to be ready for the coming of the Lord. They identified one another by the greeting.

Unfortunately, today we are more concerned about this temporary earth than the eternal abode. Our priority shows in our greetings, sermons and programmes; these all ring with themes of well-being on the earth without attention to eternal matters. We must never forget that we are sojourners on earth and we are going home soon. It is good to be comfortable but a man should not be more comfortable in his shop in the market than the home where he lives and sleeps. The earth is like a market, Heaven is home. Maranatha is about keeping the home at heart and preparing for it while still in this place of sojourn. The issue of the coming of Jesus should bother our heart so much that it features in our talk, greetings and our preaching.

In Rev. 22:20, the Bible says, He whichtestifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The early disciples desired and prayed for the Lord to come. It is natural to anticipate meeting any one that you love. It is lack of love for the Master that makes the heart of a believer to beat faster in fear whenever he hears that the Lord is coming back. This is the reason the Bible says, If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha: 1 Cor. 16:22. If any man loves not the Lord, let him be damned at the coming of the Lord. The consequence of not loving Jesus is eternal damnation at His coming. It is time for you to love the Lord more and love His coming. Maranatha! Say Maranatha to someone today and use this to remind yourself and the person that Jesus is coming. Maranatha!

* Ask the Lord to help you live ready for His coming, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that your love for Christ will increase as you wait daily for His coming.
* Ask God to deliver you from anything that will hinder you from going first flight with Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I lay hold on the promises of God, and I declare the land of my sojourn shall not devour me, neither shall the land of my birth deny me my inheritance, in the name of Jesus.


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