Saturday 16 December
READ: John 1:12-13
MORE LESSON: 1 Pet. 1:18-21
Two little sisters of ages 4 and 6 entered into an argument about who their 3-month old younger brother resembled in the presence of their parents. The 6-year old said the boy was like her; but the younger argued, “No, the boy is like me, he is also like daddy”. Then the older one turned to the mother, wanting to get her support, and said, “Mummy, is it not true that the baby looks like you and I?” Then the mother said to the two girls, “The two of you are alike”. On hearing this, the 4-year old exclaimed, “Then the boy looks like me, you, daddy and mummy!” “Yes”, acknowledged the 6 year old, “and that means you and I resemble mummy and daddy too!” At that point, the whole family began to laugh.
The three children resemble one another and their parents because it is their parent's genes (blood) that make up their body's systems. The scriptural passage says that as many as receive Jesus and believe in his name become children of God, Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God: v.13. Thus, they become sons of God. This means that at salvation, you take up new genes whereby the blood that now flows in your system is that of God.
The implications are far reaching. For example, if the blood that flows in your veins and arteries is that of God, it means you are healed of all blood related diseases. Since God's blood cannot carry sickle cell, leukaemia, haemophilia, HIV or any kind of blood diseases that people sometimes inherit from their biological parents, you are free from all blood related diseases. Believe this and claim your freedom today in the name of Jesus. It also means that no family curse or covenant can run in your life because your natural descent has changed. God cannot walk under a curse, and so His children. You are God's son; therefore, you are an heir to His kingdom and everything therein: righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. These are your portion forever, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you reject every form of blood related disease in your body because you carry God’s genes, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that all things have become new, so no affliction is permitted to remain in your life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will purge your body systems of every potential threats to your health, in Jesus’ name.
Jehovah God, You are not a man, do for me what no man can do this December, in the name of Jesus.
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