Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Law of Exposure

Sunday 3 December
READ: Phil. 4:4-8 
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12:1-2

The fuel you put into an appliance determines its performance. This is why it is ironic that in one of the most important areas of life, which is the mind, we disregard this basic wisdom. The verse in focus today reveals a transforming truth: – think excellent thoughts! Don't ever stop doing so. What enters your mind repeatedly, occupies it, shapes it, controls it and in the end expresses itself in what you do and who you become. That is the law of exposure; it’s as sure as the law of gravity- what goes up must come down. The substance in this law is that your mind will absorb and reflect whatever it's exposed to. Where you go, what you read, the music you listen to, what you see or listen to, the thoughts you entertain, all shape your mind, and eventually your character and your destiny. Napoleon Hill said that success is achieved and maintained by those whose mind is filled with positive thoughts. This is simply amazing!

So what should you do in a world where the messages are so often twisted or trivial, or foolish or downright evil? First, Rom. 12:2 recommends the renewing of your mind. This can only be fruitful if you sincerely do a checkup from the neck up. And second, go to God in prayer in this pattern: “Lord, what I want is a renewal of mind because I am tired of this present state of mind. It keeps leading me down the wrong paths of life. I want the kind of mind your Word describes; one that is filled with true, pure, right, friendly, and good thoughts”. Just imagine what your life would be like if you constantly pray that way. 

The good news today is that you have control over your life through your mind, and since what you feed on determines how you grow, you are no longer a slave of your mind and thoughts. Feed it with pornography and become a rapist and live in masturbation, or watch horror films and enjoy nightmares. Worst still, you can company with sadists and end up in suicide. It is all up to you!

King Solomon however has a load of advice for all who desire victory over their thought life; Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Prov. 4:23. Keep it by giving yourself to reading the Bible, and other spiritual books, by asking God to renew your mind daily and by deliberately being cautious on what you hear, see or say.

* Ask God to transform your mind to think excellent thoughts and for grace to diligently guard it.
* Ask God for the mind of Christ.
* Ask God to fill you with the spirit of counsel.

Thirty-one celebrations, hallelujah to Jesus today and to the end of this twelveth month, there shall be nothing less throughout, in the name of Jesus


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