Sunday 21 January
READ: Numbers 27:1-7
MORE LESSON: Matthew 13:24-25
There was a man in Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital, who when the government came to demolish his house said, I built this house with my pension and it is everything I have at the age of seventy. I invested into this house. This is everything I have worked for all my life. If you want to demolish this, I'm not stopping you but I will stay inside; demolish me with the house so that after the demolition, I won't be around to feel the pain. The authorities had demolished several big houses but for this man's small house, they negotiated and paid him his money. He was also able to salvage some of the building materials, and was better off because he contended for his house.
The reason why the enemy is still planting in your life is because your Christianity lacks the power of contention for ownership. You don't contend for what is yours which is the reason for the gradual encroachment into your destiny and you stand as a spectator saying, 'It is well.' In fact, sometimes some believers say, 'May be it is the Lord's will'. But it is not the Lord's will for you as a human being to, for example, be swimming in your dream. You need to speak concerning that your business, and it will not collapse; whatever it takes- fasting, prayer or sacrifice. If you have to reduce the food you eat so that you can plunge back the profit into the business, or if it will take going back to learn from others, do everything you need to do. That is contending for ownership. Even when you hear testimonies of what is happening to other believers who accommodate oppression, insist that oppression is not okay with you.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints Jude1:3.
When it comes to your matter declare: “I know who I am; I know what belongs to me, and I will not allow satanic encroachment one inch”. Don’t allow the enemy to plant trees in your life so that you will not end up looking for how to uproot them. In medicine, prevention is better than cure; dealing with mosquitoes is cheaper than buy anti-malaria drugs.
Like the Zelophehad daughters, take your case before the Judge of all flesh and you will have as much inheritance as you deserve.
*Ask the Lord to release His fire and thunder against forces contending with you.
*Insist in prayer that life will turn to you the good side, and lines shall fall for you in pleasant places.
*Declare your life, destiny and home a no go area for the devil.
I am a planting of the Lord; no man born of a woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2018, in the name of Jesus.