Saturday 20 January
READ: Hebrews 6:12-15
MORE LESSON: James 1:2-4
The dictionary defines patience as the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset. It is the ability to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. Patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Gal. 5: 22. Another word used in the Scripture for patience is longsuffering; so patience means to be long spirited, that is, being able to forebear. The word also connotes being cheerful or hopeful in forbearance and endurance. Patience is endurance that is characterised by cheerfulness during the period of waiting or in the face of difficulties. Faith is the requirement for accessing salvation and other things from God; so every believer has a measure of faith, at least, sufficient to get him saved.
Many believers know that with faith we can possess what we want but their understanding of faith is incomplete. Patience is what completes faith. The proof that you believe God is that you wait for Him, . . . he that believeth shall not make haste. Isa 28:16. Nowadays, people say if it is truly faith, then it must happen right now. But Scripture makes us to understand that, Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing: James 1:3-4.
Patience is a test of faith. How long you are willing to wait shows how much you believe. When God gives a promise and it has not materialised, the person who has no faith will quickly go out and explore alternatives. However, the man of faith will keep waiting on God because he knows that God will unfailingly come around for him.
Searching through scriptures, you will discover that the words 'faith' and 'patience' appear together most of the time because faith without patience is incomplete. Abraham, the hero of faith, was also renowned for his patience as he waited on God for years till God fulfilled the promise made to him, And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise: Heb 6:15.
Henceforth as you hold forth strongly in the patience of faith, I assure you that your fruitfulness will appear to all men, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the virtue of patience will not be lacking in your life.
* Pray that patience will work the perfection of your faith.
* Receive grace to wait and hope for all He has promised.
My Father and my God, Thou that rules in all things, rule my year 2018, I surrender it to You, in the name of Jesus.
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