Sunday 7 January
READ: Joshua 13:1-6
MORE LESSON: II Timothy 4:1-8
Many people wander aimlessly through life. They don't know why they were born and for some, it has never occurred to them that they were born for a reason. No one is a biological accident. Even children who are born out of wedlock are not accidents. There is a reason why God allowed them to be born. They would have been aborted but God preserved them so that they can fulfil His eternal purpose.
On the other hand, there are people who have discovered what they are destined to do but who are just lazing around or who lack the capacity to complete that which they have started. The beginning of a race is as important as the finishing. No one who competes in athletics hopes to begin and not reach the finish line. In the same way, God expects that we don't only discover our purpose but also run with it to the end.
The following keys will enable you discover, run with and finish your assignment.
1. The first key in doing God's work and any other thing in life and finishing is being a faithful seeker and not a gambler. There are too many gamblers in church who have no direction. They always live by trial and error. This is a waste of time, and consequently a wasted life. Closely related to gamblers are gossips. They are always interested in people's life because they lost focus. Gossip, like cancer, is a destroyer of destiny. Nothing productive comes from the gossip. With their tongue they kill faster than the sword; they run down people and never get to the height of the people they run down. If all you do is spend your time talking about others, you may not have the time to seek and discover your assignment and if you don't really know what you were born to do, then how can you finish it?
2. You must be determined. If you are not determined in life, many things will take you from your purpose.
3. You must be ready to pay a price. There is always a price for a good finishing; there is no successful end without a price. Eye service does not deceive your Master but it reduces your destiny. You must work hard because spiritual things are not for the lazy.
4. Make sure your methods are scriptural. Godly means bring good result while ungodly means may give what you want but you will pay for it at the end. Pay the price for following a godly means so that your joy will not be cut short when you get to the finish line.
Child of God, I pray for you that you will not end your assignment half way; like Paul and Jesus you will reach your finish line strong. Another man's destiny will not become your own, you will find yours and fulfil it, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God for grace not to miss your purpose in life.
*Declare that your purpose in life will not be truncated.
*Ask God for the grace to finish well in life.
By the authority in the name of Jesus, 2018, you must hear me when I call, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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