A Daily Devotional by Bishop David
God, the Owner I
28 October
Fear not, little flock; for it is
your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32
FOR TODAY: Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness
thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Luke 12:32 Fear
not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the
God owns everything in the world. It is not
strange to people that God owns everything created because Psalm 24:1 says, The
earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Notice that the second part of that scripture which talks of the fullness
has to do with the fact that God does not just own the things we see but also
those things we cannot see; signs, wonders, days, years and seasons. He can
turn anything to the direction He wants to accomplish His purpose on the earth,
and in the life of anyone He chooses at any time.
The reason why some people constantly knock
at the gate of Heaven is because there is a conflict between the times and
seasons of their life. Certain things you expected to happen at certain
times/seasons of your life did not happen It looks like the seasons and years
are working contrary to your expectation. That is called waiting. You wait
because things do not work or do not happen at the time you expect them to
happen. In fact, for some, they have been told that their season has passed.
But I tell you that the God who saved you, redeemed you and forgave you is your
Father, the Shepherd and the Bishop of your soul. Men might say that your time
and season has passed but your time is not in their hand. God your Father owns
and controls your seasons to your advantage.
God has you in one hand and days and
seasons in the other hand. This is good news because when you discover that the
one who loves you has what you are looking for, it is game over because you are
sure that it will eventually be given to you. This is what Jesus meant when He
said that our heavenly Father already knows that we are in need of these things
so we need to focus our attention on seeking His kingdom while He focuses His
attention on attending to the issues that concern us. It is good news because He
who owns the sheep also owns the grass, so there is nothing to be afraid of.
It's like the popular African saying that you have both the knife and the yam
in your hands, so there's no reason to be afraid of hunger. I have good news
for you today, your Maker and the Owner of your soul is also the Owner of the
seasons and times of your life. So there is nothing to be afraid of and He will
make it good, in the name of Jesus Christ.
* Give God thanks because he has the season and times of your life in hands.
* Decree that your life will play out according to the way God has planned it.
* Ask the owner of life and time to satisfy you with your
heart desires.
TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: To the great God of JAWOM, our Shepherd and Helper, thank You for the year 2024. Oh Father, thank You is not enough. Glory be unto Your name Lord Jesus.