Thursday, July 11, 2013

Word Triumph I

            Thursday, 11 July

TEXT: II Tim.3:14-17, MORE LESSONS: Josh 1:8

The Word of God is the key to victory in life and destiny. If you desire to win in life and have good success then from today pay particular attention to what the Scripture can do in your life.
The Word of God can:
1.Make a man wise – 2 Tim.3:15
2.Save you – 1Pet.1:23
3.Heal you – Psa. 107:20
5 Deliver you – Psa.19:11
6.Cleanse and sanctify you – John 17:17, John 15:3
7. Guide you into your life purpose and destiny – Psa.119:105
8. Inspire faith in you to fulfil your destiny – Psa.10:17
9. Give you an inheritance among the saints – Acts 20:34
10.Change you from glory to glory – 2Cor.3:18
11.Give you dominion on the earth – John 10:34-35
12.Reveal to you the mind of God concerning any matter–Heb.4:12-13
13. Impart to you the very life and nature of God - I John 3:89

Without doubt, there is power in the Word of God. By the Word the heavens and the earth were created. God and His Word are one, therefore, you cannot separate God from His Word. Whatever God can do His Word can and this is why you must never play with God's Word.

You must reverence it, study it, meditate on it day and night and diligently apply it to your day-to-day life. This year, the Word will prosper you, heal you, deliver, help and advance your destiny. None of its promises will fall to the ground in your life and none will fail you.

Your port ion is as David confesses in Psa.1:1-3,
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

* Give thanks to God for the gift of the treasure, the Word of God.
* Ask God to open your eyes of understanding and give you great insight into His Word this year.
* Ask that the Lord by His Spirit will draw your heart to God's Word, to love and to study it daily.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It Matters who You Marry

Wednesday, 10 July
Text: 2 Cor. 6:14-18, MORE LESSONS: Eph. 5:7-10

If indeed you are a true child of God, then it matters who you marry. As a believing parent, it matters who your child marries. Marriage is so central to a person's life, future, and happiness as well as the fulfilment of the plan and purpose of God for his/her life that one can’t afford to be careless about the choice of a life partner. It is an issue that should be given all the diligence and prayer it deserves.

Throughout the Scripture, God treats marriage as a very serious matter and God's covenant people in the Scripture gave the matter of marriage a very careful and proper attention. It was God that gave Eve to Adam (Gen.2:18). Abraham insisted that Isaac his son should not marry a Canaanite. He sent his servant to go and pick a wife from among his people for Isaac (Gen.28:1-4).

How properly you marry will determine how well connected you will be with the covenant blessings of God. In several places in the Bible, God warns His people not to intermarry with the idolatrous Canaanites, rather they should marry from among God's covenant people. So also our text says you cannot be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. As a believer you cannot marry someone who (is):
1. Not yet born again.
2. A backslider.
3. Living in sin and is not ready to repent.
4. Already married.
5. Eager to go to bed with you before marriage.
6. Does not share your faith, belief, and core-values.

You are to marry by God's leading and to a person in Christ. It is important to seek the consent and approval of your parents and spiritual leaders before you finalise any marriage deal. In fact, it is better to carry them along from the beginning. May the Lord lead and guide you in this vital decision of life, in Jesus' mighty name. However, if you have already made a mistake in this regard, seek the face of the Lord for divine intervention and help. Don't take any rash decision, seek for counsel from a Bible-believing spiritual leader and carry your spouse along in any decision. Marriage needs care, so handle it with God”s Word and wisdom.

* Give thanks to God because His Spirit is ever willing and ready to direct you.
* Pray for young people that God will direct them in this crucial issue of marriage and that they will hear and obey the voice of the Lord.
* Pray against any doctrine of satan in marital issues that they will no longer prevail over our youths.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Making the Right Choice

 Tuesday, 9 July
TEXT: Acts 1:23-26, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 6:12-13

The early apostles needed to choose a replacement for Judas Iscariot, who fell by transgression and his bishopric was to be given to another. They prayed and chose Matthias. When Jesus our Lord wanted to select the twelve disciples out of the crowd that followed Him, He spent all night in prayer to God in order to make the right choice (Lk.6:12-17). When Samuel was to choose a successor to the fallen King Saul, he took a lamb to sacrifice to the Lord to make contact with Heaven for the right decision. When Peter was locked up in prison, the church prayed …without ceasing…. Acts 12:5.

In life we are constantly confronted with crucial issues needing vital decision such as who to marry, who to employ in a business, which career to pursue, where to live, who to vote for. The list is endless. Only God knows all things and He is the only One who can lead you to make the right choice. If you base your decisions on sentiment, feelings, physical appearance and outward expression you will be wrong. However, if you consult God in prayer and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He will guide you to the correct choice. Do not depend on your wisdom and ability, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths Prov.3:5-6.

The following tips will be helpful in making your choice.
1. Be very clear in your mind what you really want.
2. Do not rush any decision.
3. Consider all the options available.
4. Present all the options before the Lord and sincerely ask Him to speak very clearly to you.
5. Take your time to listen to your spirit as you pray and study the Word of God.
6 Confirm whatever you receive in your spirit by checking it up with the Word of God.
7.Whatever He says to you, do it.

Above all, stay connected to the Holy Spirit of God, who has God’s mandate to guide the believer into all truth, Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not s p e a k o f himself ; b u t whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come Jn.16:13

 Read the following promises of God and pray with them: Psa.32:8, Psa.48:14,Psa.71:17-18.

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Wisdom for Soul Winning

Monday, 8 July
TEXT: Acts 1:8, MORE LESSONS: John 1:37-40

The moment you give your life to Christ and get born again, your main responsibility is that of sharing the Gospel message of Christ with others, beginning from your home, your immediate family and relations to the uttermost part of the world. Sharing the Gospel of Christ is the most important thing a man can ever do in life. The people who believe your message will receive eternal life having crossed from death to life and will spend eternity in joy and bliss. Those who refuse to believe your message shall be damned forever in the lake of fire. So it is such a serious matter that all diligence must be employed to get the best result. The following tips in addition to the Holy Ghost power upon you will be helpful in sharing the Gospel message.

1. Be natural while you are serious, do not try to sound over righteous, avoid holier-than-thou attitude that condemns people.
2. Be sensitive, listen to the Holy Spirit.
Watch the mood of the person you are to share with. Pick a common subject to start your conversation.
3. Be tactical, avoid being dragged into irrelevant absurdity. Be focused on the main subject which is salvation. It takes wisdom to win souls.
4. Be prayerful. Use every opportunity to silently ask God to help you win the soul.
5. Use the Scripture wisely. Do not just quote the Word, explain the Scripture.
6. Share the testimony of your own encounter with Christ, it can be very powerful.
7. Gently, wisely but firmly press for a decision for Christ right away.
8. Pray with the person on receiving Christ, i.e. lead him or her in prayer to Christ.
9. Invite him to your church, or a Bible believing church close by.
10. Keep contact with him or her until they can stand firm in Christ. Go ahead and win a soul to Christ today.

* Pray that God will give you great passion for soul winning.
* Pray that God will lead you to a ripe soul who is ready to receive Christ today.
* Pray that God will anoint you to effectively share the Gospel message so that souls can be saved.
* Pray that your fruits will abide.
 Make sure you speak with someone for Christ today.

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