I Tim. 6:17-19, MORE LESSONS: Acts. 2:42-47
day, Jesus was faced with the challenge of feeding a multitude of hungry people.
He had to borrow a young boy's lunch pack of five loaves of bread and two
fishes. This was nothing compared to the number of people to be fed. Humanly
speaking, it was an impossible situation that He was faced with. In His wisdom,
Jesus divided the people into groups, took the five loaves and fishes, blessed and
broke them, after which He commanded the disciples to distribute among the
people. Surprisingly, everybody ate and there were leftovers (Jn. 6:5-13).
young boy's release of the only thing he had for the sake of others is
commendable. Not everybody finds it easy to give in order to benefit others
because naturally, giving is not easy for man. Selfishness is the nature of man
and it takes conscious effort for one to be delivered.
consider Jesus' disciples who distributed the limited resources to be heroes.
How many people today will be willing to distribute scarce resources for the
good of all? You may even think this problem is limited to politicians but even
many brethren are greedy. For example, at ceremonies, some people grab more than
one plate of food, gifts etc. when others have not got any. The disciples were
able to overcome greed, that was why they did not share the food among
themselves and there would have been no miracle of the feeding of five
thousand. The question is, How much can you give to people? Mike Murdock says,
Giving is the only proof that you have overcome greed. Let's give to people in
need, if your resources are scarce, in willingness to distribute to those in
need lies the miracle of multiplication. Today's text is very instructive on
this matter, charge them that are very rich,
That they be not high-minded, v17
Not to trust in uncertain riches, v17
But to trust in the living God, v17
That they do good, v18
That they be rich in good works,
That they be ready to distribute
Willing to communicate
Message translation says ...Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches
we could ever manage– to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be
extravagantly generous. If they do that, they'll build a treasury that will
last, gaining life that is truly life ITim. 6:17-19 (MSG). Remember, it is what
you share that can never finish!
Ask God to grant you a giving heart.
Pray that God will give Nigeria leaders that are not selfish.
Tell God you will be a blessing from today.
Ask God to make you a Kingdom financier and that you will not hide from God.
Plan to meet a need this week either for a neighbour or for your church.
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