Sunday, August 11, 2013

Willing to Contribute

TEXT: I Tim. 6:17-19, MORE LESSONS: Acts. 2:42-47

One day, Jesus was faced with the challenge of feeding a multitude of hungry people. He had to borrow a young boy's lunch pack of five loaves of bread and two fishes. This was nothing compared to the number of people to be fed. Humanly speaking, it was an impossible situation that He was faced with. In His wisdom, Jesus divided the people into groups, took the five loaves and fishes, blessed and broke them, after which He commanded the disciples to distribute among the people. Surprisingly, everybody ate and there were leftovers (Jn. 6:5-13).

The young boy's release of the only thing he had for the sake of others is commendable. Not everybody finds it easy to give in order to benefit others because naturally, giving is not easy for man. Selfishness is the nature of man and it takes conscious effort for one to be delivered.
I consider Jesus' disciples who distributed the limited resources to be heroes. How many people today will be willing to distribute scarce resources for the good of all? You may even think this problem is limited to politicians but even many brethren are greedy. For example, at ceremonies, some people grab more than one plate of food, gifts etc. when others have not got any. The disciples were able to overcome greed, that was why they did not share the food among themselves and there would have been no miracle of the feeding of five thousand. The question is, How much can you give to people? Mike Murdock says, Giving is the only proof that you have overcome greed. Let's give to people in need, if your resources are scarce, in willingness to distribute to those in need lies the miracle of multiplication. Today's text is very instructive on this matter, charge them that are very rich,

1. That they be not high-minded, v17
2. Not to trust in uncertain riches, v17
3. But to trust in the living God, v17
4. That they do good, v18
5. That they be rich in good works,
6. That they be ready to distribute
7. Willing to communicate

The Message translation says ...Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage– to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they'll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life ITim. 6:17-19 (MSG). Remember, it is what you share that can never finish!

* Ask God to grant you a giving heart.
* Pray that God will give Nigeria leaders that are not selfish.
* Tell God you will be a blessing from today.
* Ask God to make you a Kingdom financier and that you will not hide from God.
* Plan to meet a need this week either for a neighbour or for your church.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Continuous Assessment

TEXT: Lk. 15: 1-10, MORE LESSONS: I Cor. 11: 27-29

Success in life can be maintained by a continuous assessment of one's performance. It is not wise to keep doing things without periodic evaluation to make room for improvement. The parable that Jesus gave to His disciples about the lost sheep and the lost coin is interesting because of what the shepherd and the woman did to get back what they lost. The price they both paid was high. The shepherd had to leave ninety-nine definite sheep in search of one indefinite sheep. The woman had to light a candle and sweep the whole house in search of the lost coin.

What I really like about these two people is that they both recognised that they had a loss. The shepherd with a hundred sheep suddenly realised by continuous assessment that his sheep fold was less by one. The woman also, by continuous assessment, realised that she lost a coin.
You are to periodically examine your life and what you are doing to see if all is well. There are blessings that the Lord has blessed you with that you must keep monitoring to ensure that you don't lose any. Learn to check your spiritual life to see if you have lost any virtue. It was not in your character to get angry or tell lies, but suddenly you are easily provoked, and you exaggerate easily.
You have suddenly discovered that you can lust easily or that you have become materialistic. That is an emergency and you need to go for spiritual evacuation. Like the shepherd and the woman in the parable, look for whatever you have lost at all costs and you will get it back.

It is very dangerous for you to wait and let God examine you Himself, because judgement may follow as it did for Nebuchadnezzar, TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting Dan.5:27. That was why Paul admonished, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.... II Cor.13:5. In contrast to David’s cry in Psa. 26:2, Examine me, O LORD, and prove me.... The good in this is that ... if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged ICor.11:31. Again, medical research has proved that a regular medical check is a better guarantee for long life than treatment of sickness. Same also in the academics, a successful student in continuous assessment is not likely going to be a failure. So in any area of life a continuous check is a guarantee for well-being. Have you had a spiritual check up today?

* Ask that God will not hide from you your true spiritual state.
* Tell the Holy Spirit to maintain a continuous x-ray of your spirit man all lifelong.
* Ask God to restore to you all your losses in life and cause you to recover fully.

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Godly Heritage

TEXT: Prov. 30:11-17. MORE LESSONS: Prov. 3:1-4

The rate of mortality among the youths is alarming. Many reasons have been attributed for this, such as road accident, drug abuse, and homicide. It was also found that most of those with drug abuse and homicidal tendencies are known to have no proper upbringing by their parents or have rejected home training. Such people violate God's commandments, thus forfeiting the benefits, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee Exo. 20:12.

God can shorten the lifespan of a generation that does not walk in obedience to Him as it happened to the Israelites in the wilderness (Num. 14:26-30). In every generation, the responsibility lies on both the parents to give a godly heritage of the knowledge of God to their children and on the children to readily take godly instructions, My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee Prov. 3:1-2. Moreover, God wants the young generation to learn from both their biological and spiritual parents.
God will not compromise His standard in any generation. The Bible says, The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it Prov. 30:17. Our text also condemns haughtiness; learn contentment and self-control don't seem to be pure in your own eye.

Godliness brings long life, while sin and vices are the speedy lane to destruction and untimely death. As parents are concerned that their children prosper in academics and career so also they should be concerned about their spiritual and social well-being. Show interest in what devices your child can access in this age of Information and Communication Technology; let your child not be wasted by the crave for freedom and pleasure. Children also should submit to training and counsel because at the end of the day, they enjoy the good return before the parents can benefit from it. The best heritage that any parent can leave for their children today is not material possessions, good as that may be, it is godly living. The wealth that is built at the expense of godly living will be destroyed by ungodly acts. Parents and children be warned!

* Pray for wisdom and courage for parents to lead their children in the way of God.
* Pray for our young ones for grace to overcome the prevailing temptations of their generation.
* Pray that Satan will not win the battle for the souls of our youths.
* Break the weapons of sex, immoral dressing, music and internet over our youths.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Receiving your Healing

READ: Mk. 2:3-12, MORE LESSONS: Mk. 11:22-31

All the miracles of Jesus have lessons for us and make our situations easier to respond to His healing power. In our text today, Jesus encountered a terrible case in Capernaum, which was like His operational headquarters. Expectedly, much crowd followed Him, looking for one miracle or the other.

The case of the paralysed man and his faithful helpers brought tremendous lessons in trusting God for a near impossible healing. 1) The helpers were not discouraged by the barrier (the crowd). Don't quit. Trust God for what next. 2) They removed the roof in order to have a way. Where there is a will, there is a way. Be determined that God the healer will make a way for your healing. 3) They broke the ceiling and let down the man in front of Jesus. Break your hindrances and take a step of faith to come to God's presence. No one who is determined to receive anything while in the presence of God ever gets disappointed. 4) Jesus saw their faith. God must see your faith; when you trust Him, He is excited to prove His ability and power on your behalf. 5) Jesus forgave the sick man's sins. Christ cleanses totally so that Satan will not have any reason to return affliction to a person that receives healing. 6) The man received his healing despite the unbelieving Pharisees around. God is depending on your faith in Him for your healing, And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all.… Mk.2:12. You too will go forth today with your miracles no matter the hindrances and difficulties, in Jesus' mighty name. You will win over whatever has kept you down. And you will not lack faithful and committed friends at the hour of need.

The absence of friends who can go an extra mile like the friends of this sick man is responsible for the untimely death and affliction of many today. As you believe God for such helpers, pray also that God will use you to be a dependable hand for somebody needing help to come out of an affliction. Be a healing hand today, heal and be healed! Whoever carries whatever you need for a healing, you will not miss him/her. And whatever obstacle you need to overcome to reach your miracle you will overcome. I prophesy today is a healing day!

* Rebuke every force of paralysis, physical, financial and otherwise.
* Refuse to be helpless in life.
* Renounce and destroy the power of sin that could be responsible for your affliction and receive forgiveness and healing.

Anoint yourself and everyone around you for healing.
Give thanks for answered prayer. Take a step of faith and do what you couldn’t do before. I see healing of any sickness. Receive it, it's a healing day!

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