Saturday, August 10, 2013

Continuous Assessment

TEXT: Lk. 15: 1-10, MORE LESSONS: I Cor. 11: 27-29

Success in life can be maintained by a continuous assessment of one's performance. It is not wise to keep doing things without periodic evaluation to make room for improvement. The parable that Jesus gave to His disciples about the lost sheep and the lost coin is interesting because of what the shepherd and the woman did to get back what they lost. The price they both paid was high. The shepherd had to leave ninety-nine definite sheep in search of one indefinite sheep. The woman had to light a candle and sweep the whole house in search of the lost coin.

What I really like about these two people is that they both recognised that they had a loss. The shepherd with a hundred sheep suddenly realised by continuous assessment that his sheep fold was less by one. The woman also, by continuous assessment, realised that she lost a coin.
You are to periodically examine your life and what you are doing to see if all is well. There are blessings that the Lord has blessed you with that you must keep monitoring to ensure that you don't lose any. Learn to check your spiritual life to see if you have lost any virtue. It was not in your character to get angry or tell lies, but suddenly you are easily provoked, and you exaggerate easily.
You have suddenly discovered that you can lust easily or that you have become materialistic. That is an emergency and you need to go for spiritual evacuation. Like the shepherd and the woman in the parable, look for whatever you have lost at all costs and you will get it back.

It is very dangerous for you to wait and let God examine you Himself, because judgement may follow as it did for Nebuchadnezzar, TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting Dan.5:27. That was why Paul admonished, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.... II Cor.13:5. In contrast to David’s cry in Psa. 26:2, Examine me, O LORD, and prove me.... The good in this is that ... if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged ICor.11:31. Again, medical research has proved that a regular medical check is a better guarantee for long life than treatment of sickness. Same also in the academics, a successful student in continuous assessment is not likely going to be a failure. So in any area of life a continuous check is a guarantee for well-being. Have you had a spiritual check up today?

* Ask that God will not hide from you your true spiritual state.
* Tell the Holy Spirit to maintain a continuous x-ray of your spirit man all lifelong.
* Ask God to restore to you all your losses in life and cause you to recover fully.

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