Wednesday, August 28, 2013

His Guided Missile

TEXT: Lk. 5:1-10, MORE LESSONS: Isa. 34:16

God's Word is a guided missile which doesn't miss His targets. God's Word is perfect and direct. When Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave, Lazarus came out. That instruction had the capability to resurrect every dead person in that graveyard but the address was to Lazarus. God's Word is directed to you today instructing your day, month and year to be filled with glory and it will not miss you. There were many fishermen fishing on the sea with Peter when Jesus directed him to launch into the deep. As soon as the word was spoken, every fish in that sea began to look for Peter's net. This will be for you a great year of recovery, promotion, success, help, victory and joy unspeakable. If the word for Lazarus, Peter, Jonah, etc did not miss them, every word of prophecy that has been spoken to your destiny this year will speak for you, in Jesus’ name.
Sometimes you don't even wait for the prophet to prophesy on you, just find one of God's promises that is relevant to your need and begin to claim it and I assure you it will not miss its target. That was what the woman with the issue of blood did. Jesus’ Word and ministry did not reach her for whatever reason, she was just hearing of His wonder work of power. So she decided to reach Jesus, she touched just the helm of His garment and she was healed. Reach Jesus today by locating His promises and pour them on your destiny before you start the day and it shall be a blessed day, month and year for you. I command God's blessings to locate you today, in Jesus' name.

* Say to God, Your promises will not lack their mate in my life, in Jesus' name.
* Command that your destiny will respond to God's blessings and promises.
* Claim the following promises in prayer: Deut. 28:1-13; Ps. 90:2-16.
* Give thanks for answered prayer.
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