Matt. 8:1-3. MORE LESSONS: Matt. 9:18-19
is a disadvantage to have a wrong perception of God. Therefore, it is wrong for
anybody to assume that God is not willing to let him off the hook, like the
leper in our text. This is share ignorance. God is merciful, kind and generous.
Whatever you are going through, approach Him as a Father and don't be discouraged
by the gravity of your sin because the blood of Jesus is enough to cleanse you
from all forms of oppression and sin.
prodigal son took courage and confidently walked to his father after squandering
his inheritance, asking to be a servant, I will arise and go to my father, and
will say unto him, Father, I have sinned ... And am no more worthy to be called
thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants Lk. 15:18-19. You ought to do the
same; go back to God, tell Him you are sorry, He is ever willing to forgive.
Don't even have a servant mentality, go as a son, you are not a servant but a
son ...I have called you friends.... Jn. 15:15. Your willingness is what is in
question, now take a bold step and approach the throne of grace.
took courage for the leper to approach Jesus because he did not know whether
Jesus would be willing to heal him, and also because a leper was an outcast.
But Jesus proved to him that none is an outcast no matter their state
spiritually or otherwise. He is also willing any day to heal, save, restore,
deliver or do any good, if you are willing to approach His throne of grace, If
ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land Isa. 1:19. The
first step to a blessing from God is willingness. It is willingness that brings
obedience and obedience stirs Heaven to do anything.
you willing to be blessed of God in any area of life? Prove your willingness by
living up to God's expectation from today and bring His power to bear in your
matter. God is willing if you are willing. In fact, God is more willing than
man, if only we will approach Him in faith believing, Let us therefore come
boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to
help in time of need Heb. 4:16.
leper came by faith and went away with healing. If you too can approach Heaven
through prayer, faith and obedience, you will be delivered.
Ask God to take away anything that is an hindrance to your approaching the
throne of grace.
Tell God you are willing to walk in obedience, He should therefore bless you today.
Ask that the power that cleansed the leper come upon you and take shame and
reproach away from your destiny today.
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