Thursday, August 1, 2013

Be Teachable

READ: Matt. 18:1-6, More Lessons: Matt. 13:11-17.

One attribute that endears children to their teachers is their teachableness. Little children are so teachable that if you teach them a wrong concept, it will take a long time to get them to unlearn it. They will disbelieve their parents and cling to their teacher's instructions and doctrines. Little wonder that Jesus in today's reading exhorts His followers to be like little children. In other words, be teachable, which implies a willingness to acknowledge your inabilities, ignorance and lack of skills. It involves being humble and willing to sit under the one who knows better and learn. Jesus calls, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls Matt. 11:29.
Christ is the best teacher whose teachings are with authority and life changing power as testified by His disciples. They enjoyed and profited from the teachings of Jesus through the help of the Holy Spirit. You must acquire the attitude of the disciples, he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us....Lk. 11:1.

Being teachable has several advantages
1. It helps to avoid waste of time in ignorance over what you lack skills to do.
2. It leads to increased knowledge for the learner.
3. It adds skills to you as you put yourself under the appropriate instructor.
4. It reduces stress that comes from lack of the know-how.
5. It leads to success without struggle.
6. It is the key to inherit eternal life.

When you stop learning, you stop growing, spiritually and physically, because no man is created an island of knowledge. Somebody always knows something you do not know, and you always know what somebody does not know, it is in exchanging what you know for what you don't know that you become better informed and greatly empowered. Never refuse to learn because knowledge is power; seek for knowledge, buy it, make it a part of all you do. Don't allow any opportunity to learn pass you by. It is one way to be great.

* Reject unteachable spirit out of your life.
* Tell the Lord to grant you a teachable spirit like little children.
* Declare that no counsel of hell will prevail over your day.

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