Matt. 8:23-27, MORE LESSONS: Acts 16:23-26
is not the absence of trouble, problems or challenges in one's life but the
ability to rest or stay calm despite the troubles all around. The main reason
why many people hardly stay calm in the time of trouble is that they don't
remember God's abiding presence. If Jesus is right there in the boat of your
life, it is impossible for the boat to go under.
run up and down when you are faced with challenges of life. If God be for you
nothing can be against you. God will never abandon His children, no matter the
situation or circumstance of life. He was with the Hebrew children in the fiery
furnace (Dan. 3:24), He was with Joseph in the prison (Gen. 39:21) and He was
with Daniel in the lions' den (Dan. 6:22). When you remember that Christ is
with you, you can act calmly in the face of painful and difficult situations.
Jesus has the ability to calm a mighty storm, He will certainly calm the storms
you are encountering and overcome any force of evil that comes against you.
reason why people feel agitated in the face of storms is that they forget the
promises of God - the Lord will deliver you from all your afflictions (Ps. 34:19).
He will never assume the state of man to lie (Num. 23:23). If you are a child
of God, He will deliver you from that sickness, barrenness, lack, oppression
etc. Have the knowledge today that His Word has already gone ahead of you.
Believe God for whatever He says in His Word that He is: a fortress (Ps. 18:2);
a helper (Heb. 13:6); a healer (Exo. 15:26); a deliverer (Ps. 18:2); a sun and
a shield (Ps. 84:11); a shepherd (Ps. 23:1) Your glory and the lifter up of
your head (Ps. 3:3), a shield and a buckler (Ps. 91:4). Believe and stand on the
promises and surely the storm will give way to peace.
Apostle Paul says in the midst of storm, …for I believe God.... Acts 27:25.
Believe God despite the storm. I command peace to you, in Jesus' name.
Say, Lord, thank You for being the God that can be present in the storm.
Say, I declare peace to every storm around me, in Jesus' name.
take a worship and praise song, give thanks to God for His power to calm
storms. Praise Him sincerely because I can hear in my spirit that the storm is
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