Saturday, August 31, 2013

Winning over Pain III

READ: Jam. 5:10-16, MORE LESSONS: Acts. 16:23-33

We have established in the last two studies the fact that pain is common to man. Therefore, if you are hurting at this time, don't feel too bad but deal with the pain God's way. I pray that the Lord will not allow the pain that you cannot conquer to come your way, in Jesus' name. Several people in the Bible went through different types of pain which they handled in different ways. Many of them won, especially those who looked up to God for help. Such winners left for us examples to follow today. A few of those winners are Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and Peter.
Among these generals, the case of Job stands out as the most graphic picture of pain in the Bible. Some people don't read some sections of his book because pain is plainly spelt out, but I recommend that all people read the book. In one day, all his seven children and all his cattle (thousands of them) died, his servants all left, his health deteriorated, he moved from abundance to nothing, all without prior notice. It is good to note that he did not commit any sin, nor waiver in his commitment to God for one day; rather, he declared, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job. 13:15.
Eventually, the pains of Job were over; God visited him and gave him double of all that he had lost. The greatest lesson was revealed – his ordeal was a test! That implies that the pain you are going through could be a test, after all. Friend, watch your reaction.
Finally, in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you I Thess. 5:18. I pray that your pain works for your good and produce a miracle, in Jesus' name.

* Give thanks to God for everything going on in your life.
* Ask God for strength in pain.
* Ask God for divine direction and understanding and maturity when things sometimes go wrong.

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