Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Disengaging the Enemy

READ: Matt 17: 14-21
MORE LESSONS : Ezra 8:21-23
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Philippians 1-4

Today I want to give you some weapons for disengaging the enemy and enforcing victory in any situation. Prayer is a weapon of mass destruction on the camp of the enemy. I believe that by prayer you can change night to day. When everything has failed, prayer will get the job done. Although Jesus is God, He always took time to pray while on earth and each time He stepped out of the place of prayer, something happened. When you add fasting to prayers, then things begin to happen at a high level. There are certain spiritual matters concerning which you won't get anywhere until you have engaged the power of fasting; this is a tested fact. No wonder Jesus started ministry only after 40 days of fasting and prayer. Another weapon is speaking in tongues. It is a powerful tool for disengaging the enemy. Many think speaking in tongues is a religious act to be done only in church or when believers are gathered around them. No, praying in the Holy Ghost is a weapon anywhere, anytime. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, fire is emitted out of you and that gets the whole kingdom of darkness confused.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Matt 3:11. The devil does not understand tongues because it is a direct interaction between you and God. When you engage speaking in tongues, you are not in charge anymore, the Spirit begins to instruct you on what has to be done about the situation. When matters are confusing and there seems to be no direction anymore, just go ahead and pray in the Holy Ghost. I was in a meeting where after we had prayed, sang and done everything, it looked as if the heavens were closed with brass. You could feel in the atmosphere that the presence of God was absent. When I was called up, I said, 'Lord, what do we do now? By inspiration, I said, 'Every one begin to pray in the Holy Ghost and if you can't speak in tongues just shout, ''The Blood of Jesus''. By the time we entered into that dimension of praying in tongues, a reknown deaf and dumb boy in the village joined us to speak in tongues. We brought him out and he started speaking in tongues into the microphone, then the whole meeting went into an uproar. People ran out of the meeting, went to their houses to call others and the whole atmosphere changed. Next time when all things seem hopeless and confusing, just open your mouth and pray in the Holy Ghost. It is not just ordinary speaking, it is fire!

* Ask God to baptise you with the Holy Ghost afresh.
* Ask God to rekindle His Spirit upon you in a double fold.
* Command every enemy's position in your life to be terminated today.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Weapon of Praise and Worship

READ: Ps 22: 3
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 23-40
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 9-12

But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel: Psa. 22:3. Singing praises is a very powerful weapon for a believer. If you want to have a successful life, learn the power of praise and worship. When Paul and Silas were locked up in prison, prayer and praises brought the presence of God that broke their chains and threw open the prison doors. You can never overestimate the power of praise and worship. People say, 'When everything else fails, try praise'. Well, you'd better use praise first. Praise is not a trial and error thing; go for praises and your situations will surely turn around. Prayer rises to meet God but praises bring God out of His seat into your situation; and when God arrives, Power has arrived. Praising God is a great weapon that can devastate the kingdom of darkness. Job complained that in all his crises no one said to him, Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night: Job 35:10 (NKJV). That was because he later discovered that when you pass through a midnight situation of your life, singing praises brings you out of the impossibilities and destroys what the devil is doing in your life. All the time Job spent seeking out what sin he had committed and listening to different opinions, if he had spent it in praise and worship, I guess his crises would have been over much earlier.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Prophetic worship is about giving God His worth in a prophetic way even when the situation doesn't look good. You take your eyes from the situation and fix your gaze on the Almighty God, and begin to ascribe His worth and attribute His works to Him. You take a good look in your spirit at the Almighty God and begin to call Him by His names and His works. You may or may not be singing, dancing or clapping but you give God His due; that is prophetic worship. Nothing brings a man into the presence of the Lord faster than giving God prophetic worship. This is what Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel did and won the battle without fighting (II Chro. 20: 14-30). When you enter into prophetic worship, in the heart of the strangest situation of life, you become a spectator in your battle. God Himself comes down and takes over your affairs.

* Rise up and praise God in a prophetic worship and with songs of praise.
* T ell God you will never stop praising Him even in all your challenges.
* Pray that as you worship God today, the enemy’ s work against you shall be dismantled.
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Monday, April 28, 2014

The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts

READ: Jn.2:12-17
MORE LESSONS: Rom. 12: 9-11
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 5-8

Zeal is not only a human affair; even God has zeal. God can do things with zeal. There are acts of God in which He engages all His zeal. . . . The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this: Isa 9:7. God has zeal to bless. When you are zealous for God you court His zeal to respond to you in blessing. With zeal He can also cause His fury against your enemies to end. Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them. Eze. 5: 13. When our Lord Jesus walked the earth, He burned with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts in everything He did. Once, He used a cane to drive out all those who were selling and buying in church. He said, And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise: John 2: 16. The zeal with which He operated that day is what is called 'zeal for the house of the Lord'. It is because God is a zealous God that He demands of us to be zealous.
In the Scripture there is a disciple of Jesus whose surname was Zealot, Simon the Zealot. He was so zealous that the word zeal was added to his name. Zeal is borne out of what a man knows and what he is pursuing with all he has. Zeal must be accompanied by accurate and correct knowledge. Some people often put all their strength, ability and life into a certain course but they are doing the wrong thing. The problem is not the zeal but the lack of knowledge. We should be zealous but we must also be teachable and go for the right knowledge. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. . . to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne: Rev 3:19-2. From this Scripture reference, we see that zealousness is a requirement for those who want to make heaven. The Bible says to repent of your past lack of zeal and be zealous. May the zeal of the Lord of Hosts consume you in fellowship, in evangelism and every assignment you do for the Lord.
Slothfulness is the opposite of zealousness and it is what we see in many of God's children today. God deserves more than this and actually detests slothfulness. We must serve God with zeal and commitment and only then will there be good reward for our work.

* Repent of any slothful past attitude to the things of God.
* Pray that commitment to the things of God will be a priority in your life.
* Ask God to grant you a fervent spirit to serve Him.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Weapon of Our Warfare

READ: II Cor . 10:4
MORE LESSONS: Eph 6: 10-18
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 1-4

God can give you your heart desire, but it is your responsibility to acquire the fire that drives you to achieve your desires. You can acquire what you desire if you perspire and do not retire but re-fire. All your heart desires are possible but the key is to keep working at them. One major characteristic of any man that is a winner today is that he never quits; winners never quit and quitters never win. You will acquire if you perspire and you don't retire. Each time you are threatened by contrary situations and discouragement, all you have to do is to re-fire in the place of prayer and meditation on God's Word. Just keep firing back at the devil and firing on to your dreams. There are weapons you fire at the devil and there are weapons to fire you to your dreams. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. II Cor 10:4. They are weapons that can sink a whole nation. Such weapons do not deal with individuals or even a group; they are targeted towards a mass. Examples are such that were released during the Second World War. They are so powerful that years after they were detonated in a place, they still have effects like causing sicknesses and or kill en-masse. This is the reason they are called weapons of mass destruction.
Just like there are weapons in the physical, there are also some in the spiritual. Going through the scriptures, we find out that there are a lot of weapons that the believer can use to fire at the devil and to fire on in his destiny. You could use these weapons to terminate the works of the enemy and also guarantee your achievements in destiny. The following are some weapons of mass destruction which you could always use to wage war against the enemy and ascertain victory in destiny:
1. The Name of Jesus
2. The Word of God
3. The Blood of Jesus
4. Praises
5. Prophetic Worship.
6. Speaking in Tongues
7. Prayer
8. Fasting
9. The Word of Testimony
10. Laughter
11. Clapping of Hands
12. Honouring of Parents (both biological and spiritual)
13. Seed of Faith
14. The Presence of God.

* Take these weapons one by one and ask God to use them to take you above your enemy’s position in life and destiny.
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