Tuesday, March 31, 2015

End that Sorrow

Tuesday 31 March
READ: 1 Chro. 4:9-10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 50:15

In 1 Chronicles 4:9, we read the story of Jabez; it is such a touching story. His mother named him Jabez because she had very great difficulty at his birth. Everything was contrary to Jabez since the day he was born. Nobody would associate with the man named sorrow; so he was a deserted man until one day when he decided to take a major step of destiny. That one day for you is today! Look at what Jabez did; he didn't sit down in his crisis to organise a pity party but he did something about his problem. He went to the place of prayer. He took a decision; he took a step of prayer. You need to take that same step today.

Learn to pray about the Word; don't only confess it. It is important that you spend quality time before God, and remind Him of what He has said concerning you. Prayer makes things happen. In John 2:5 Mary the mother of Jesus said to the servants at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, Whatsoever He says to you do it. You can do the Word; in other words, practise the Word. Learn to do the Word. Don't finish confessing God's Word and sit down to say, “Well, I'm waiting for what God will do”. If there are things that are supposed to be your own responsibility, be ready to do them. Whatever God is leading you to do get into doing it. Jabez took a spiritual step; he prayed and God granted him his request (I Chro. 4:10). That is why that verse a started with And Jabez was more honourable than his brothers. He was more honourable because he did not watch his destiny run into crisis, he did something about it and his action paid off.

Have you prayed about that matter? Confessing the Word is different from prayer. You should confess the Word but you must also pray. Jabez was not the only one that was bearing a terrible name: there were a few other people in that same passage that had very terrible names but did nothing about their names. For example, Ashur actually means “blackness” (verse 5). The next name there, Tekoa means “tent pitcher”, somebody who never owned his own inheritance but moved from tent to tent. Helah means “rubbish” and Paseah (verse 12) means lameness.

The same verse has Ir-nahash which means a city of serpents. However none of these people did something about his matter; they lived and died as their names suggested of them. But Jabez decided to change his own story. He did this by prayer. You can win that battle in the place of prayer and change the story of your destiny forever if you can only take action. Today is the day to end that sorrow and prayer is the key.

* Make this declaration - whatever connects my life with sorrow is hereby terminated.
* Say, ‘I uproot the root cause of every affliction over my life’.
* Prophesy that your destiny is forever connected to rivers of joy and celebration.

Father, I thank You for the last day of March, let every Lot surrounding my life be separated and destroyed by fire today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Created for His Pleasure

Monday 30 March
READ: Gen. 2:4-16
MORE LESSON: Rev. 4:11

If you trace back to the beginning when God created man, you will realise that God did not create man to toil. The original place of man was in the Garden of Eden. The word Eden means 'Pleasure' and so Eden was a place of pleasure, comfort and ease. The first good thing about Eden is that it was not the request or proposal of any man. God, out of His own volition, initiated the decision to make the Garden of Eden for man. I want you to know that there is a place in life where you don't have to toil, cry and moan before God blesses you with everything you need. The original purpose of God for your life is that He will supply your needs in advance, that is even before the needs actually arise. The fruits of the trees in the Garden of Eden had already been planted, watered and freely given to man to eat even before the work of dressing the garden was given to him. It means that man was not created to eat from hardship and toil. Sweating and toiling in order to eat came began after the curse that followed the fall of man. Thank God, Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of sin.

The initial position was that what man would eat had been freely given by God even before work was assigned to him. So God is not saying that you should not work. Work is not a curse but a blessing; it is toil that is a curse. However, God gave man the gift of work in order to fulfil his purpose and assignment and not in order to make ends meet and to survive. So when you want to take up a job, the first thing to consider is whether it is compatible with your God-given purpose. As long as you are employed by God's purpose for your life, you will enjoy the work and God will take care of your needs. The master plan of Jehovah for your life is not labour and a life time of stressful toil but a life of comfortable and pleasurable work.

The work God intends for you is one that will help you to fulfil your assignment and purpose, either in the Church or in the secular arena. Such work is easy and pleasurable for you because God also puts the love and passion for it in your heart. I pray that you will not die in labour but your life will experience God's original intention of ease, comfort, pleasure and rest. May you also discover your purpose and destiny, and have the grace to enjoy working towards its fulfilment, in Jesus’ name.

* Give thanks to God for His pre-creation provision for you.
* Ask for revelation, direction and guidance over your life fulfilling assignment.
* Rebuke every type of fruitless labour.
* Ask that the provision meant for you in destiny will not elude you.

My glory, I command you to rise up and shine in 2015, you shall not be silenced.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Be a Problem Solver

Sunday 29 March
READ: Dan. 2:10-20
MORE LESSON: Matt. 5: 13-16

As a child of God, you are a carrier of the glory of God and so a problem solver, a solution giver. You should begin to see yourself as the answer to the problems of the people and the world around you. Cease to see yourself as a problem or the harbinger of problems, but rather as the solution that the world is waiting for.

Daniel went to the Babylonian kingdom as a slave but because of the light and the wisdom of God in his life, he began to solve the problems that the astrologers and wise men of the land couldn't solve. He came as a slave but he didn't bring problems to the kingdom, he brought solutions. No wonder he climbed to the very top position of influence in the same land where he came in as a captive. In Daniel Chapter 2, the king had a dream that troubled him which he forgot and needed someone that would tell him both the dream and its interpretation. That was a problem no one had a solution to. To make matters worse, he commanded that the wise men should be killed if they couldn't tell him his dream and its interpretation, as if they were responsible for his forgetting the dream. When this came to the attention of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they knew that they carried on their inside God who has the solution to every problem. Therefore, that fact makes them the solution to the problems in the land.

Be a problem solver in your career and place of work. Glory carriers are problems solvers not trouble makers. Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men: Matt 5: 13. When as the carrier of the glory of God you become a problem and have no value to add, you will lose relevance with men. You are the light of the world and your light will shine, in Jesus’ Name.

There is so much poverty, sickness, marital problems and unemployment in your community but do not join the people who complain and see themselves as being at the mercy of these problems. Believe God that you can be the solution to these problems, not just for yourself but also for everyone around you. Decide that by the reason of God's glory in your life, you will not contribute to the problems in the world but you will be the solution. Pray that God will make you the solution and not the problem in your family, church, community and nation. Shine the light!

* Pray that your light will shine everywhere you go.
* Pray that you will be a solution and not a problem wherever you are located.
* Ask God to give you all the needed resources (spiritual and physical) to be a blessing everywhere you go.

Father, as this month runs out, every dark stain on the horizon of my glory, I decree them cleansed out, in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daily Load of Benefits

Saturday 28 March
READ: Psalm 68: 19
MORE LESSON: Psa. 92:12-15

I have good news for you today. The news is that Lord wants to load you with benefits. This is neither on a weekly nor monthly basis, but every single day of your life. This means that on a daily basis, God has a basketful of blessings, provisions and benefits made ready for you. No matter how old you live to be, before you wake up each day there is a load of benefits waiting for you; and remember this scripture was written before you were born. So from the day of your birth to your last day on earth there is a blessing from God to you.

As wonderful as it is that God blesses us each day, that is not all the excitement to it. Also, the blessing for each day is a load. Mind you, when God calls something a load I assure you that it can't finish in a day. So the load of yesterday would not have been exhausted when God delivers another to you today. And He will not fail in delivery for a single day because He has enough resources to daily load all human beings with benefits from eternity past to eternity to come. What wonderful news!

The secret to getting your delivery daily is that every day you wake up the first thing to do is to give thanks to the Lord. You should lift up your hands to heaven and say, 'Oh Lord, thank you for today. I'm excited about the new day. Thank you for the load of benefits that is waiting for me in all my ways today.' Then you proceed to use the Name of Jesus to bind anything that stops the delivery of your load for the day. You can thereafter go ahead to command the day open for all the benefits coming. From today never start the day crying, murmuring or complaining any more. Don't say, 'Yesterday was bad enough, today has come again.' But rather reach out in faith and confidence and see the benefits that will be delivered to you each day.

That is not the end of this wonderful news. The high point today is that you can claim the benefits in arrears if you have lived without receiving the delivery of your loads of benefits all these years. I want you to know that all the ones you didn't receive were stolen by the devil but since your name is on the loads you can reclaim them. Just take the Name and Blood of Jesus and begin to rebuke the devil to get his hands off all your benefits, past, present and future, and then in faith,u start to claim them in arrears.

Believe this wonderful news in God's Word that the Lord our God daily loads us with benefits.

* Give God thanks for all the benefits already waiting for you this new day.
* Thank God for being so mindful of you as to prepare loads of benefits for your destiny.
* Command the blessings of today to be downloaded now.
* Ask that all that caterpillars and canker worms have eaten be restored now.

I bless everyone that has been a blessing to me this year, especially my physical and spiritual parents; they will not lack helpers.