Saturday, January 31, 2015

No Thanks, No Extra

Text: Luke 17:12 – 19
MORE LESSON: Psa. 103:1-5

There is no one that God has not blessed; there are only people that think He has not blessed them enough. If you think that there are some things you have not got and so you refuse to give thanks, then you are missing a very vital spiritual principle. God's principle for receiving more is thanking Him for the ones you already have. If you are prevented from thanking God for what you have because of what you don't, you will be denied receiving those things you don't have yet. In other words, the extra you want is in thanking Him for what He has given already; so, ‘no thanks, no extra.’ I charge you today that if you want more of God's blessings, begin to thank Him vigorously and sincerely for all He has ever done for you.

In Luke 17:12 -19, we see ten lepers healed by Jesus and then only one returned to give Him thanks. The other nine hurried away to pursue the next blessing; they were focussed on going to the priest so that they might be restored to their families and communities. But the one that was more focussed on giving thanks for what he was given went back to the Great High Priest. The result is that Jesus said to him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole (Luke 17:19 KJV). The others were just healed but he was made whole. Being made whole means that the sickness was not just removed; every loss he had experienced as a result of the sickness was reversed and all blessings the sickness denied him were now endowed on him. He was given total restoration as an extra over the others because he gave thanks.

The following are ways to thank God so that you can connect with the extra from Him.
1. Constantly give testimonies of God's goodness to you. A testimony is a tool for the duplication of miracles. When you tell people about what God did for you yesterday, He will do more tomorrow.

2. Write down the things God has done for you and praise Him for them. Many people have books where they write what they want God to do for them but no book to write what He has done.
3. Create a memorial of what God has done. You can immortalise what God has done for you by doing something that will remind you and others that God did something for you.

4. Make a sacrifice to God that will cost you something. When God gave Samuel to Hannah, she brought him back to God- that is a sacrifice. God gave her other wonderful children as extra. When you give something that ‘leaves a scar' on your bank account, time, energy or property, then you are making a sacrifice.
Today is the day to thank God and as you do, extra blessings are on your way.

* Give God thanks for seeing the end of the first month of the new year.
* Ask God for His forgiveness over any act of ingratitude you have done in the past.
* Ask God that as you give Him thanks today, He will keep your blessings and also add to it.
* Ask God to grant you mercies to also see the end of the last month of this year.
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Father, bring me into a good land, where my water will be sure, eat my bread without scarcity and have no lack of anything.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Goodness and Mercy

Text: Psa. 23:1-6
MORE LESSON: Exo 33: 16-19

The goodness of God is God's abundant mercy poured or showered on a man who does not deserve it. It is enjoying one good after another. Goodness and mercy are covenant benefits for all who belong to the sheepfold of God just as Moses had, For how then will it be known that Y our people and I have found grace in Y our sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Y our people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth. So the LORD said to Moses, I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, I know you by name And he said, please, show me Y our glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy: Exo. 33:16-19.

The secret of how David had goodness and mercy following him is that the Lord was His shepherd. A shepherd tends, feeds, keeps and defends his sheep. He watches over, looks after and guides his flock. Being a sheep in God's fold qualifies you for His guidance, provision, protection, correction and all the comfort that He can give. He will lead you to a green pasture and besides still waters because He has pleasure in you. He restores the weary soul and He will not leave His sheep in danger of the shadow of death nor will He hand you over to your enemy that you cannot compete with; He makes His own the envy of all men.

A man that will enjoy all these is the one:
1. who has been admitted to be a member of God's holy family by being born again;
2. who enjoys communion with God and dwells in His presence forever;
3. who does not set his happiness in the pleasures of the world, but in the fear and service of the Lord;
4. who is under the care and tuition of God;
5. who has made God his only sure protection and confidently relies on Him; and
6. who fears and trusts in the Lord – Ps 31:19. Such a man can confidently say as the Psalmist that, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

* Father, let Y our goodness and mercy follow me and my household.
* Father, be my Shepherd and don't let me stray away from Y our fold.
* Father, let me see Y our goodness in the land of the living.
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Confess Deut. 11:2: 2015 is “a land which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year”.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alone with God

Text: Exo. 24: 9-18
MORE LESSON: Gen 32: 22-24

In our relationship with God, He has always desired to have a more intimate fellowship with us on an individual basis. For all who stand out in a walk with God, they do it on a personal relationship with Him. The walk of faith is first of all a personal walk; as individuals, we must be ready to forge ahead, not regarding the contrary situations. We must also be an encouragement to one another in faith. Every child of God should know that he/she needs a personal relationship with God and just knowing God as the God of his/her parents, who already have a stand before God.

The Lord said this concerning Abraham, Look unto Abraham your father and Sarah that bare you, I called hi m al one and blessed hi m and increased him: Isa 51: 2. Then Abraham moved his tent and went to dwell by the Terebirth trees of Manre, which is in Hebron and built an altar there to the Lord Gen 13: 18. The place of his altar was also the place of his encounter with God (Gen 18:1). In the days of Enoch, he had a testimony that he walked with the Lord and God took him (Gen. 5:21-24, Heb. 11:5) Enoch had a consistent and intimate fellowship with God even though the people of his generation did not seek after God.

A consistent and intimate relationship with God is expected of every believer. Jesus called His disciples that they may first be with Him and then that He might send them. To build your spiritual stamina, you must be willing and ready to feed more at the foot of Jesus. This can be achieved by consistency in prayer, study of the Word of God and engaging in spiritual activities that will enable you to communicate with God. Such activities include evangelism and personal retreat. Jacob spent all night wrestling with the Lord in prayer; the encounter that brought transformation to his destiny (Gen 32: 24). Making time out for personal prayer and study of God's Word gives you the privilege of being alone with God.
The life of Moses is also an outstanding example for us to learn from.

We learn from him that:
1. there is always more to know about God;
2. there are still greater experiences you can have with God than what others have had;
3. what makes you a leader is your ability to stay ahead, and
4. if you can patiently wait in His presence, His glory will transform your life.
If the secret of the fathers of faith in the Bible and also in contemporary times have been God's dealings on a personal level then everyone of us must aspire to have a consistent personal relationship with God. The altar of prayer, study of the Word and communication with the Holy Spirit must be with zeal and consistency.

* Ask God to draw you closer more to Him.
* Ask the Lord for grace for a consistent work with Him.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vain is the Help of Man

Text: Psa. 60:9-12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 146:1-5

Nobody can go through challenges of life alone (Eccl. 4:9-12). You need help to achieve your aspirations and heart desires for 2015. People that get things done in life succeed because of the help, favour and assistance they receive from other people. In seeking solution to the problems or challenges of life, people try so many things. Some run to other people for help, others turn to institutions and establishments, or to demonic and diabolic devices for help and solutions.

However, the Bible is very clear that true help comes only from God Almighty. The help of man is not only limited (2 Kings 6:26-27), but also vain outside God (Psalm 60:4). The Bible says, for by strength shall no man prevail (1 Sam. 2:9). Regardless of your physical, academic, financial, political, spiritual strength, you still need help from above.

The good news is that, it is not a big deal for God to help, increase, prosper, enlarge your coast, make you great, end that crisis in your life and create supernatural open doors (Acts 12:10). I don't know what your challenges are right now: an examination, an impending operation, a court case, an admission case, a new and better job, a burden for the ministry work, crises in your marriage, health challenge, a need for the fruit of the womb, or for a life partner? In 2015, the Lord is out to give you help so that you are not disgraced and ashamed (Isaiah 50:7).

To enjoy the help of the Most High however, there are certain basic things you have to do. (1) You must have a relationship with Him by accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. (2) Do not go down to Egypt (Satanic altars, demonic prayer houses, occults etc) to seek for help (Isaiah 31:1-3). (3) Acknowledge the fact that by strength (certificate, wisdom, skill, bank account etc) shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). (4) Acknowledge your need for help and ask God for it (Math. 15:25). (5) Keep your eyes and trust absolutely on God. Your help only comes from above (Psalm 121:1-2). (6)

Determine to be a channel of blessing or help to someone else, as you receive God's help in 2015. (7) Be appreciative of every help received from men and God. (8) Ask Him on daily basis to link you up with destiny helpers. Saul’s blindness ended when God linked him with Ananias (Acts 9:9 – 27). (9) Do not neglect church services and or fellowship with the brethren. Y our help is in the sanctuary (Psalm 20:1 – 2). In 2015 and beyond, may the Lord defend you, protect you, send you all round help from His sanctuary, be an enemy to your enemies and bless you early.

* Thank God for all the help received in 2014.
* Ask for specific help of the Lord in the situation you are in right now.
* Pray that the Lord will help and give victory to somebody that you know is going through a critical time right now.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winning over Pain

Text: Psa. 147:2-7
MORE LESSON: Isa. 38:4-6

It is possible that you have been wounded in your heart and mind. Those you trusted with all your heart may have let you down. Has your dignity been shattered and you feel cheated? You endured the pains, but the memory lingers on you, and many times you have asked the question, “But why me?” Y our past frightens you, and the future looks dreadful. Yes, you have sobbed, you have cried, you have bitten your finger and sucked your thumb as pain wrenched your soul. Oh, the loss, the abuse, the failure, the disappointment, the unexpected, the divorce, the molestation and frustration! In spite of all these, there is hope for you; God is working on your night season. He can turn your break down into break through He can turn your mourning into dancing and you can win over that pain.
Are you going through a painful experience right now?

These are the things you should pay careful attention to: (1) Refuse to live like a victim. Make up your mind to stop looking for sympathy and start looking for solution. Worry, weeping, and depression concede victory to the enemy. Blaming others will only make you bitter and wallowing in self pity can only paralyze you and alienate others. (2) No matter what happens, always rejoice (1 Thess. 5:18). Paul was in one of Europe's worst prisons when he wrote Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again rejoice: Phil. 4:4.
No matter what you are passing through in your life, show God that you trust Him by cheering up. It worked for Hannah (1 Samuel 1:18) and David (2 Samuel 12:16-23). (3) Cultivate the heart of praise worship. Don't ever hang up your harps (Psalm 137:1-4).

Engage in praising God. Praise gets your eyes off the pain and unto the problem solver. The strength you need to win over your pain and keep moving forward can only be cultivated in a climate of continual praise worship and thanksgiving to God. Paul and Silas prevailed over their painful season through praise worship (Acts 16:25-26). (4) Stand firm in faith and on the word of God. Standing on your feelings, circumstances and the opinion of others will only prolong your painful season. Listen to and repeat to yourself what God says about you and the pains you are passing through; instead of rehearsing past experiences, speak faith. (5) Pray through. In a painful, hopeless situation where everything seems to be failing, turn your face towards heaven in prayers like Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:4-5). (6) Learn to encourage yourself in the Lord. After David and his men wept and they had no more strength to weep, the Bible says, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God (1 Samuel 30:1-6).

Beloved, I see your night of weeping turned to morning of celebrations. I see God giving you beauty for ashes.

1. Give thanks to God for all the pains and testimonies you have ever experience in life.
2. Ask the Lord to heal you and other people you know that are passing through one pain or the other.
3. Pray that the Lord will heal the wounds of people who are victims of insurgency like  Boko Haram in  Nigeria and other part of world.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Thy Will be Done

Text: Rom.12:2
MORE LESSON: Matt 6:9- 10

The written will of a man is his final decision concerning a particular issue. Men write their wills and God also relates to men based on His written will. The written will of God is divided into the Old Will (testament) and the New Will (Testament). These two wills cut across the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi and from Matthew to Revelation. God has also written a warning concerning His will: Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and those things which are written there in: Rev. 1:3. The will of God must be read, heard, known and kept by all of God's children so that they can be blessed.

According to Rom. 12:1-2 and 1 Tim 2:3, there are some of God’s wills that are worth knowing and doing:

(a) Presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice to God (1 Cor. 3: 16 – 17, 6: 20);
(b) Making the body holy (2 Cor. 7:1);
(c) Making ourselves acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1);
(d) Rendering reasonable sacrifices to God (Rom.12:2);
(e) Not conforming to the world (Rom.12:2);
(f) Being transformed by Word (Rom 12:2);
(g) That all may be saved by evangelism (Mark 16:15, John 3: 16, Rev. 22:17);
(h) That all come to the knowledge of the truth (Heb. 4: 12, 2 Tim. 3:16).

Dearly beloved, the law of the Lord is not difficult and not without a reward. As we do His perfect will, He has abundant blessings for us; by accepting God and doing His will, you will gain entrance into His kingdom and be kept from falling. You will be established, live righteously and your sonship shall be confirmed. The good, acceptable and perfect will of God is what every child of God must pursue so that His intended blessing for us might come to bear in our lives.

In conclusion, there are some ways the will of God can be done on earth. Today, pray that God’s will be done in your life and that of others in your family and church. Doing the Word should be your delight in addition to seeking and understanding it. As you do the Word and daily live it, God will surely release His blessings on you. God bless you as you begin to do and teach God's will, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that God’s will be done in your life and family this year.
* Pray that you will not find God’s will difficult.
* Pray that no unmarried brother or sister will miss God’s will in marital destiny.

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Looking unto Jesus

Text: Matt. 14:22–32
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-4

And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him and said to him, 'O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matt. 14:31. Doubt, fear and sinking in the midst of the storms of life are events of events usually experienced by a man who is no longer focussed on Jesus. But when a man has set himself before the Most High everyday and in all things, he can be sure of strength to withstand whatsoever may come his way. The scripture says, And the rain descended, and the floods came and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it fell not; for it was founded upon the rock: Matt. 7:25. When a believer exhibits undivided attention on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of eternal salvation, he can be sure he will not sink in any storm of life.

There are countless negative effects of not looking unto Jesus: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled Heb. 12:15. Roots of bitterness and defilements are examples of what can spring up when a believer is no longer focussed on the Lord. And on the other hand, if a man can see the Lord clearly and follow Him all the time, he is sure to get to the highest height in life. And He said unto them follow me and I will make you ....Matt. 4:19. Prov. 8:32–36 gives a long list of other things the believer should do to have his gaze fixed on Jesus.

Some of which are:
(i) Keeping the ways of the Lord (verse 32). God's ordinances, statutes, doctrines, laws and commandments as expressed in His Word should be kept.

(ii) Hearing and not refusing God's instructions daily (verse 33). That means, going to where we can hear God's Word.

(iii) Hearing the Lord Himself and developing an intimate relationship with God, (verse 34).

(iv) Watching daily at His gates, i.e. through quiet time, fellowshipping.

(v) Waiting at the posts of His doors, i.e. steadfast ness, consistency and diligence in seeking Him (verse 34).

(vi) Finding the Lord and just seeking Him. It is only those that find the Lord that can be said to have sought Him, the aftermath of which is divine favour.

(vii) Not sinning against the Lord because it will amount to deliberately doing wrong to oneself (verse 36).

(viii) Loving Him (the Lord) so that the believer can have abundant life. (Verse 36).

Beloved, anyone who does these things will never be distracted but will find enthusiasm to constantly seek the Lord and obey Him in all things.

* Jesus I fix my eyes on You; let my foundation be established upon the Rock that will not be moved.
* Father, help me to follow Y our instructions daily and grant me an intimate walk with Your Spirit.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Created for Good Works

Text: Jn. 2:13-17
MORE LESSON: Rom. 12:11

The text being considered today is a pointer to us as believers that having been created in Christ for good works (Eph. 2:10) we could be zealous for them (Titus 2:14). The word translated 'fervent in spirit' means to boil with heat. As used in the text above, it means to have a burning zeal to do the will of God. One can be either ''lagging in diligence'' or ''fervent in sprit'' but whoever desires to please the Lord must not only prefer but also manifest the latter. Know that your spiritual fervency is required for your relevance in spiritual service.

Rev. 3:14–16 presents us the case of the Church at Laodicea which was chastised because of their lukewarmness. This tells us about God's zero tolerance for lukewarmness. It is however, sad to know that the fervent spirit is lacking in some who parade themselves to be God's people. Some believers in Christ unfortunately are guilty of ignoring, procrastinating, and even running down that which needs to be done in the body of Christ for the Kingdom of God. They have lost the fire and enthusiasm of the first century Church. This is the time to rise and take after the likes of Nehemiah who in the midst of every distraction, persecution and mockery still proceeded to go about his service to God and His people.

We are actually not ignorant that the state of the world today makes it increasingly difficult to serve God. The inevitability of making ends meet and to survive has made many to substitute service to God with service to self. But as true as this may be, it is only believers with the fervent spirit that will not compromise their burning faith and service to God come what may.

The scriptural admonition today is very important now than ever because the days draw near when God shall make a division between the one who serves Him and one who does not serve Him ...and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not (Mal. 3:18).

* Father, kindle your fire in my spirit.
* Father, let the grace to serve You with fervency more than ever before come upon me today, in Jesus’ name.
* List three things you can do daily to keep your spirit fervent and determine to do them consistently.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Victors not Victims

Text: Job 22:21-29
MORE LESSON: Isa. 54:17

The Holy Bible is replete with scriptures that guarantee our victory in all of life endeavours. God’s assurance to us on victory is however, not realized when we don't take out time to search and acquaint ourselves with the vast provision of victory that we have in God through His Word. Whether we like it or not, in 2015, there will be some casting down, disappointments, sack letters, broken homes and unrealized dreams which are all associated to victims of circumstances. But none of these shall be your portion, in Jesus’ name. Your “AMEN” to this prayer will only be sufficient for you to be a victor in the midst of the year if you can be committed to observing the following steps that can be helpful in being a victor and not a victim.

1. Acquaint yourself with God in 2015 (Job 22:21). To acquaint oneself with God is to get to know Him personally. Therefore, if you must live as a victor in 2015, it is expedient that you know God so intimately, to know who He is to you and what He has for you. You should know that He is your shield and glory (Psalm 3:3); He is your very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Know Him to discover that He is plenteous in mercy (Psalm 5:7) and that He will not cast you away when you run to Him for mercy and victory over sin (John 6:37). What a man knows about God and His Word and how the knowledge is applied can determine who becomes a victim or victor in the year.

2. Live by divine instructions (Job 22:22). Divine instructions are instructions given by God or through His Word or His prophets and they are often times opposed to our opinions and reasoning as humans. They however, have the capacity to keep those that adhere to them from being victims of evil. Let us be willing therefore to receive and obey the divine instructions that come from our spiritual leaders who God has set over us in order to avoid the evils that waste men. The instructions may include when not to travel, who not to marry, etc. Such instructions when followed are capable of dealing with the obstructions on the way of a man's destiny.
3. Learn to speak/pray what you want (Job 22:27-29). The summary of Job 22:29 is that we can be defended from being victims of tragedy if we can also learn to speak out what we desire as our portion when faced with unpleasant circumstances. What you say is what you will see. Choose to speak victory-related words this year and you will experience it.

* Appreciate God for the provisions He has made for your victory through His Word.
* Tell God you will not be a victim of circumstances in 2015.
* Pray that you shall not be misled to be a victim in the year.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Great Grace for Leaders

Text: Eph. 3:7-8
MORE LESSON: James 4:6

The grace of God exists on three different levels: (1) God’s unmerited favour. (2) God's willingness to enter into a covenant of righteousness with you and bring you into His presence. (3) The anointing of God. The Holy Ghost is the anointed of God, and He extends that anointing to you. The anointing removes all burdens, destroys yokes, blesses and empowers you. The anointing will go before you to prepare the way for God to move. You can pray and believe God for this active side of grace to do the extraordinary, that is operating in the supernatural realm of the Spirit.

In Acts 4, Peter and John did a notable miracle causing a lame man to walk. The people rejoiced, and word of the miracle came to the Sanhedrin, who grabbed them and demanded that they stop teaching and preaching in the name of Jesus. After reporting what the chief priests and scribes and elders had said, they began to pray, praising God, asking for boldness to speak even more fearlessly. They asked for the manifestation of the power of grace, and grace showed up as they spoke the Word of God boldly and many signs and wonders were manifested. When you are experiencing a time of great grace, you don't need to struggle in order to manifest power! The great grace that came on the disciples will come upon you today, in Jesus’ name.

Great Grace is the power of God that enables you to do what God calls you to do. We are totally dependent on the power of God (great grace) to teach and to pastor. You can do better and function better when you operate under the auction of the grace of God. May God anoint you with this grace today, in Jesus’ name.
Man can't take any glory for doing anything. If a miracle happens when we preach and minister, thank God. But it is not us but the grace of God. You are a saint of God, with grace in you. Talk back to the devil; tell him that he can do whatever he wants, but you know that in the end, you will receive God's grace just in time. His grace will be sufficient for you to go through it all (2 Cor. 12:9). Paul knew he could face any trouble because he had a covenant with God for His grace.

Because of that, Paul said, I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me Philippians 4:13. If you stay on the Word of God, refusing to be moved by what you see, feel, and what people say, then you are going to be moved by knowing who you are in God and where you are standing. This is going to bring you the experience of victory, which will give you hope in this year.

1. Pray that you will experience seasons of grace this year.
2. Pray that this year you will function by grace in all you do.
3. Ask God for His empowering presence that comes by grace this year.
4. Declare: I can do all things through the grace of God.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Faithful Helpers

Text: Col. 4:7 (NLT)
MORE LESSON: 1 Chron. 12:22, 38

In life, everyone needs a helper. That helper is somebody who recognizes what God has called him to do, who believes in your calling and is willing to support you. Leaders today, spiritual, business, secular and political, need people to work with. They need people that can be trusted with responsibilities, individuals or groups that can work together with the leader for a common goal. Such must be people that are called to support the leader and not to contest for right of authority, self actualization but the leader's interest. In the home front, the husband needs a faithful helper as a wife, and the wife needs faithful children. May God give you faithful helpers, in Jesus’ name.

The whole of 1 Chronicle 12 talks about helpers who came to David to help turn the Kingdom of Saul to him according to the Word of the Lord: people with sincere and perfect hearts (1 Chro. 12:38); men and women of proven integrity , brethren of honest report, full of faith (Acts 6:3-8) that can be entrusted with responsibilities. They should be those that are ready to put their life on the line, risk it to make sure that the Word of the God does not fail (1 Chro.12:23).
Destiny helpers that can go all the way to work and not people like Judas Iscariot who know your secret and give you out to the enemy for selfish gains are cherished by leaders (Matt. 26:47-48). Helpers that can stand with you as pillars to support you, pray with you and not to pull you down.

Faithful helpers are people that will wait and travail with you and not sleep at the peak of the fight of destiny (Matt. 26:36-40). They are people the leader can trust and who will go along with him even when the going gets tough. When others are falling by the wayside, faithful helpers will stand until victory is guaranteed. They are not people who want applause and praise for what they have done or are doing. Also, such are not people who are slothful in the Lord's business but fervent men and women rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulations, trials and persecution and people who are strong in the spirit (Rom 12:11-12).

Helpers that are faithful are those that cannot be discouraged by what they see, hear, but are inspired by what the Spirit of God says. Helpers that will stand for the truth and can defend it in spite of opposition are the one the church needs (Num. 13:30). Paul mentioned people like Tychicus ...a faithful helper (Col. 4:7), Onesimus ...faithful and beloved brother...(Col.4:9), a profitable son (Philemon verse 11) Epaphras ...a servant of Christ (Col.4:12) Titus - a son and co labourer (Titus 1:4), as faithful helpers who supported Paul's ministry. May God send faithful helpers to you today, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, send faithful helpers to the church.
* Lord, today, I pledge to be a faithful co-labourer in the Vineyard.
* I make myself and time available for the Kingdom assignment.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nothing Missing, Nothing Failing

Text: Gen. 1:28
MORE LESSON: Job 5:23-26

The word “missing” connotes loss and “failing” implies lack of success. These twin words are the architects of misfortune and frustration. When a man incurs loss, he is bound to fail and when a man fails, he is bound to incur loss. The desire of God for man is not to miss anything nor fail, but to multiply and be fruitful. Gen. 1:28 says, …And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Loss, failure and frustration originated from the point that the first Adam disobeyed God and in the process lost his place of comfort and birthright to Satan …And unto Adam He said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree..., cursed is the ground for thy sake, in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of your life: Gen. 3:17.

Since God spoke these words to man in Gen 3:17, Satan has been determined to manipulate man's destiny. Since then man’s efforts to be fulfilled have been characterised by losses, failures and frustration. This battle started with Adam and Eve who while in the process of fulfilling God's desire to replenish the earth, lost one of their children (Gen 4:8). Job lost all he had laboured for in life in one day (Job 1:12-19); King Saul lost his throne in Israel; likewise Samson who was ordained to deliver his people from the hands of the Philistines encountered loss, failure and frustration. Except God helps your efforts and struggles in life you are bound to fail. This is why the Psalmist said, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it, except the LORD keep a city, the watch man waketh but in vain: Psa. 127:1.

You can position yourself for God’s help when you make up your mind to link up with Him and continue in His ways. Then your destiny will be secured, your labour will not experience failure or frustration and whatsoever you lay your hands upon shall be blessed. Even if in the process of working for more blessings you encounter failure and frustration, God will restore you as He did to Job …And God turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends; also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before: Job 42:10. What qualified Job for hundred-fold restoration was his continuous relationship with God despite the trial? Remember, when he heard that all he had laboured for were lost, he fell down and worshipped God (Job 1:20). I want to assure you that as you continue to live in the fear of God, the Lord will continue to send you help from His sanctuary and deliver you from failure, in Jesus’ name.

* Commit yourself and family into the hands of God for help against loss of life, property and money in 2015.
* Ask God to help you so that whatsoever you do this year will not fail.
* Take authority over the powers of darkness that make a man to labour in vain.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

The Lord Makes a Way

Text: Exodus 14:10, 21-22
MORE LESSON: I Sam. 30:7-8

As long as one lives, challenges of life are bound to come but the Lord will make a way out for His people. In view of this, worrying and crying over challenges of life do not help any man. What actually helps a man who is in an unpleasant situation in life is getting closer to God, knowing God's promises concerning his situation and taking the Word of God back to Him in prayer . David encourages this category of people in Ps 37:1-9. Be assured that whatsoever you are passing through in life, as long as God continues to preserve you from death, He will surely one day make a way for you.

Remember, the children of Israel were desperately running away for their lives from the Egyptians and got stuck at the Red Sea. It seemed to them that there was no way further; they thought the end had come. They became helpless, discouraged and sore afraid but our text says, And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them; they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried unto the LORD... And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left: Exo. 14:10, 21–22.

Per-adventure in your place of work, others are promoted and you are delayed or denied the promotion, or you have been struggling with financial dryness and living on monthly overdrafts from banks, God is more than able to make a way for you in 2015. Also, if you are in business, and nothing seems to be working out for you, the God who made a way for the Israelites at the Red Sea will surely make a way for you out of that unpleasant situation and your business will flourish in 2015.

On what basis does God make a way for His people? 1. They must know Him; they must be born again. 2.They must believe that He is more than able to do what He promises. 3. They must persistently and consistently cry to Him in prayer 4.They must continue to move forward or take a positive action in faith 5. They must be able to wait patiently until He makes a way for them. God is always willing to make a way for you as long as you continue to abide in Him. Make up your mind today to stop worrying and crying over unpleasant situations of your life. Rather, choose to relate with God, believe that He is more than able to do what He promises, and take your matter to Him in prayer. Take a step of faith and patiently wait on Him, then He will surely bless you (Lam 3:25).

* Lord, intervened in all my affairs.
* Father, send me help from above to overcome my financial dryness.
* Change my name from borrower to lender in 2015, in Jesus’ name.

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Arrows in your Quiver

Text: Psa.127:1-5
MORE LESSON: Psa.144:11-15

Evidently, from today’s reading, God loves children and wants people to have and nurture children. Children are not “little terrors' as some erroneously put it; rather, they are agents of happiness to the man who has his quiver full of them. Careful meditation on this Psalm shows that children are a blessing; not a single negative word was used to describe them here. They are called “heritage of the Lord”, “reward from the lord” and “arrows in the hand of the mighty man”.

Why then does the latter part of the scripture today remain unfulfilled in several homes? ...happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies at the gate: Psa. 127:5. Rather, what happens in several homes is that children bring shame and reproach to parents and families through wayward living, reckless and immoral lives.

The Psalm also gives the reasons: Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psa.127:1. Several parents raise children their own way not the Lord's. They use traditions and mere principles of men. Some use the rod heavily and verbal abuses constantly thinking that will transform children into arrows in their quivers but instead the children have become rebellious, thorns in their flesh.

What is the way of the Lord to get children to become arrows in the quiver to deal with the enemies at the gate?
- First, pray before children are conceived, pray after they are birthed and never cease to pray as they grow up to become youths and adults.

- Second, dedicate children to the one who gave them; commit them to their maker who is able to keep them. Several people think baby dedication is just a religious ritual in church. No! When it is done consciously, it's a way of committing children to Him that is able to keep.

- Third, teach them the word of God consistently. Ps.119:9. The word will constantly cleanse them and guide them.

- Fourth, love them. Treat them as humans with a complete system as you; spirit, soul and body. Take time out to listen to their questions, give polite and clear answers. Don't shout them down, rather be their friends.

Children who have loving, though, firm parents cope better with issues of life than children with strict, unloving and unreasonable parents. May your children be sharpened instruments in God's power to take away shame from your life and family, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

* The children in my home will bring me honour and glory, not shame and reproach.
* My happiness and joy will increase because of the children the Lord has given me.
* I receive the help of God to train my children in the way of the Lord.

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Safety Alone

Text: Exo.23:25-28
MORE LESSON: Exo.9:22-26

The promises of God for His people are sure when it comes to the issue of safety in their land of sojourn. When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; saying touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm: Ps.105:13-15.

True! Scary events are happening all over the nations of the world that tend to make the hearts of many to fail them: insurgencies here and there, terrorism and persecution of the church, incurable diseases and plagues and such like these. Y et the assurance of God is still very definite and strong to His own.
Who are the people who will enjoy safety in the year? Blessesd is everyone that feareth the Lord, that walks in His ways. For thou shall eat the labor of thine hands: happy shall thou be, and it shall be well with thee: Psa.128:1-2. I am sure that from these verses you can answer the question of who will enjoy safety in the year. First, the man who fears the Lord; to fear God means to depart from all evil acts no matter how much others portray evil as good. Second, the man who will walk in the ways of God:-
I) His ways are righteous (Ps.145:17). Do what is right in God's sight and walk in His ways.

ii) His way is holy (Ps.145:17). Be holy in all your works and shun all acts of ungodliness and uncleanliness.
iii) His way is that of humility (Dan.4:37). Hate all acts of pride and you will be accepted and lifted by the Lord.
As long as the Israelites walked with God in obedience and godliness, they enjoyed amazing and miraculous safety so much so that even enemy nations fled before them.
The promises of God for safety for His people are as sure as God is. He cannot lie and His Word cannot fail. Do you want to enjoy safety this year? Then ensure that you and your household fear the Lord and keep His commands.

* I will dwell in the secret place of the Almighty and I will enjoy safety all through the year.
* The Lord will give the wicked as a ransom for me and my household. This year, it shall be safety alone.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

A People of Strength

Text: Psa. 28:7- 8
MORE LESSON: Eph. 6:10-18

It is always good for every believer to appreciate God for His love for us and for paying the price for our redemption through Jesus Christ our saviour. We that were lifeless, nothing, deserving death and completely alienated from the common wealth of Israel, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV).
God didn't leave His children hopeless and helpless but enjoin them to daily wait on Him in study of the word for in it, we shall find strength for each day of our lives.

God is our strength and source of our strength. So we can say that strength is God's divine enablement, divinely given, imputed, impacted and released to the believer. The ability is given by the Holy Spirit to a sincere and ardent seeker of God (Heb. 11: 6). Since God is the source of strength, we must daily take time, create time to commune with Him. For a believer to face each day in his/her life, prayer must not be taken for granted. Prayer is like the oxygen we take in for life to go on. A prayerless person is always susceptible and vulnerable to attacks. To avoid that, find time to pray and live in the strength of the Lord.

Fellowship with people of like-mind. Heb. 10:24 – 25, Prov. 27:17, Eccl 4: 9 – 12. Don't allow the enemy to cheat you by isolating you to be killed and destroyed. Keep a good company of believers as friends, don't associate yourself with the world. The measure of grace and strength can be sapped and siphoned by the lifestyle of evil companion. So avoid evil company, as you would a plague (2 Cor. 6:14).Buy the truth and sell it not. Buy different versions of the scriptures, good Christian literature by reputable authors, listen to tapes of seasoned men approved of God etc. As you do all these daily, God's strength will be so much upon you, in Jesus’ name.

Find time to fast and pray and be involved in other Church activities. If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small: Prov. 24:10 (NKJV). Determine to stand firm with God. Circumstances should never determine your attitude to God. Come what may, we must remain glued to God. Job's devastating experience would have made him turn his back on God, but he remained firm. He is a man of integrity and strength even amidst tragedy. What are you passing through brother/sister? Don't allow the enemy to sap your strength, remain strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God has enough dose to give to you when you appear before Him anytime. The joy of the Lord is our strength.

* Pray that our men will be committed and dedicated to knowing God, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that our men will know their responsibility as the head of the home and be true/ honest, responsible fathers indeed.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Breakthrough with Ease

Text: Psalm 126:1-2
MORE LESSON: Psalm 37:7-15

Breakthrough is an important development that may lead to an achievement. A believer's life is full of so many challenges. These challenges can come from the enemy of our souls, people around or they can be self inflicted: Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all: Ps 34:19. The devil (thief) cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy...: John 10:10a. Jesus our redeemer, the lover of our soul, our intercessor and mediator said, . . . I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly: John 10:10b.

As a child of God, we must be aware and conscious of the fact that God always means what He says in His Word. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the thought that I have towards you saith the Lord, thought of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end; 3 John 2:3 also says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

On this pilgrim journey, Jesus didn't promise us smooth sailing but that in all and every face of challenge, He will be with us and see us through. (Mark 4: 35 –41). With all God's promises and provisions upon us as His own, we must have to come to terms with His truth and reality that sometimes Heaven may appear to be closed or sealed over us with all the fasting and prayers etc. over issues we are trusting Him for . God will grant grace unto us to keep moving until our breakthrough is actualized, in Jesus’ name. It takes God and our total cooperation to have a breakthrough in life. Our cooperation should not be compromised at all. It takes our persistence because, it does not come arbitrarily. It has a price tag which includes patience, persistence, obedience and holy living, among others.

A believer who keeps himself/herself holy and sanctified for the Master's use and who is heavenly minded daily should never be discouraged but persevere with God until God manifests Himself with a breakthrough in such a life. I know when God appears, it will be like a dream and the pains will melt away as if they never were. The ease, joy, excitement that comes along will be unbelievable. When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter . . .: Psa. 126:1-2. Let us keep our daily communion with Him and be rest assured that our breakthrough is His desire. Keep faith with the Master.

* Pray that much grace be given to as many as are trusting God for husband, wife, children, admission, promotion etc.
* Pray that waiters will not compromise their faith come what may.
* Pray that God will use the waiting period to further equip, empower and train our character in Jesus’ name.
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My labour of old in God’s vineyard shall not be forgotten in 2015, it shall be a season of harvests, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lord, Send Help Again

Text: II Kings 7: 5-17
MORE LESSON: John 5:1-8

Only God can exist without the assistance of anyone; no man can. From conception, the fetus needs the mother to survive. And as soon as the baby is born, he needs the assistance of the parents to grow and fulfil destiny. Help is an action given to provide assistance or aid.

The man at the pool of Bethesda wasted thirty eight years to infirmities due to lack of helpers. This man suffered until he lost his real identity. It was easy for the Lord Jesus Christ to find out his story from passers-by who knew him as the man that was abandoned by the pool, (Jn 5:6). When asked if he would like to be made whole, the man related why his condition had not changed; I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred, he said. Helpers are men/women positioned at strategic points in life to ease one’s burden.

The city of Samaria was besieged by the Aramites. This caused a great famine in the city to the extent that some women decided to eat up their children to survive. The king was contacted and he did three important things. (1) He recognized that only God could help (II Kings 6:27). Some people are at ease with their situations and don't see any need for a helper. A man will not earnestly seek help over what he has not considered to be a problem. That is why a drunkard can mock God's Word and His preachers as he drinks his alcohol. (2) He felt really bad for the condition his people were in; he tore his clothes and mourned in sackcloth. Adulterers can watch Christian channels in the hotel as they defile each other.

They think they are rich, wealthy and so need nothing from God (Rev 3:17-18). (3) He sought to kill the prophet Elisha. This connotes that the king realized that the prophet, who was the only one with the solution to the famine, had not done enough to deliver the land. By the word of the Lord Elisha gave a humanly impossible prophecy, which broke the siege. Our nation needs the help of God. We are sons and daughters of the Prophet; mind what you say about the situation because the solution to the siege is not in the hands of soldiers or politicians but in the hands of God through us His prophets.

God uses human beings to provide help. There are genuine helpers of destinies located for each man. God is indeed our helper and shield; no man can survive a moment without His help. Peter was sinking on the high seas one day and all he did was to cry for help; Jesus heard and rescued him. You too can access God's help by calling on Him today; He can send help again!

* Ask the Lord to send you help from His Sanctuary.
* Ask God to empower your destiny helpers.
* Declare that your life will be a source of help to somebody's destiny today.
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There is hope for my help before the throne of God in 2015 and it starts today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Turning the Battle to the Enemy’s Camp

Text: II Kings 7:3-6
MORE LESSON: II Cor. 10:4-6

One of the English definitions of an enemy is someone who feels hatred towards one or opposes one’ s interest. It also means someone who intends to injure someone else. It is also said that an enemy that is not dealt with on time will deal with his/her victim in time. A wise man must strategise very well to be able to overcome someone who opposes his interest.

The Bible clearly says, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God …. having in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience is complete: II Cor. 10:4-6. The real enemy of God's children is the devil and he manifests himself in different forms. It can use a fellow human being but care must be taken not to capitalize on the person being used as the enemy. Enemies can come inform of sickness, affliction, lack of promotion, poverty, witchcraft attack, curses, spells etc.

This is why it is not very healthy to patronize spiritualists who call names of relatives as one’s enemies. The tendency to hate the person so named is high, thereby promoting unforgiveness and strife which hinder prayers Mark 11:25-26. To turn the battle into the enemy's camp, you must be holy, and be someone who forgives. When the enemy confronted the Lord Jesus with temptation, He spoke the written Word of God and the devil left Him (Matt.4:4-10).Your fervent and consistent fasting/ prayer life will keep you in constant communion with God and cause Him to fight your battles. This important Christian weapon is fast losing its popularity among present day Christians due to laziness and busy schedules. Such people prefer 'paying' so called 'prayer contractors' to pray for them; no financial commitment to any assembly can substitute the place of genuine personal communion with the Lord.

Enemy attack in form of poverty can be overcomed by a life of giving and tithing (Mal. 3:10-12). A man that withholds will tend to poverty while a liberal hand shall be made fat. Don't miss an opportunity to give to the Lord, His people, your parents, relatives and others.
Your life of holy living will guarantee your entrance and dwelling in God's presence every time. You can then abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The lepers in our text revealed a major characteristic of an enemy; it will eventually kill its victim if the victim decides to do nothing. They said to themselves, why sit we here until we die? vs. 3b. A man who refuses to do something positive to change his situation and deliver himself from an enemy will pay with his destiny.

* Ask the Lord to deliver you from every form of unforgiveness.
* Receive the grace to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
* Ask God to show you what to do to overcome the enemies of your life.
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My name and destiny shall not be missing in the list of greatness that 2015 will produce, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, January 12, 2015

God of All Help

Monday 12 January
Text: Psa. 121:1-8
MORE LESSON: Psa. 33:16-20

The help of God is universal and complete. It is like the package of salvation that addresses every dimension of need: spiritual, physical, material, psychological, intellectual, matrimonial and so on. The Almighty God has all the might to handle every need for help; regardless of the extent of need, the might of the Almighty God is ever available to meet it. Eph 3:20 says,...Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think…. Everything about God produces help. Therefore you can find help in God. Indeed, help is available in all that God stands for and it does not cost Him anything to help us (II Chron. 14:11).

There is help for an unbeliever who will submit to God through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, nobody can get to God except through Him (John 14:6). It is important to note that God is not interested in the death of any sinner; He actually delivers him from the wickedness of Satan for the ultimate salvation of his soul (II Pet 3:9). There is a suicide candidate that God helped out of his addiction, made him escape bullets and survived several suicidal attempts so that he could be kept alive to know and experience God’s love. This is mirrored in I Tim. 2:4, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth, and Rom. 5:8-10, ...while we were yet sinners Christ died for us... for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life, indicating that help is guaranteed.

God does not turn His back against any cry for help from believers and unbelievers alike (Gen 21:14-19, Rom 10:13), except that the prerogative for how, when and dimensions of help is His (Exo. 33:19). You also can find help from the God on certain conditions.
You must be ready to cry for help since God had promised never to turn deaf ears to our cry. Ps 34:15 says, ...His ears are open unto their cry. In Matt. 14:30-31 …Lord, save me... was Peter's cry for help, which delivered him from sinking. You will not sink as you walk on the waters of challenges in 2015. Also, you should seek for opportunities to help others without discrimination because our help is wrapped in the help we render to others. In addition, have a right attitude because your attitude determines your altitude.

* Declare that your help is guaranteed by the God of all help in 2015.
* Pray that the opportunity to meet the helper of your destiny shall not be lost.
* Make a decision to improve on your attitude during challenging times.
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God will make a way for me this year, especially where there has been no way and the crooked paths shall be straightened up, in the name of Jesus.

Tools in the Hands of God

Sunday 11 January
Text: Eph. 2:10
MORE LESSON: Ps 139:13-18

A tool is a device designed to do a specific kind of work. It's shape, size, material, strength and other innate characteristics are a mix of its capacity to do that particular work. A tool does not determine for itself the type of work to do, neither does it specify when to do the work. But its purpose, efficiency, how and time of use, relevance, maintenance, safety and life span are the sole reserve of the maker, who clearly spells out the functionality of the device in the manual which the Bible, in our case (Josh 1:8, Psa. 19:7-11, Jer. 10:23).
The purpose of a tool is in the assignment the maker decides to accomplish with it. A tool can only find fulfilment in the assignment it was designed for.

Failure to accomplish the assignment to specification is an indication that the tool should not have been made in the first place. It is important to note that a tool is a means of achieving a desired result or accomplishing a particular purpose in the mind of the maker; therefore the existence of a tool is tied to its assignment or function. In Matt. 5:13 (AMP), Jesus was figuratively discussing salt as a tool for adding taste to food, with respect to the purpose of man on earth. He said You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltiness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer, but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men.

Sometimes we find it difficult to comprehend the dimension of heavens commitment to this task that we easily become uninterested. Meanwhile, we only need to consciously submit to His sovereign will, because as the heaven is far from the earth so are His ways and thoughts far from ours (Is. 55:8-9). You are the tools of help in God's hand for 2015 and obviously, God can't help humanity without man. No wonder, God had to come as man in Christ Jesus to help man (Is 7:14; 9:6-7). It is interesting to note that every child of God who in born of the Spirit (born again) is created as a tool in Christ Jesus unto good works as a masterpiece whose efficiency, durability and relevance is purpose driven. That is why Eph. 2:10 says, for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
It is to our advantage therefore, being vessels of mercy (Rom. 9:23), to release ourselves as effective tools in God's hands because the more He uses us, the better we become.

* Pray that we shall be positive tools in God's hands anywhere we are found in 2015.
* Pray that your cutting edge shall not be blunt.
* Plead the blood of Jesus on yourself, asking Him to purge you from every filth/impurity so as to be fit for His use.
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I download every provision of God loaded into 2015 for my good and greatness, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Go Ye!

Text: Matt. 28:19-20
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:38-47

Advance a nation by advancing the Gospel”. This is a statement of fact. Any nation that has experienced growth and advancement did so because it accepted and embraced the Gospel. ...but the people that do know their God shall do exploit Dan. 11:32b. Name one nation that has advanced both in technology and otherwise and I will confidently tell you that nation opened its doors to the Gospel. America and China are what they are today because the received the Gospel. In our text, Jesus gave one command, one instruction, one assignment: Go ye into the nations teach all people. Today we are not only asked to go but as a matter of urgency, we must run. Why? There is no more time; the world is perishing and we need to carry this Gospel to millions of perishing souls. It is a clarion call today, echoing the voice of Jesus 2400 years ago, calling. Who shall go for us? Who shall we send? Did I hear you say, ‘yes, here am I?’ Then hear what Isaiah says about you, How beautiful upon the Mountains are thy feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reighneth Isaiah 52:7. Friends, the Gospel is good tidings; the Gospel is peace; it is salvation unto the nations.

You can fulfill this call in various ways: 1. Through one on one (personal) evangelism; 2. Via crusades; 3. Via church on the air (TV/Radio). We can write books, publish tracts and even send text messages.

The song writer says if you cannot go, your money can go for you. Make up your mind today to be a part of this great work by supporting, sponsoring the Gospel or going yourself. Contact any ministry that is involved in mission work and sow your seed there. Who knows? At the gate of heaven you may receive a thank you by someone whom your money sent the Gospel to. Besides, you will also receive a grand welcome by Jesus Himself.

Don't procrastinate this call today; talk to someone. Those unbelieving parents, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues and neighbours: don let them perish. Don't let Jesus demand their blood from you. When I say unto the wicked thou shall surely die and thou neither givest him not warning nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood shall I require at thine hand Ezekiel 3:18. God will not demand the blood of the wicked from your hand, in Jesus’ name. Speak to them, preach to them today. Send a text: JESUS LOVES YOU.

* I receive boldness to declare the Word of God today to whoever comes my way.
* I pledge my allegiance to Jesus to preach the Gospel this year.
* I will tell someone today about Jesus.

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Friday, January 9, 2015

The God that Answers by Fire

Text: 1 Kings 18:36 - 39
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 1:9-12

In the epic of Mount Carmel, the factor of answer by fire was what proved who God is; God of Elijah or Baal. Fire was chosen as the proof of the true God because when you consider the attributes of fire, you will realize that only the Living God can answer by fire.

Some attributes of fire are:

1. Fire is unexplainable; no one has been able to explain the dynamics of fire. No one knows what constitutes fire or how it consumes. Ancient philosophers categorized fire as one of the basic elements of the universe. Fire is a miracle. The God that answers by fire, answers by miracles.

2. Fire starts small and grows big: a small spark and it becomes an inferno. This means that every small door that opens to you as you pray this year will grow to become a great breakthrough, in Jesus’ name.

3. Fire is unstoppable: when fire starts to move, nothing can stand on its way; it devours everything that opposes it. When God answers you by fire, anything that tries to oppose your answer is consumed by the force with which the answer comes. Your answers will come forcefully and unstoppably this year, in Jesus’ name.

4. Fire moves speedily: fire spreads with such speed that a small fire that starts in a corner can move across a nation in a short while if unchecked. This year, your answers are coming with alarming speed like wild fire, in Jesus’ name.
However, we have to note that Elijah did some things before the fire fell.

1. He repaired the altar (verse 30). This stands for repentance from sin. Make the altar of your heart right with God and you will see answers by fire this year.

2. He set up twelve stones to remind God of His covenant with Israel (verse 31). This is the year you must stand firmly on the covenant of the Blood of Jesus in every prayer you offer.

3. He built an altar (verse 32): altars are places of sacrifice. Do not run away from making sacrifices to God this year. Sacrifice commands fire to come.

4. He added water to the sacrifice (verse 33): water stands for the word of God (Eph. 5:26). Don't pray aimlessly, get filled with God's Word.

5. He did everything as God commanded (verse 36): obedience commands fire. Obey every instruction from God and His servant this year. The fire of God fell and the people glorified God (verse 39). The answers you seek must be for the glory of God and not just for selfish ends. This year, God will answer you by fire in every way, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God will answer you by fire this year, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the fire of God will consume every hindrance to your prayer this year.
* Ask the consuming fire to consume all the plans of your enemies.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

No Evil

Text: Prov. 19:21
MORE LESSON: Psa. 91:3-12

The counsel of the Lord refers to the will of God. It is the plan and desire of God. When we talk about the counsel of the Lord, we are talking about the mind and purpose of God. Above all, the counsel of the Lord is the Word of God, and His counsels are faithfulness and truth (Isa. 25:1). Apart from the counsel of God, there are also the counsels of the enemy. In Ex. 15:9, we see the counsel of the enemy over Israel, but in spite of the counsel of the enemy, the counsel of the Lord prevailed. In Luke 22:31, we also see the counsel of the enemy over Peter.

Jesus gave the contrast between the counsel of God and the counsel of the enemy in John 10:10. While the counsel of God is for you to have life in 2015, the counsel of the devil is to steal, kill and to destroy you. But according to our topic today and in line with the Bible texts, only the counsel of the Lord is permitted to manifest over your life in 2015. This means that you have the right to insist that nothing short of the counsel of God shall be your portion in 2015. No day must pass without you declaring that the counsel of God over your life this year will come to pass. Remember that only the counsel of God shall stand over your matter, in Jesus’ name. In like manner, no day must pass in 2015 without you rejecting and cancelling the counsel of the enemy over your life. Jesus prayed for Peter; He did not only cancel the counsel and plan of the enemy over his life, He declared that the counsel of God be fulfilled over Peter's life. No wonder, despite all the challenges that Peter passed through, his ministry was most successful.

I pray for you today that over every matter of your life and destiny in 2015, only the counsel of the Lord shall prevail over you, in Jesus’ name. You will have great success this year, in Jesus’ name. You will prosper and be in perfect health, in Jesus’ name and you will not be a victim of evil this year, in Jesus’ name. Above all, the help of God shall be available for you every day of 2015.

* Declare that no evil shall come near your dwelling place.
* Insist on God’s counsel over your life in all areas.
* Declare the plans of the enemy over your life null and void.

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I reject every temptation to bow to any satanic push, or to sin against God in anyway in 2015, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Behold the Bridegroom Cometh

Text: 1 Cor. 7: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: Matt 25:1 – 13

The story of the ten virgins as recorded in Matt. 25:1–13 is quite educating and revealing, especially to Christians in this generation. The Bible records in Matt 25: 5 that while the Bridegroom tarried.... To tarry means to wait, to delay or fail to come after a long time. The first result of the delay was that the virgins slept, the second was that the oil in all their lamps finished and the third was that their lamps burnt out. Like the bridegroom in the story , it has been over two thousand years ago that the Master, the Bridegroom of the Church went to heaven with the promise that He is coming back for the Bride (The Church) for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For over two thousand years, the Church has been waiting and like the virgins, several have slept off, so much oil has been used up and several lamps burnt out.

One question is very relevant at this hour, and that question is; ‘Child of God, are you still waiting?’ Another way of asking this question is this; ‘Child of God, are you ready to meet Him? Remember that God is faithful to His promises. He promised Abraham that He would visit His children in Egypt, deliver them and take them to the Promised Land. He did exactly that after 430 years (Ex. 14:28–31). He also promised Jeremiah that He would end the captivity of Zion in Babylon after 70 years and He did exactly that to the amazement of Israel (Ps 126:1). In the same manner, at midnight, the bridegroom terminated his delay and fulfilled His promise to the virgins. Matt. 25:6 says, ...Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Are you ready to meet Him? It is my sincere prayer that all of us shall be ready throughout 2015, in Jesus’ name. The spirit of slumber and the spirit that drains and wastes spiritual strength will not prevail against you this year, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that your love for God and for the things of God shall not wax cold in 2015, in Jesus’ name.

Lastly, note the counsels of Jesus our Master in Mk. 13:33: Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is: Mark 13:33 (NKJV) and of Apostle Paul in Rom. 13:11–14, And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. These words are very relevant throughout this year. Receive the strength to live everyday like Jesus is coming that day.

* Ask the Lord for grace not to slumber and sleep in destiny.
* Pray that your light will keep on shining till the end, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to tell someone about the coming of the Lord.
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In 2015, I shall recover by divine help all that I have lost in previous years to the enemy, I shall recover all grounds.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Victory over every Strong Enemy

Text: Psa. 23:1 – 6
MORE LESSON: Deut. 33:26 – 29

Enemies are accusers, destroyers, oppositions or adversaries. They are mentioned about 500 times in the Bible. Since the time of creation, the presence of enemies has been real. The devil opposed God and was cast down from heaven. (Isa. 14:12). Since that time, enemies filled the earth, especially against God and His people. The Christian life is a life of warfare. Enemies are of different categories and spiritual enemies can be very strong.
However strong they may be, at the name of Jesus, they must bow and confess (Phil. 2:9–11). For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places: Eph. 6:12. The secrets of overcoming them are contained in the Bible (Eph. 6:10-18). These, among others, include building yourself up to be strong in the Lord, putting on the armour of truth, righteousness, faith, evangelism, salvation helmet, the word of God and praying always, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds: 2 Cor. 10:4.

All Old Testament Patriarchs and great saints had one or more enemies to contend with. Abraham fought wars in order to stand in God's will (Gen 14:14 -16), so also did Isaac and Jacob. No man fought enemies like David, yet he triumphed. Moses and Joshua were war commander s. The peak of enemy conspiracies were exemplified in Daniel (Dan. 6), Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan 3). All these trusted in their God and defeated their enemies, and they also got promotions. No matter your battles, trust God and He will fight for you and make you triumphant like Jehosaphat; trust Him (2 Chron. 20).

How should you handle your enemies? Enemies of your life and destiny should be handed over to God for judgment. You can also pronounce judgment of condemnation and destruction over them (Psa. 9:3). Y our avowed enemies that you don't deal with today will deal with you tomorrow.

Enemies of your faith and progress should be judged; let them harvest their evil deeds and live to bow before you and accept your God (Psa. 18:37–40). You must prevail over every strong enemy of your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Declare that you will live to celebrate victories over your enemies.
* Ask the Lord to rise up as a mighty host and prevail against your enemies.
* Pull down every stronghold of the enemies in your home, in Jesus’ mighty name.

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Faith against Storms

Monday 5 January
Text: Mark 4:35 – 41
MORE LESSON: Luke 8:22 – 25

A storm is a strong prevailing wind that sweeps off anything on its pathway. It is often contrary and dangerous, carrying away anything on its path destroying lives and property. As long as we are in this world, man is bound to experience storms. Even believers may be faced with storms at one time or the other, such storms could include contrary situations and circumstances in business, finance, home, carrier and spiritual life.

What should we do as Christians when we encounter storms of life? There are two major approaches to handling stormy situations – you either act or react. Our Lord Jesus acted while His disciples reacted as we read in our text. Actions bring results of victory while reactions yield panic, fear and near destruction. Despite the turbulence in the sea, Jesus was calm, resting and refreshing with the cool wind of the boisterous storm. This is a great lesson for us – your faith will only work when you are at peace. Y our steady faith in God is your anchor in stormy times, If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small: Prov. 24:10. Reaction and inaction in stormy times make a man a victim. As seen in the life of the disciples, they were restless, afraid and even accuse the Master .And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? Mark 4:38. When a man lacks faith to confront the storm, he may become a victim of situation. God’s divine will is for you to stand in the face of the storm and win. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock Matt. 7:25.

The provisions of God's Word are sufficient to build faith in us to enable us triumph over storms. God makes a storm calm (Psa. 107:29) and protects His own from storms (Isa. 4:6). He is our refuge and strength in storms (Isa. 25:4), and He is mightier than any storm (Isa. 28:2). Storms will not last forever, so have faith in God. Every storm will bow before you, in Jesus’ name.

* Rebuke the wind and storm confronting your life.
* Declare boldly that no storm will prevail over your life.
* Declare that your faith will not fail in the face of any storm.

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Saturday, January 3, 2015


January 1st, 2015
Text: Psa. 90:1-2
MORE LESSON: Psa. 145:1-21

It is by the help of God that you are alive today. No matter what you have or do not have, irrespective of what you prayed for and didn't receive, the fact that you are alive is a testimony of God's help. However, it is important for you to know that the help of God that you need for this year is hidden in thanking Him for the help in the past years.

You have to thank God for yesterday no matter how bad you think it was because without yesterday, there wouldn't be a today. You also have to thank God for previous years, being fully assured that this year is a God-given opportunity for you to achieve what you couldn't achieve last year . God could have made life on earth a long continuum of time and space without days, nights, weeks, months or years and seasons. But this is not so, so that each new season can serve as an opportunity to re-strategise, re-launch and re-fire in order to achieve what you couldn't achieve in the old season.
When you thank God for the help He has given you in ages past, you receive the inner strength to achieve all that you couldn't achieve in the past years. As you give God praises today, the anointing of strength will come upon your spirit and the distance that you have not been able to cover in the last one decade, you will surpass in this one year, in Jesus’ name.
When the hand of God came upon Elijah, he outran the chariots of King Ahab (I Kings 18:46). So as you thank God for His help today, His hand will come upon you and you will run with the strength of the Spirit.

The Psalmist wrote, Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting, thou art God: Ps. 90:1-2. The famous hymn writer, Isaac Watts also testified: Oh God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home. Under the shadow of Thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is Thine arm alone, and our defence is sure.
The last line in the extract from the hymn says that your defence is sure. I want you to know that as you give God praise today for all He has done in ages past, your defence, help, prosperity, advancement and success are sure.

* Begin to give God praise for all the help that He has given you and your family in ages past.
* Sing a song or hymn to the Ancient of Days, your dwelling place for all generations.
* Thank God in advance for all the help that He has in store for you this year.

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January 1st, 2015
Text: Psa. 90:1-2
MORE LESSON: Psa. 145:1-21

It is by the help of God that you are alive today. No matter what you have or do not have, irrespective of what you prayed for and didn't receive, the fact that you are alive is a testimony of God's help. However, it is important for you to know that the help of God that you need for this year is hidden in thanking Him for the help in the past years.

You have to thank God for yesterday no matter how bad you think it was because without yesterday, there wouldn't be a today. You also have to thank God for previous years, being fully assured that this year is a God-given opportunity for you to achieve what you couldn't achieve last year . God could have made life on earth a long continuum of time and space without days, nights, weeks, months or years and seasons. But this is not so, so that each new season can serve as an opportunity to re-strategise, re-launch and re-fire in order to achieve what you couldn't achieve in the old season.
When you thank God for the help He has given you in ages past, you receive the inner strength to achieve all that you couldn't achieve in the past years. As you give God praises today, the anointing of strength will come upon your spirit and the distance that you have not been able to cover in the last one decade, you will surpass in this one year, in Jesus’ name.
When the hand of God came upon Elijah, he outran the chariots of King Ahab (I Kings 18:46). So as you thank God for His help today, His hand will come upon you and you will run with the strength of the Spirit.

The Psalmist wrote, Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting, thou art God: Ps. 90:1-2. The famous hymn writer, Isaac Watts also testified: Oh God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home. Under the shadow of Thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is Thine arm alone, and our defence is sure.
The last line in the extract from the hymn says that your defence is sure. I want you to know that as you give God praise today for all He has done in ages past, your defence, help, prosperity, advancement and success are sure.

* Begin to give God praise for all the help that He has given you and your family in ages past.
* Sing a song or hymn to the Ancient of Days, your dwelling place for all generations.
* Thank God in advance for all the help that He has in store for you this year.

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Underneath is the Everlasting Hand

Saturday January 3rd, 2015
Text: Deut. 33:26-29 MORE LESSON: Psa.91:11-13

Christians worship the God who is close to them. That is why they are always very excited and lively during worship. Some folks wonder why Christians shout, dance and play all kinds of instruments each time they gather. One very strong reason for such excitement is because each time Christians gather, their God comes into their midst. Moreover, the individual Christian feels the close and warm embrace of God because God lives in him. God is not only living in Heaven, He lives in all those that believe in Him through Jesus Christ. God lives in us by the presence of His Spirit in our lives. Every true believer knows this, and the Spirit of God also bears witness with our spirit that we belong to God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Rom. 8:15-16.

The believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Just as it was in the Old Testament when the Spirit of God dwelled in the tabernacle in the wilderness and later on the temple in Jerusalem, in the New Testament era, God's Spirit not only dwells in places of worship, He dwells in each person who believes in God through Jesus Christ. This is one of the mysteries in Christ Jesus. Those who have not yet given their lives to Jesus cannot comprehend this. Anyone that fails to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God cannot fathom it because it takes experiencing it to understand and appreciate this mystery. Jesus Himself says: ...If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make our abode with him: John 14:23. Take note of the word, “We”, which means the fullness of the Godhead. If you believe in Jesus and submit to His Lordship, then, the fullness of God comes to abide in you.

It is this unique presence of God that made David to say, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident Psa. 27-1-3.

Although, the physical eyes cannot see God, He lives in us and we are in Him. His everlasting arms are underneath us. He goes before us as our righteousness, and His glory is our rear guard. Happy is that man who knows God through Jesus Christ, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them Deut. 33:27.

* Thank the Lord for placing His everlasting arms underneath you.
* Ask Him to hide you in His pavilion throughout the day.

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All-Round Help

January 2nd, 2015
Text: Psa. 60:11-12 MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 26:1-15

A man that has been helped can never be compared with one that has not received help. It is good enough to be helped by someone carrying your load for you, but when God helps you, he doesn't just carry your load, He carries you as well; He puts His everlasting arms underneath you. The help of God implies God carrying your load with one arm and carrying you with the other, making you sail speedily, smoothly, and stresslessly through destiny.

King Uzziah was an example of a man helped by God; by the help of God, a sixteen year old king became a world power. Historically, it is recorded that Uzziah was the first to invent the use of machinery for warfare by the wisdom God gave him. In Jerusalem, he made machines designed by skilful men for use on the towers and on the corner defences to shoot arrows and hurl large stones (2 Chron. 26:15). Imagine a man using his bare hands and swords to fight against another man who is carrying artillery and loaded machine guns! That is what a helpless man competing with a man that has help is like. My prayer today is that your destiny will enjoy the help of God.

In the Physical Sciences, the term mechanical advantage is used to illustrate the difference between the energy a man exerts when he uses his physical effort for a work compared to when a machine does the same work for him. Y our mechanical advantage, for example, in moving from Zaria to Lagos is the advantage in terms of ease and the efficiency you enjoy when a car or, better still, a plane carries you from Zaria to Lagos compared to when you try it trekking!
This helps us to understand the help of God, because the help of God is your spiritual advantage in destiny. It is the Spirit of God carrying you from your location to your destination and not allowing you to make it by your physical effort. The further you want to go in life, the more help you need.

So Uzziah's fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful 2 Chron. 26:15 (NIV). God gave him all-round help and he became great. Greatness only comes by the help of God to a man. You need God to help you in every area of life.

Accessing help from God is easy as revealed in Heb. 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. All you have to do is come before the Mercy Seat and ask God to help you by His grace. Even if you are a sinner, you can still come, ask for forgiveness, receive Jesus into your heart and ask for His help. The cries, 'Have mercy on me O Lord' and 'Help me O Lord' are cries that God never turns away from.

*Send me Help O God, for vain is the help of man (Ps 60:11).
*Lord, don't let me go through destiny by human effort; carry me with Your everlasting arms (Deut 33:27).
* Let grace and help be present for me at every time of need (Heb 4:16).