Friday, January 9, 2015

The God that Answers by Fire

Text: 1 Kings 18:36 - 39
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 1:9-12

In the epic of Mount Carmel, the factor of answer by fire was what proved who God is; God of Elijah or Baal. Fire was chosen as the proof of the true God because when you consider the attributes of fire, you will realize that only the Living God can answer by fire.

Some attributes of fire are:

1. Fire is unexplainable; no one has been able to explain the dynamics of fire. No one knows what constitutes fire or how it consumes. Ancient philosophers categorized fire as one of the basic elements of the universe. Fire is a miracle. The God that answers by fire, answers by miracles.

2. Fire starts small and grows big: a small spark and it becomes an inferno. This means that every small door that opens to you as you pray this year will grow to become a great breakthrough, in Jesus’ name.

3. Fire is unstoppable: when fire starts to move, nothing can stand on its way; it devours everything that opposes it. When God answers you by fire, anything that tries to oppose your answer is consumed by the force with which the answer comes. Your answers will come forcefully and unstoppably this year, in Jesus’ name.

4. Fire moves speedily: fire spreads with such speed that a small fire that starts in a corner can move across a nation in a short while if unchecked. This year, your answers are coming with alarming speed like wild fire, in Jesus’ name.
However, we have to note that Elijah did some things before the fire fell.

1. He repaired the altar (verse 30). This stands for repentance from sin. Make the altar of your heart right with God and you will see answers by fire this year.

2. He set up twelve stones to remind God of His covenant with Israel (verse 31). This is the year you must stand firmly on the covenant of the Blood of Jesus in every prayer you offer.

3. He built an altar (verse 32): altars are places of sacrifice. Do not run away from making sacrifices to God this year. Sacrifice commands fire to come.

4. He added water to the sacrifice (verse 33): water stands for the word of God (Eph. 5:26). Don't pray aimlessly, get filled with God's Word.

5. He did everything as God commanded (verse 36): obedience commands fire. Obey every instruction from God and His servant this year. The fire of God fell and the people glorified God (verse 39). The answers you seek must be for the glory of God and not just for selfish ends. This year, God will answer you by fire in every way, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God will answer you by fire this year, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the fire of God will consume every hindrance to your prayer this year.
* Ask the consuming fire to consume all the plans of your enemies.

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