Saturday, January 10, 2015

Go Ye!

Text: Matt. 28:19-20
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:38-47

Advance a nation by advancing the Gospel”. This is a statement of fact. Any nation that has experienced growth and advancement did so because it accepted and embraced the Gospel. ...but the people that do know their God shall do exploit Dan. 11:32b. Name one nation that has advanced both in technology and otherwise and I will confidently tell you that nation opened its doors to the Gospel. America and China are what they are today because the received the Gospel. In our text, Jesus gave one command, one instruction, one assignment: Go ye into the nations teach all people. Today we are not only asked to go but as a matter of urgency, we must run. Why? There is no more time; the world is perishing and we need to carry this Gospel to millions of perishing souls. It is a clarion call today, echoing the voice of Jesus 2400 years ago, calling. Who shall go for us? Who shall we send? Did I hear you say, ‘yes, here am I?’ Then hear what Isaiah says about you, How beautiful upon the Mountains are thy feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reighneth Isaiah 52:7. Friends, the Gospel is good tidings; the Gospel is peace; it is salvation unto the nations.

You can fulfill this call in various ways: 1. Through one on one (personal) evangelism; 2. Via crusades; 3. Via church on the air (TV/Radio). We can write books, publish tracts and even send text messages.

The song writer says if you cannot go, your money can go for you. Make up your mind today to be a part of this great work by supporting, sponsoring the Gospel or going yourself. Contact any ministry that is involved in mission work and sow your seed there. Who knows? At the gate of heaven you may receive a thank you by someone whom your money sent the Gospel to. Besides, you will also receive a grand welcome by Jesus Himself.

Don't procrastinate this call today; talk to someone. Those unbelieving parents, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues and neighbours: don let them perish. Don't let Jesus demand their blood from you. When I say unto the wicked thou shall surely die and thou neither givest him not warning nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood shall I require at thine hand Ezekiel 3:18. God will not demand the blood of the wicked from your hand, in Jesus’ name. Speak to them, preach to them today. Send a text: JESUS LOVES YOU.

* I receive boldness to declare the Word of God today to whoever comes my way.
* I pledge my allegiance to Jesus to preach the Gospel this year.
* I will tell someone today about Jesus.

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