Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let my book be Opened

Tuesday 30 June
READ: Rev. 5:1-5
MORE LESSON: Neh. 13: 31

In the book of Revelation, John saw an angel holding a book but the book was closed and sealed and there was no one found who could open the book for which reason he wept. I tell you when a man's book is closed, there is always weeping. When a man's book is closed, there is no remembrance of such a man.
A man could have offered prayers and supplications or written proposals and applications, but if his book is closed, there is nothing for him. He could have done a thing worth rewarding but until his book is opened, there is no remembrance of him. Such was the case of Mordecai in the Bible, his book of memorial was not only closed but it was also hidden. And as long as that book remained closed, he was not remembered. But when God would open his book, that night the king could not sleep. So one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. Then the king said, "What honor or dignity has been bestowed on Mordecai for this?" Est 6:1-3 (NKJV).
Your book being opened is a figurative expression for God and man remembering you for good. Nehemiah, after doing a lot for God in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, prayed a very important prayer: Remember me, O my God, for good. Neh 13:31. Some people's books have been closed that is why they cannot be remembered. The Bible says that Cornelius' offering came before the Lord as a memorial. (Act 10: 4); so every good thing you did or will do is being recorded. Today I declare that every book of good memorial that has been closed against your destiny is opened in the name of Jesus. The implication of this as well is that if you have not been laying up good works and serving God, there is nothing to be opened in your book. So it is time for you to repent and be diligent in laying up your treasures in God's kingdom which will come up as a memorial before the Lord.
Finally, in Psa. 139: 14-16, all your days have been recorded in a book, which will be opened on the last day and you will be judged by it. (Rev 20:12 – 15). The Book of Life will also be opened on that day and if anybody's name is not found there, such will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Today, invite Jesus into your life so that your name will be written in the Book of Life. If you are already saved, you still need to invite Him to open your book because only He is worthy to open the book and loose the seals.

* Pray, Lord let my books be opened.
* Say, “Father, please let my destiny be remembered as you remembered Hannah, Racheal and Noah”.
* Let every blessing that has been shut against me be reopened today.

Father, my heart cry in destiny is to live for You and serve You; Lord make this a reality in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Your Partner for Inheritance

Monday 29 June
READ: Heb 9:16-17
MORE LESSON: I Cor. 2:9-12

Usually when a man is about to die, he writes a will and puts it in the hands of an attorney to keep the will in trust. A will is written instructions about what should happen to your possessions when you die. The attorney is saddled with the responsibility of getting the relatives together and making sure the inheritance is shared as stipulated in the will. A bad attorney can manipulate the will or can refuse to release the will. The implication is that all the beneficiaries are at the mercy of the attorney because he can alter the will.
When Jesus died at Calvary, He also left a will of all that He owns to His children after Him. There is, however, something very exciting about Jesus' will. He wrote a will and died, because a will is only operational after the death of the testator (Heb. 9:16–17). But our Lord Jesus didn't stay dead, He resurrected! He came back to life and He is alive today to supervise the implementation of the will that He wrote. Men write will and are no longer alive to see that it is done as they will, but Jesus died and resurrected and is seated on the right hand of the Father today supervising how His will is being implemented. So His will cannot fail because He who wrote it is alive to supervise and implement it. He is alive to empower the will, He is alive to ensure that all that is written in the will is all that you get. You can get all that is in the will because the author and testator of the will is alive. His cannot fail; the will cannot be manipulated, under-implemented or changed.
The Holy Spirit is the custodian of God's Word. He is the attorney who supervised the documentation of the Word; He as well supervises the implementation. This is one reason why you can be sure that every word God has said concerning you cannot fail. You have the Mighty Holy Spirit as your partner to implement the will because He is the facilitator of the will. God has not put the fulfilment of His Word in the hands of men but of the Holy Spirit. So do not fret; just trust in the ability of the Spirit of God to bring His Word to fulfilment.

* Give God thanks for the perfect thought He has for you.
* Proclaim that today lines will fall for you in pleasant places.
* Declare that your inheritance in Christ Jesus will not be taken from you.

Father, fumigate my life, sanitise it and make it free of every unwanted spiritual and physical dirt, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Spiritual Sight

Sunday 28 June
READ: Matt 6: 22 - 23
MORE LESSON: Rev 3: 17 - 18

People attach a lot of importance to eyesight, and being blind in the natural is seen as one of the worst things that can happen to a man. This reminds me of the story of a beautiful sister who had a conviction that God wanted her to marry a brother who happened to be blind. When the lady introduced the man to her father who was a rich man, the father said that she must be out of her mind. Many things were done to discourage her but she held on to her conviction. She said she preferred to marry a blind man in God's will than to marry a man with sight if it is not God's will. The family finally succumbed and wedding plans were made. On the wedding day, after they were joined together, the groom's eyes opened!
Why do men attach so much importance to sight? Why is blindness seen as a major problem? Physical things actually portray a higher spiritual reality. Man's aversion to blindness in the natural is an expression of the evil of blindness in the spiritual realm,
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matt 6:22-23.
A man without Jesus is engulfed by great darkness and such a man needs to allow the light of life to come into his heart so that he may see, then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life: John 8:12.
A man, even a Christian, who is not full of the Word of God is blind because the Word is light (Psa 119: 105, John 1: 1-4). This is why you must make it a point of duty to be full of God's Word. A man who doesn't keep his eyes single and focused on Jesus will also be blinded by the distractions of worldliness.
This is the reason our text says that for you to be full of light, your eyes must be single. This talks about singleness of focus on Jesus. In Rev 3: 17 – 18, the problem with the Laodicean Church (which represents the End-time Church) is that worldliness and materialism have so much overtaken them that the Lord says they have become blind. But Jesus enjoins them to buy eye-salve from Him so that they may see. I pray that God will re-anoint you and rededicate you with His eye-salve so that the things of the world will not make you blind to the things of God, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that you will not lose your spiritual sight.
* Declare, Father, because Your Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path, I shall not walk in darkness.

I receive the key of David; every door that I open shall be opened and the ones I close shall be closed, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Road Blocks to Advancement

Saturday 27 June
READ: Num 13: 30 -31
MORE LESSON: Num 13: 27 – 14: 12

God told the Israelites to go and possess the Promised Land, but they came up with some reports that posed as road block to their advancement to the fulfilment of their destiny. Christians are mandated to move forward in every area of life. However, there are stumbling blocks that can make you remain stagnant or even retrogress. Today we point out some of the stumbling blocks in the lives of the Israelites so that you can guide against such in your life.
1. Lack of relationship with God: It is obvious that the people did not have a viable relationship with God. They didn't know God; they only knew Moses. This was why they magnified the enemy above God. Only those that know their God can be strong and do exploits (Dan. 11: 32). Living a life that is far away from God will always impede a man from moving to the next level.
2. Unbelief: The people saw all the miracles that God did in the wilderness but their hearts were not persuaded to have faith in Him. Therefore unbelief stopped them from advancing into the rest that God had prepared for them (Heb 3: 18 – 19). I want you to know that it is God that has brought you this far in life and you should believe Him to take you to the next level.
3. Procrastination: The Israelites wanted a better time to go and possess the land when God had told them to go now. You must know that now is the time to take responsibility for your advancement to the next level. If you leave till tomorrow that which you are supposed to do today, you deny yourself advancement in destiny. Laziness is akin to procrastination and both are destiny killers. Don't procrastinate any good thing that you are to do for yourself or for other people till tomorrow because you don't know what tomorrow brings.
4. Un-preparedness: The final road block we will consider is unpreparedness. Down in their heart and mind, the people of Israel were not ready to enter in to their Promised Land. The truth about life is that there is no help you can give to someone that is not willing to move forward. You must be willing and make yourself ready for progress in life. An unprepared person will mess up if he finds himself at a higher level. Whatever is the next level you want--in career, finance, marriage, ministry and spiritual life--you have to equip yourself and make yourself ready from now. This is one of the attitudes you will need to get to the next level.
I implore you to evaluate your life today and take responsibility for your advancement in destiny. I release upon you the grace to move above obstacles and enter into your next level, in Jesus’ name.

*Pray that every road block on your path of advancement be removed.
*Pray against the road block of unbelief, procrastination, unpreparedness and lack of relationship with God in your life.
* Ask for grace to move above obstacles on your path of destiny.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that the agenda of witchcraft shall not prosper over my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Water of Marah

Friday 26 June
READ: Exo. 15:23-27
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 43:18-19

As soon as the Israelites left Egypt they had a problem as Egypt was pursuing them and the Red Sea was in front of them. The Egyptians must have been happy that the Israelites had no way of escape and they were joyous in anticipation of victory. But the Israelites cried onto the Lord and He divided the Sea so that His people passed on dry land. God, by His great power, parted the water, raised the sea bed and made the path dry, and His people walked to the other side. However, the Sea through which God's people passed became the enemy’s grave. So shall God do to your enemies.
The Israelites continued on their journey after the unique victory. They trekked for three days without water to drink. Therefore, the people began to grumble and lament, forgetting the great miracle they just had. Again, Moses cried to the Lord and He provided water for them. But much to their sorrow, the water was bitter.
That might be your experience. You have been looking for a job and what you got is not satisfactory, something below your qualification, that is, ‘marah’. Don't murmur and complain. What God did at Marah, He can do it again.
From Marah they moved to Elim where they found twelve wells, seventy palm trees and they camped there. That's the doing of the Lord. After the trouble and the tension at Marah, He moved the people to where they found rest. May you enter into God's rest. God who moved Naomi and Ruth from being Mara to becoming the descendants of Jesus will do same for your ‘marah’.

* Declare that this year, you will not move from battle to battle, there shall be rest.
* Pray that you will not live a life of complain but will always work for solution.
* Command every ‘marah’ in your life to turn to sweetness today.

I receive, from today, the sure mercies of David to crown my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

God owns All

Thursday 25 June
READ: Gen.1:13-14

The day we come to the full understanding that when we die we will take no money or material things with us to heaven, all the hatred, animosity and confrontations will dissolve. In verse 14 of our passage, God created the seasons. He created days, He also created years, thereby making the issue of calendar not the doing of any man after all. You are likely to be tempted to think that, calendars are just the creation of man to make for better orderliness and arrangements.
The issue of calendar is spiritual because it has a backing and an origin in the spirit. In other words, there is a dimension of spirit affair in calendar. Because God is Spirit, if He created something therefore, that thing has an origin in the spirit. That also tells us that calendars are not just spiritual; they are spiritual on the side of God, because something can be spiritual on the side of evil and it can be spiritual on the side of God. The kingdom of darkness has no hand in the issue of what is the root of calendar; the root of calendar is in God, God created it. There are different types of calendar, but the creation of days and years are the handy work of the Almighty God. We have the Gregorian, the Jewish and even the Islamic calendars that are man-made except for the Jewish calendar that has its origin in Exodus12:2. Because God is the one who created times and seasons, He also takes responsibilities for whatsoever happens inside them. What happens in the calendar is in God's hands because He created all and owns all. Things can't just happen anyhow to a Christian who has this understanding because he knows for sure that God created the days and the days are in His hands.
When you grab the understanding that God created the seasons and the seasons are in His hands, do not allow Satan to take over or determine what happens in your days, years and seasons because it has its root in your God. Your seasons cannot happen any how if you have the understanding that God is the owner of seasons. We have cold and hot seasons with each having peculiar challenges including health setbacks. However, if you have an understanding that seasons are owned by God and that whatever is of God is never negative but positive, then you can use that knowledge in the place of prayer and say, Father, you created seasons, there is no evil in You, this season shall not be evil for me.

* Pray for clearer understanding of the seasons of God for your life and destiny.
* Declare your days redeemed from every evil.
* Reject every form of negative season and begin to command good seasons upon your life.
* Command Satan to take his hands off your life and seasons.

In the name of Jesus, I command every ministry of wickedness against my life to expire now!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Destiny Blockage

Wednesday 24 June
READ: Phil. 3:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Matt 6:25-34

You do not arrive at your destiny over night; it is a faith-filled life journey with the Holy Spirit. The journey is not all rosy because there are situations and events that will discourage you; however, don’t give up. I have discovered that certain qualities help to smoothen life journey but when a person lacks them, he is handicapped. The weaknesses of our forerunners are lessons for us today to help us to overcome.
One of these is being at ease. Jesus prophesied that Peter would be the rock (one of the builders) of the Church. A fine prophecy but Peter failed to pray even when Christ urged him to. He was at ease; no wonder he denied the Master. But the prayer of the Master went ahead of Peter and he was restored. Secondly, Peter lacked self-confidence; just a simple question from a maid and he compromised. Many believers compromise too often and settle for less than God's provision for them. If Joseph had compromised and yielded to Potiphar's wife, he would have been her favoured servant but without a godly destiny.
The third thing that threatened Peter's destiny was lack of consistency, thus he was rising and falling. It was Peter who received the revelation of Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the bread of life (Matt.16:16-18; Jn 6:68-69). Jesus acknowledged the spirituality of Peter’s declaration. But it was also Peter who chided Jesus when he spoke about His death on the cross and His resurrection. And shortly after Jesus resurrected and ascended to Heaven, Peter abandoned the assignment and went back to fishing. Inconsistency can hinder the fulfilment of your destiny. Stay with the Lord and be fulfilled in life. Tell Him you are feeble and a sinner outside of Him. Ask for help and strength, and He will energise your life, faith and ministry. I pray you will receive God's help today, in Jesus' name.

I prophesy that I shall not be a victim of another man’s error in my entire life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Enemy, the Party is Over

Tuesday 23 June
READ: 1Sam. 30:1-19
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 43:1-7

David and his men were out of town for only three days and by the time they returned, the enemy had invaded the land and made away with everything they left behind, including their wives and children. This is what the devil enjoys doing; invading people's destinies and causing sorrow. This year, I prophesy to you, there shall be no satanic invasion, nor anything that causes sorrow, in Jesus name. The response of David and his men to this situation was expected, Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no power to weep: v4. All they laboured for in life was gone and as humans they were discouraged.
However, the strength of David returned and he went into prayer and received help. Heaven went to work for him and by divine direction and help, David pursued those enemies and, before long, he met them where they were celebrating their loot. David terminated the party, killed all and recovered all. Note the four weapons that ended the enemies’ party: (1) David encouraged himself in the Lord(V6). (ii) He consulted God in prayer (V7). (iii) He received a divine direction from the Lord to pursue (V8). (iv) God sent him a helper of destiny (V12).
Today, all your enemy's party is over. Take hold of prayer like never before and add fasting to it. Give up crying and encourage yourself in what God can do. Ask God for true helpers of destiny and divine direction and your enemy's party over you will be over. Arise now, change your attitude to handling life's challenges and terminate your enemy's party today. I prophesy an end to your enemy's rejoicing over your matter.

* Prophesy against every enemy’s activity in your life.
* Command every war to cease and terminate every satanic hostility.
* Ask God to grant you victory everywhere you turn to this year and that you will not lose any battle any more. I prophesy that you will surprise your enemies, in the mighty name of Jesus.

This year is not permitted to close without the evidence of God’s goodness in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Prayerlessness: a Doom

Monday 22 June
READ: Gen.32:21-31
MORE LESSONS: Gen.33:1-4

For Jacob, taking the decision to return home after over twenty years in Laban's place was tough because of the problem he had about the issue of the blessing of his father, which he stole from Esau. However, one would have expected that being brothers, twenty years were long enough to have quenched the fire, but not so in this case.
Esau, on hearing about his brother's return, prepared a four hundred man army to meet Jacob for revenge. All the gifts that Jacob sent to appease his brother did nothing to change him; his opportunity to revenge had come. When Jacob saw that nothing worked, he resorted to what he ought to have done first-prayer, staying alone with God.
At the place of prayer he met God and his story changed. He was blessed and had his name changed so that by the time he met Esau, the battle plan had become a party plan. If you can turn over your battles to the Lord, you will win without shooting a single bullet. Just imagine, all the four hundred men that Esau brought became bodyguards for Jacob and his family (Gen. 33:15). This is what God will do for you this year, in Jesus name.
Every battle will be turned to party time and all satanic revenge will fail, but not without a life of prayer. Prayer is what changes things-personal prayer, church prayer and all manner of prayers. Restore your altar of prayer today. Prayerlessness is a doom, fight it now!

* Ask God to lay hand on bow and arrow and fight your cause today.
* Declare that from the rising of the sun to its going down today, Heaven will stand for you.
* Declare that you will not lack victory in your place of prayer this year.
* Ask God to rekindle the fire of prayer in your life.

I am a fruitful vine, I shall not be barren of any good thing, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Asher-Safety Alone

Sunday 21 June
READ: Deut. 33:24-28

Today, I like you to prophesy the blessing of Asher on your destiny. Going through all the blessings of Moses upon the twelve tribes of Israel, I sometimes find it difficult to decide which is the greatest of the blessings. But then so much is pronounced upon Asher that I have used it for a regular prayer for myself. I like you to look more closely at this prophecy today and pray it for yourself. It’s so rich, Let Asher be blessed with children v24. Put your name and prophesy that you will not be barren of children, spiritual and physical. Fruitfulness is one of the blessings of God upon man after creation, God said, be fruitful. Today, tell God you will be fruitful in every area of life.
...Let him be acceptable to his brethren. That acceptance was what Joseph didn't have and was sold to slavery. Although he eventually got the acceptance but not without pain in Egypt. May you be acceptable especially at the home front, among your brethren. ...and let him dip his foot in oil. Spiritual like physical oil is rich, significant and so powerful. It speaks of wealth, grace and the anointing. Proclaim all upon yourself now. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass: v25. This means safety.
What follows are long life and strength – as thy days, so shall thy strength be: v25, it means strength until the grave. Finally, the greatest, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: v27. Secure in God’s arms, there is no fear of ever falling! And the summary of all, Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: v28 Before you pray, note that this prayer is only for Israelites because it says that Israel then shall dwell in safety alone. To be an Israelite of the spirit is to be a child of God, whose sins have been forgiven, which is possible by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and saying bye to sin and all satanic works.

* Lift up your hands to God and ask Him for the blessings of Israel as written in Deut.33:6-29. Ask for them all one by one.
*Take a fast today and create time between 12pm and 4pm to pray for at least 15minutes asking God to fulfil the prophecy of Asher in your life – Gen. 49:20; Deut. 33:24-28.

Father, I receive grace to remain humble and spiritually sound, no matter my greatness in life, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Knowing the Mind of God

Saturday 20 June
READ: Psa. 119: 161-168 MORE LESSONS: Psa. 119:7-16

One of the greatest assets of any child of God is knowing God's mind in anything. To know the mind of God is the first step to receiving anything from God, And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: 1Jn. 5:14. It is so important, therefore, to learn how to know the mind of God.
God's Word is the most revealed mind of God to man. Everything that a man needs to know about God is in the Bible. The more of God's Word that you have in you, the more of God you will know. There are several other ways of hearing God and knowing His will but the most authoritative is the Bible. This is why you must love the Scripture; it is the source of your much sought peace and victory, Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa.119:165.
When you love God's Word, you will not have problem reading, mediating and obeying it because what we love we adore, …but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: Psa. 119:161. Until the love of God's Word consumes you, it will be difficult to do quiet time, attend Bible Study meeting or study the Bible on your own. Until you do these things, knowing God's mind to find God's answer to crucial matters of life will be near impossible. A man's love for God can be judged by his love for God's Word, which in turn can determine answer to prayer. Do you love God and His Word? How much of God's Word do you know? How much time do you devote to it? How many chapters of the Bible do you read daily? How obedient are you to the Word? God's mind is His Word; read it.

* Ask God to create in you a heart that loves His Word and obeys His will.
* Command the release of divine knowledge upon all your decisions and declare that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Say, “Today the Spirit of God shall lead my way and I shall laugh all day long”.
* Command today to release all its goodness to you now, in Jesus name.

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be a negative expert and I refuse the company of negative experts, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Discovering your Purpose in Life II

Friday 19 June
READ: Phil 4:8-9
MORE LESSONS: Phil 3:12-14; Rom.8:28

Sometimes you experience peace in doing certain things. Watch it, that could be an area God has carved for you (Jer. 1:5). A dream or vision lays heavily on your heart and you find it difficult to get it out of your mind-that could be your path to uplifting. Probably you have been dreaming of building a hotel or starting a manufacturing company or writing books; those could be the indicators of your purpose in life.
Another way is to identify what you are willing to give all your life to. God must be stirring you in that direction. Again, you may discover that people are willing to help you in doing something; they encourage you to take steps in a particular direction-either to pursue a certain career or do a project. That could be God urging you to take steps of faith that will usher you to your destiny.
In Gen.1:28, after creating man, God pronounced blessings on him one of which is that man should be fruitful, that is, to be 'seedful'. There can be no fruits without seeds and your seed is your purpose. Then you must discover your personality, who you are. Do you have a winning mentality? You must have determination to take over; after planting your seed, persevere to nurture it to fruition. Shedrach and his friends refused to compromise and they took over in a foreign land.
The next thing is to multiply-this requires wisdom which is the product of divine ideas and of supernatural mysteries (Eph. 3:10). Divine wisdom will locate you at the top and move you from height to height. To replenish implies creativity and innovation. Those who take over add life to their corners and thereby add values to life. Finally, subdue and have dominion, which means taking over. When you are purpose-oriented and creative, you become relevant and people will look for you.

* Ask God to give you divine ideas for supernatural victory.
* Ask God to put an end to any distraction and dust covering your divine purpose.
* Tell God to help you locate your purpose on earth and make you relevant in destiny.

My Creator is great; He is the creator and possessor of Heaven and earth, so I cannot be small nor be a slave in life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Discovering your Purpose in Life I

Thursday 18 June
READ: Jer.1:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Gal. 1:15-19

Men who know their purpose in life locate their domain, where they are to exercise their God given authority and reign. But many find it very difficult to identify theirs, thus they are confused most part of their lives. Such people stagger through life and die without making any impact in their little corners. Discovering your purpose is vital. How do you do this?
One way is to recognise your deepest desire in your heart or in your spirit man (Psa 37:4). Such desire is very difficult to shake off. Sometimes you have a passion for a particular thing-a profession, a task etc. Some people have trained as medical doctors but find fulfilment in fashion design or fine art. Your lifting in life is in your purpose and not necessarily in your academic qualification. The few who succeed in having this rare combination usually excel in their chosen field.
Another way to know your purpose is to identify what you naturally do well without struggle. For instance, some people naturally love to talk and relate with people. Such may be good in PRO and marketing jobs: God could desire that they take over in the area of public relations. Your purpose is where you get the best results effortlessly.
You can also realise your purpose through the witness of the Holy Spirit on your inside. You could just have a silent witness of what God wants you to be (Rom.8:14,16).
God may use a mature Christian, such as your father in the Lord, to reveal your purpose. Be careful not to go to those who do fortune telling or gaze at stars. It must be a man of God who has the task of watching over you. Locate your prophet and submit to his divine authority for purposeful living.

* Ask Jehovah God to light the candle of your life to find your fullness all through life.
* Tell God to take over your entire destiny and rule, reign and govern your destiny according to His plans.
* Acts 5:31; Isa. 49:5; Gal. 1:18
----Read the passages above and write out the purposes of the people mentioned.

My dreams shall not fail, my hopes shall not be dashed and I shall see my desires in the land of the living.

Faith of Our Fathers

Wednesday 17 June
READ: Heb. 11:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Josh. 10:12-13; Dan. 3:16-18

Doubting Jehovah and His Word contradicts faith. It is a very grievous sin that amounts to confronting the Almighty God. Atheists (who do not believe in God) are liars because every human being has a subconscious awareness that God exists. When your actions show that you doubt God's existence, you annoy Heaven. You need faith to please God and avoid the sin of doubt. What then is faith?
Faith is an act and is different from believing which is just accepting a thing; faith is acting on what you believe and it brings result. What brings result is not just believing but faith. Many of us believe big but act small which is why many people don’t make progress.
Faith is a proof of believing; the action that follows faith is a proof that you believe a thing. We have so much faith in doctors concerning our health than in the Word of God which declares that by Jesus' stripes, we were healed over 2000years ago. Faith and believe are different even though you need to believe first before you can exercise faith.
Faith is one step ahead of believing and comprises securing information, believing the information and acting on it. As Christians the information you need is the Word of God which is why the Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Most people in churches are key carriers not key users. Being in possession of a car key will not move the car until you put it into the ignition hole and turn on the engine.
You must do something with your key. That is, for every Word of God that you receive, you must act on it in faith by getting up and doing something. Somebody who receives a letter of appointment, for instance, does not sit at home and expect to collect a salary at the end of the month. Many of us receive and keep God's Word in our pockets only to go about grumbling. If you believe that it is the Lord that heals you, then act on it and stand up in good health. Go ahead and celebrate.

* Ask God to strengthen your faith in the face of any battle.
* Confess that you will stand on the promises of God without fainting henceforth.
* Like the elders of old, declare that you receive good report by faith and your future is bright.
* I pray, in the name of Jesus, that your faith will not ever fail you.
* Take a step of faith today on something you have been believing God for and watch God go to work for you.

I shall be a thousand times more than I am today, my descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies and all born from my loins (physical and spiritual) shall be great all-round,in the name that is above every name, the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Walking in Covenant

Tuesday 16 June
READ: Gen. 17:1-8
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 89:34-35

When you stand in covenant relationship with the Almighty, it implies that your problems are His problems because whatever painful thing that happens to you, affects Him. If you establish a covenant of this nature with God, He has no option than to defend you because of the agreement that exists between you and Him.
The point is that every man who wants to conquer in life must have a personal relationship with the God Almighty, a relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of his life. A deep relationship with God brings a manifestation of God in any crisis.
Every believer should know that whatever happens to him affects Jehovah. So, there will be a way out no matter how long it takes because you are walking in a covenant relationship with God. Everyone who desires an impact and revelation of God must walk with the perfect understanding of who God is. Men who find, know who God is so that when trouble comes, that knowledge of God gives them victory before a miracle happens; but ignorance of who God is can kill you before help reaches you. No crisis can swallow a believer who has a personal relationship with the Almighty.

Crisis will come, but He has promised to help. In serving God, a problem can be an opportunity to discover God afresh, and the more of Him you know the greater height you can go. Abraham would not have been what he is today without a covenant walk with Jehovah. Because Abraham kept his own part of the covenant with God (walk with God) by circumcising all the males in his house, plus himself as God commanded, being the sign between Abraham and God, God could not keep back His own side of the agreement, He gave Abraham children as He said (Gen 21:1) and blessed him in all things (Gen 24:1).
The key to God’s blessing is living in obedience to His agreement with man. The first of that covenant is to keep His commandments and get His blessing. There could be other personal covenants you have with God which you will do well to keep, but our first covenant is the commandments which we must keep to be blessed.

* Ask God to write His laws upon the table of your heart that you may walk permanently in His way.
* Ask Him to help you keep your covenants with Him and do His good will.
* Ask God to pour upon you His covenant blessings that cannot be reversed.

The Lord will help me, therefore I shall not be confounded.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Injury Time

Monday 15 June
READ: Rev.12:9-12
MORE LESSONS: Rev. 22:7-12

Injury time is about the most risky period in the game of football. When the entire 90 minutes time is over and it is injury time, it is usually far limited a time than the extent of play. This is the time that a little mistake could make the difference between the two teams. Injury time is when mistakes committed are hardly corrected. In the Christian race, suffice it to say that we are already in the injury time; or what we generally know as the end time. Our passage for today says the dragon and his angels were cast out into the earth. That is the origin of demons. When they got to the face of the earth their activities were not less than their rebellion in heaven.
The consequences of Satan being cast down onto the earth is seen in verse 12. The earth is cursed by the coming of Satan because he fell with great wrath. We have a wounded, defeated and angry enemy that has understandably refused to accept defeat and go to hell alone.

Satan's greatest problem is that he has limited time. Man is the enemy of Satan because he has what Satan lost in heaven and God had given him dominion over everything He created. Man has the ability for anything on earth as God has the ability for anything in heaven. Satan does not have ability for anything at all. The dominion that Satan sought for and lost in heaven was given by God to man. Satan is angry because he has lost it all. He lost it in heaven and he lost it on earth. The only thing left for Satan is to fight with limited time. So whatever Satan is doing, he puts all he has got into it and he does his warfare with great speed.
If from the fall of Satan he had a short time left, how much less time left for him in this end time? Because we are in the injury time how angrily do you think that Satan will operate? We are at war and Satan is working harder than ever before. War is ongoing but unfortunately, quite a number of Christians are asleep. This is not the time to relax or relapse; you are in this battle destined to be a victor, not a victim.
Considering the danger in lukewarmness, the Bible encourages those doing good to continue in their godliness. However, God warns the ungodly that the time is fast approaching when the Son of Man shall return with rewards for everybody as determined by our works. Though God’s eternal desire is for us to be rewarded for good works done in His vineyard; nevertheless, the ungodly will not escape His wrath and judgement.

* Pray that the Lord will make you a victor and not a victim.
* Ask God to reverse anything in you that can make you miss heaven.
* Pray that you will not be a victim of Satan’s last minute membership drive.
* Make up your mind to serve God in a renewed strength and service till rapture.

I am an eagle, therefore I break myself loose from the company and power of chickens, bats and all low flying creations; I shall mount high, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Strength of Relationship

Saturday 13 June
READ: John 11:1-12
MORE LESSONS: I John 3:1-2

The value that God attaches to relationship is epitomised by Jesus' relationship with Lazarus as recorded in our text. First, in verse 1, Lazarus is referred to as a “certain” sick man and then we learn that Lazarus and the other ladies, Mary and Martha, are from the same town. In verse 2, we are told that these ladies have a relationship with Lazarus, he is their brother. I'm sure by this explanation, God wants to emphasise the importance of relationship.
Another level of relationship is introduced is verse 5, Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. This is Jesus' relationship with the whole family. But of particular interest today is the information in verse 11, …Our friend Lazarus…, which is a personal relationship between Jesus, His disciples and Lazarus.

The strength of this personal relationship is noticed when Jesus gets to the graveside of Lazarus, Jesus wept; John 11:35. Such is their closeness that in spite of knowing that Lazarus is going to rise, Jesus still feels so much for Lazarus’ temporary affliction by death. In fact, the Jews standing-by note, Behold how he loved him! v 36.
All this is a wake - up call to every believer that Christianity is all about loving one another, caring and feeling for one another in the household of faith. Regardless of denomination, tribe or tongue, the Church must be one.

* Ask God to help you to be faithful and committed to your relationships.
* Pray that the Church will teach the world to love and be a practical example of God’s love to one another.
* Pray that the Church of Jesus will be delivered from the arrows of tribe, colour, doctrines, hatred and hypocrisy.

You dry bones of my destiny, come alive today, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Defend your Love for God I

Thursday 11 June
READ: Jn. 13:1
MORE LESSONS: Rom. 8:35-39

The greatest gift of God to man is His love for man. Through this love, He sent Jesus to us, pardoned us and gave us all things richly to enjoy. The strength of our Christian faith is also based on this love. Because He loves us, He gave us all things; understanding and acceptance of God’s love are therefore the root of our relationship with Him. The moment you lose focus and understanding of His love for you, everything between you and God comes crashing down.
In essence, you accept Christ into your life because you believe He loves you, the moment that love fades out of your heart, your relationship with Christ is broken; therefore, to protect your redemption, you must sustain your love for Christ! There are many things out there threatening your love for Christ; which must not be allowed because they have the capability to take your redemption from you. Today's reading mentions some of them - tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, sickness, delay in marriage, barrenness, joblessness, imagination, crisis, failure, financial difficulty etc. It takes knowing that God loves you to be able to overcome these things. They are actually sent as arrows against your love for Christ.

The point is, whatever you lose in life should not take your love for God away. Whatever can make you doubt God's love for you is a risk to your faith, so keep your love for God at all costs; whatever you lose in life, don't lose your love for God and everything will be secure.
You will recover whatever Satan takes from you as long as your love for God stands.
How do you defend that love? (1) Read, keep and believe God's Word ever. (2) Keep company with people who love God, genuinely and in all situations (3) Get permanently busy for God. (4) Let prayer be the bus stop for all your pains. The moment a matter is handed over to God in prayer, let it remain there, no pity party, no complaint and no giving up! Keep your love for God burning and your eternity will be sure, and every other thing will be added here on earth.

* Tell God, “I will always love You, with or without the challenges of life”.
* Say like Job, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13:15
--I have decided to follow Jesus (3x) No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me (3x) No turning back, no turning back.

I will walk the path and run the race, and shall not be weary or faint on the way, in the name of Jesus.

Defend your Love for God II

Friday 12 June
READ: Jn. 15:1-15

It is the love of God for us that made us more than conquerors, Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us Rom. 8:37. Without His love, we cannot conquer. Therefore, we must keep and jealously guard His love for us. No matter the arrows Satan throws at us. We must not do anything to hurt that love because if we lose God’s love, we lose His favour.
Job remains an example any day! The more arrows Satan shot at him, the more he established his commitment and love for God. I noticed with great challenge that while the arrows of Satan were being shot at Job, he was not struggling to defend his possessions (human and material), rather his concern was how to keep his faith and love for God who loved him. No wonder his confession was, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13:15. At the end of the day, Job had double for all his loss.
This is a lesson for us all today; we must recognise that every affliction of the believer is targeted at his faith and love for God. Therefore you must learn not to make any earthly thing a priority over your faith and love for God! Your battle should not be for things that Satan is struggling to get from you, rather you must see and work against his ultimate desire to steal, to kill and to destroy your eternity. When he attacks your finance, it is not because he needs dollars, he is out to get you to deny Christ's love; when he strikes with barrenness, sickness, failure etc, it’s all about getting the believer to doubt God's love and fall out of grace.

Therefore, you must guard your love for God such that no matter what betides, your love for God is intact, My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother Prov. 6:20. That is Solomon's submission for defending the father's love. Jesus urges, If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love Jn. 15:10. Jesus kept the commandments and remained in God’s love. You too must keep Jesus' commandments to remain in His love; not this only, you must also bear fruit, and the fruit must be sustained. Then ….that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you Jn. 15:16.

*Declare that “in all these things, you will be more than a conqueror” (Rom. 8:37).
* Pray that nothing will be able to separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus!
* Pray that God will uphold you with His right hand of power and keep you from falling.

I command all my goodness and blessings to locate me at my address this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Honour God with your Firstfruits

Wednesday 10 June
READ: Neh. 10:35 (NLB)
MORE LESSONS: Ezek. 44:30

In our text, Nehemiah confessed the sins of Israel in backsliding from the Lord. He prayed and pledged a complete return to the Almighty. In repentance, the people promised to always bring the first part of every harvest to the Lord's temple. The first part of a harvest is what the Bible calls the firstfruits.
When a believer begins to backslide, his/her giving to God is the first casualty. To forget to give to God your tithe and first- fruits before spending out of your income is a proof that your love for God has gone cold. To become stingy in your giving to God shows that excitement for God and His household is now a secondary matter and many believers are in the backsliding state (Prov.14:4).
But when a man's heart is burning with love for God he will give with great excitement, he will tithe and honour God with his firstfruits. Your salary in a new employment, the first profit in a new business, the first produce of your farm, the difference in your new and old salaries when you are promoted, the first money you earn in a new year, these are all examples of firstfruits. You are to bring your firstfruits to God’s servant in the house of God. He will receive them and command the blessing of the Lord to rest upon you and your work. It is this blessing of the Lord that will make you rich with no sorrow added (Prov.10:22).

Giving your firstfruits opens Heaven upon your life. When you give your first- fruits, you are working in obedience to God's Word and He will make you to eat of the good of the land (Isa.1:19). When you put God and His Kingdom first in the affairs of your life, He will surely add other things to you(Matt.6:33). Honouring God with your substance connects you with abundance (I Sam.2:30). Finally, when you give God your firstfruits, you trigger the release of His blessings upon all the work of your hand. He will see to it that you become rich (Prov.10:22). Give God the firstfruits always and He will defend and preserve the remaining harvest from wasters (Prov.3:9-10).

* Give thanks to God because He is the One who gives strength to His people.
* Ask God to help you obey Him in all things.
* Ask God to forgive you any act of disobedience in your financial responsibilities and restore all the blessings due you.
* Ask God to stop devourers that could be working against you because of a weakness in the area of finance.

The enemy shall wait in vain for my failure, andall who secretly desire my fall shall be disappointed, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Vows and Promises

Tuesday 9 June
READ: Ecc. 5:4-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 50:14-15

Vows in the Scripture are always about asking God to do something you critically need, promising to do or give something in return to God. There are many examples in the Bible. Hannah vowed that if God would give her a child, she would give him back to God. God did and she fulfilled her vow. Jephthah vowed that if God would give him victory over the Ammonites he would sacrifice whatever first came out of his house to meet him to God (Judg. 11:35). It was his precious daughter, his only child, that came out to welcome him and he offered her to the Lord. God always honours such vows and it is better not to vow than to vow and not fulfil it.

A promise is different from a vow. A promise could be to a man or to God or to an organisation. Unlike a vow, a promise is not made in return for your need being met. Although in giving a promise you may not be expecting something in return for your action, God expects you to keep your word. Be a promise keeper and walk in integrity. By so doing you will find favour with God and with man.
The point is, a vow is different from a promise. A vow is asking God to meet a need with a promise that you will do something in return when the need is met, on the other hand, a promise is a commitment to be part of something like a church project, or even an individual project, for which you are not expecting anything in return. You just want to be a part of fulfilling a vision that is dear to your heart. Whatever it is that you promise, whether in form of a vow, a pledge, or a commitment, be a man/woman of your word. Make sure you keep the promise and the Lord will bless you. God has been too faithful to us to be denied anything, and when we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us.

* Repent of all commitments, vows, pledges or promises you made in the past that you have not redeemed. Ask the Lord to forgive you and to provide for you to fulfil them speedily.

* Ask for divine provision, ability and strength to fulfil your vows, promises, pledges and commitments.

* Ask for the wisdom and discipline not to be rash in making promises.

* Ask for the favour of the Lord upon the works of your hand and the restoration of all that might have been lost to not keeping promises and vows to the Lord.

My head will never lack oil, and the enemy shall not be able to soil my garment, as the Lord lives.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Peace in the midst of Trouble

Monday 8 June
READ: Matt. 8:23-27
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16:23-26

Peace is not the absence of trouble, problems or challenges in one's life but the ability to rest or stay calm despite the troubles all around. The main reason why many people hardly stay calm in the time of trouble is that they don't remember God's abiding presence. If Jesus is right there in the boat of your life, it is impossible for the boat to go under.
Don't run up and down when you are faced with challenges of life. If God be for you nothing can be against you. God will never abandon His children, no matter the situation or circumstance of life. He was with the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace (Dan. 3:24), He was with Joseph in the prison (Gen. 39:21) and He was with Daniel in the lions' den (Dan. 6:22). When you remember that Christ is with you, you can act calmly in the face of painful and difficult situations. Jesus has the ability to calm a mighty storm, He will certainly calm the storms you are encountering and overcome any force of evil that comes against you.

One reason why people feel agitated in the face of storms is that they forget the promises of God - the Lord will deliver you from all your afflictions (Ps. 34:19). He will never assume the state of man to lie (Num. 23:23). If you are a child of God, He will deliver you from that sickness, barrenness, lack, oppression etc. Have the knowledge today that His Word has already gone ahead of you. Believe God for whatever He says in His Word that He is: a fortress (Ps. 18:2); a helper (Heb. 13:6); a healer (Exo. 15:26); a deliverer (Ps. 18:2); a sun and a shield (Ps. 84:11); a shepherd (Ps. 23:1) Your glory and the lifter up of your head (Ps. 3:3), a shield and a buckler (Ps. 91:4). Believe and stand on the promises and surely the storm will give way to peace.
Like Apostle Paul says in the midst of storm, …for I believe God.... Acts 27:25. Believe God despite the storm. I command peace to you, in Jesus' name.

* Say, “Lord, thank You for being the God that can be present in the storm”.
* Say, “I declare peace to every storm around me, in Jesus' name”.
--Today, take a worship and praise song, give thanks to God for His power to calm storms. Praise Him sincerely because I can hear in my spirit that the storm is over.

I shall not go back to Egypt, I shall not return to my vomit, and I shall press to the prize mark, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Pilgrimage

Sunday 7 June
READ: I Cor. 10:1-6
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 12:1-2

The Israelites’ journey out of Egypt, through the wilderness, to the Promised Land is a type of Christian pilgrimage. Our Christian journey has such a striking resemblance to the Israelites' journey that it is important for us to study it, learn from their experiences and avoid pitfalls as we move towards the heavenly Canaan. As Apostle Paul exhorts, Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition...: 1Cor. 10:11. The lessons from Israel’s experience are many. The Israelites were chosen by God to be His peculiar people but God had to raise a deliverer to lead them out of the bondage of Pharaoh and Egypt (Exo. 2:23-25; 3:7-10). This compares favourably with our need to be free from the bondage of sin and Satan, Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son…: Gal. 4:3-4.
To escape from this bondage, one must accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour (Jn. 3:16). This is about creating a Father-son relationship with God through acknowledging that you are a sinner, and accepting Jesus' offer of forgiveness through cleansing in His blood. If you are already born again but you still struggle with your old sin, this can be compared with the stubborn act of Pharaoh who even after he had released Israel to go, still pursued them to the Red Sea, where he perished with all of his army. In that same manner all your enemies shall perish, in Jesus’ name. As long as you don't give up the battle, your old life will bow to your new Saviour.

Here are some few things you must do to permanently win the battle over your old sin habits.
1. Attend a good convert/follow-up/foundation/discipleship class in a Bible-believing Church, immediately.
2. Begin to give more time to reading, studying, memorizing and confessing God's Word.
3. Go for deliverance and don't hide anything from the man of God, including your old habits.
4. Spend more time praying in the Holy Ghost.
5. Ask God to sanctify you wholly – spirit, soul and body - (I Thess. 5:23).
6. Never give in to satanic blackmail of being a sinner. You are not; God loves you with an everlasting love. (Rom. 8:36-37).
7. Be assured of your victory over Satan, sin and the world (I Jn. 4:4). God is faithful who has begun a good work in you and will perform it until the day of Christ (Phil. 1:6).

*Pray that your sojourn on this earth will not terminate in hell.
*Ask God for grace to be a full time Jesus chaser.

Even if darkness and gross darkness cover the whole world, God’s light and glory shall be seen upon me, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Power Packed

Saturday 6 June
READ: Heb. 4:12
MORE LESSONS: Acts 19:11-20

The writer of Hebrews has given us fresh revelation on the mystery and efficacy of the Word of God at work in us. In today’s passage, three major things are evident about the power of the Word of God. Firstly, it is quick, which means that when you receive the Word of God, it quickens you. The reason why the Word of God is given to us as a 'quick' capsule is because the enemy wants to poison us until he can slow our lives down completely. Satan and his cohorts are out to stop every good thing that God is doing in and through our lives.

They start out by slowing down our faith in God for miracles and breakthroughs. Then they slow down our zeal for the things of God and our desire to be in the assembly of the saints of God. Thereafter, they slow down our ability to tarry with God in prayer and deep communion. And as soon as communion with God is withdrawn, we lose direction and divine guidance and the spirit of fear sets in, followed by all manners of sin and lawlessness. But the Living Book declares in II Cor. 2:11, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Then comes the ministry of the word in us; it quickens, revives, awakens and activates us unto the things of God. This is why we must continue to live by the Living Book, which provides quick capsules that insulate us from the poison of the enemy that can slow us down completely, and make us inactive and unresponsive to the things of God.

The next major assignment of the Word of God in us is to release immense power. Indeed, the Word of the Lord is powerful enough to save us from anything and everything that stands in our way. This is so, because the enemy’s device is not only to slow us down but also to leave us disarmed and weak. If you have ever noticed any area in your life that is weak and maybe a part of your body that is sickly, apply the power capsule in the Word of God and see the anointing of God's Spirit restore and re-invigorate you with the fullness of life. I dare to say that a wordless life is a powerless life. As you stand firm on the Word of God today, every slow and blunt area of your life is being quickened and empowered right now by the living Word of God, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Thank God for the Living Book. Thank Him for the Word of God.

* Pray that God’s Word will quicken, revive and awaken you to who God is.
* Ask that the power of God’s Word will strengthen you in all areas of life.
* Release the power in the Word to re-invigorate your destiny in God.

I declare that every snare is broken today, I have escaped from the fowler and no weapon shall prosper against me.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Friday 5 June
READ: Eph. 4:1-3

The Christian life is a walk; we progress a step at a time. Walking requires life, strength, freedom and balance, and a day by day progress towards a God-given goal. We should live as people who have been set apart by God and not do anything that would discredit the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul admonishes and pleads with us on how we should walk as Christians:
With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; v2.
This describes the quality of being humble and the absence of pride or self-assertion.
Humility makes unity possible and visible and today’s text brings out clearly some evidences of genuine humility. Before a man can say he is humble, he must possess the listed characteristics.
Lowliness: anyone who is lowly in mind will not think of himself alone but will see other people as more important. As it was reported of Jesus in Phil.2:1-11, Paul also served the Lord with all humility (Acts 20:19). This should be the attitude manifested by anyone who is humble.
Gentleness: It is another word for meekness. Meekness is not weakness; it is power under control. The meek person does not deliberately hurt others, even though he has the power to do so. Those who are meek keep their power under control. Num 12:3 tells us, Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. In Matt.5:5, Jesus said, Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Longsuffering: Being able to suffer long: in other words, ability to bear with people. The ability to bear with one another is also important for Christian unity. When we bear with others in love, it builds and gradually changes them.
Humility: We need to put on the cloak of humility because God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble person. Someone has said that humility does not consist merely in a person's thinking of himself in low terms but rather it is not thinking of himself at all. The Lord Jesus perfectly exemplified this attitude. He never considered His own desires. He only did the Father's will. He did not go to the cross because of Himself, but because of sinners. He was beaten for our transgressions, He went to hell to set us free because we were bound to life imprisonment there. He was born so that you and I can be saved from sin and He is sitting at the right hand of the Father today, interceding for you and I. Can you work for others? Can you suffer because of your neighbour?

* Pray that God will clothe you with the garment of meekness and selflessness.
--Sacrifice something very precious to you today by giving somebody who may need it as much as you do.

As the Lord lives, before whom I stand, I shall be singled out for glory and praise this month, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Thursday 4 June
READ: Matt. 4:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 58:6-9

Fasting is one of the fundamental pillars of the Christian faith. Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ gave us a sound example in fasting when He did so for forty days. What do you think Jesus was looking for? Power? Which power? It was not for power and I think it is erroneous when people tell us that Jesus fasted for forty days and it was only after then He was able to begin to manifest power; that is an error. Jesus didn't need a fast to move the earth. At 12 years of age, He sat down with doctors of the law answering questions to the amazement of His hearers. If on that day He wanted the earth to shift, it would have obeyed Him. It is not to say that we don't find power when we fast; there are a lot of manifestations of the power of God when we fast.
Jesus taught us two basic lessons by His fasting; first to give us a pattern that fasting is one of the ways we can touch the heart of God and bring things to happen on the surface of the earth. And secondly, He wants us to see the connection between prayer and fasting. Prayer is easier in the place of a fast. You have less energy to pray but you have faster penetration when you fast and pray.
There is what is called power habit. Power habit means, the kind of things a particular person does to have the power of God move upon his life. It differs from person to person. For some people, they cannot preach a major message except they have run three days fasting and prayer. That is how they are activated. There are ministers that if they have not sung songs, they can't push out. So when they get to the pulpit, they must sing and worship, then you kick- start them. Don't copy people anyhow; just find out which area you are gifted. It is the same thing about fasting. In the Old Testament days, people fasted and got wonderful results. Moses fasted for forty days twice, Esther and the entire Jews in exile fasted for three days (marathon), kings and prophets fasted and they all got God's attention.
In fasting, you are not bribing God by staying off food for a while; rather, as my father in the Lord once said, you are telling God that you desperately need His attention over certain issues so much that what the flesh needs do not matter to you but the spiritual communion with Him. If God answered people in the Old Testament, you are better placed today for answers if you don't give up. May God grant speedy answers to your prayers and fasting.

* Pray for strength to seek the LORD's face in fasting.

* Ask God to increase your strength through fasting and prayer

Take a day or two this week and fast over any matter that has bothered you for long.

Isaiah 58:8 gives us certain things that we can use a fast to achieve, list them out from this verse and ask God for them one by one

Lord, in the month of June, give no one the opportunity to sympathise with me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Crooked Path Straightened

Wednesday 3 June
READ: Isa. 42:16
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 139:7-12

When the Almighty God decides to lead the way in destiny, the result can be awesome and unpredictably great. This is because Jehovah created the paths and He knows the ways. The forest, the sea, the oceans are all open routes to Him. Therefore, He cannot miss the way or get lost as the psalmist says, If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there, ...in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me Psa. 139:8-10. Again, God declares, For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. Psa. 50:10-11. Such is God's knowledge of all things that there is no better guide beside Him. And now this great “map” of the universe has made a promise, …I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known…. Isa. 42:16.
There is no reason to be confused, no excuse for missing your way or making costly mistakes anymore, except you refuse to choose God’s way or despise His instructions. The believer must not be afraid of missing the way in any area of life. All that is needed is to seek the God who knows the way for direction in marriage, career and other vital issues of life. Often, we consider the way of God as tough, difficult or slow and thus many choose their own ways and the consequences usually are disasterous. God cannot be blamed for any of such sorrowful endings because He has promised that even if you are blind, He is able and willing to lead you in the way you don’t know.
Friend, patiently seek God for all decisions in life and the darkness will become light before you and crooked things straight. Isaiah 42:16 ends with an assurance, These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them. Jacob, David and Hannah are examples of people who patiently sought God and found Him. You too must seek Him by prayer, fasting, godly counsel and by His Word and all your crooked things shall be straightened out, in Jesus name.

* O Lord, straighten out the crooked path of my life.
* Lord, take confusion out of my destiny and lead me on life's pathway.
* Ask God to help you follow and patiently wait for His direction always.
Read Psa. 32:8. At regular intervals today, ask God to instruct, teach and guide you this year.

Father, I lift my eyes to You; do not let the enemies triumph over me this month, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Be Great – Your God is Great

Tuesday 2 June
READ: Job 5:25-27

Everything about God is on the greater side. God doesn't do His things small: whatever God does, even if it starts small, will never remain small. As big as the earth is, it is not the biggest planet God made. The planet Jupiter is about 20 times bigger than the earth. This is not to talk of the sun and stars which are created immeasurably big and vast, even though they look smaller to us than they are because of great distance. The entire universe is simply beyond description for magnitude. All these are just minute pointers to the greatness of God. God is beyond great and, as His offspring, so should you be. It is said that the human brain has the capacity to generate 3 million ideas per day, and one idea is sufficient to make you great in life. Every provision needed by man for greatness has been deposited in Him by the Great One. You have no reason to be small in destiny.

All the Patriarchs in the Bible that served God ended up great. Abraham, who was given up on to have a single son, ended up having eight biological children. But that was not all; through the covenant, Abraham's spiritual and biological offsprings keep multiplying in millions up to date. That cannot come from a small God. Abraham was a great man but Isaac became even greater till he waxed very great. (Gen 26: 13) Israel also became so much of a force in Egypt that Pharaoh was afraid that they would take over the land from him. When Israel was coming out of Egypt, King Balak of Moab saw them and was afraid because they were too great for him. (Num 22:1 – 5). Joseph went to a country as a slave and grew to become the prime minister there. The great man Job also, after being tested and cut down, rose and became great again. He eventually had seven sons, three daughters and twice the wealth he had before he was struck by the enemy.

David was so great that the nations around him were subdued under him. Solomon had wisdom and wealth greater than any earthly king before or after him. Esther also went to a kingdom as slave and rose to being the queen in the palace. Mordecai, from being a gateman, became one who rode on the king's horse and eventually he became the second in command in that country. These people are a collective testimony of men becoming great because they served a great God. You are serving the same God they served. Compare who you are today with whom your God is and you will realize that you need to be more. Compare what you have achieved to what your God is able to do and you will realize that you have not scratched the surface of His possibilities. Rise up and take your place. Your were created great by a great God, refuse to be small.

* Ask God to increase your greatness on every side.
* Rebuke every force of smallness in your destiny.
* Ask that you will be a god on earth as God is in heaven.
* Prophesy on seven altars of your life to become great from today.

Oh God of my help, let this new month be filled with the rain of fulfilment on every side.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Prepared for Glory

Monday 1 June
READ: Exo. 19: 1-11
MORE LESSON: Gen. 35:1-3

There is a responsibility for anyone who wants to attract God's presence and make His glory manifest in his life. Studying the Bible, you will discover that there is always a responsibility for anyone who wants to be a carrier of God's glory. Glory is by grace; free but not cheap. We can never pay for it but there is something expected of men to do to access it. Salvation is free by grace but you have to believe and confess the Lord before you get it. The same is true in the natural. If you are offered an appointment you have to write a letter of acceptance before assuming office. So to get the glory there are always responsibilities and when the glory comes there are still responsibilities attached for you to maintain the glory.

Anything you don't have commitment to will not last in your hands. So God wants to see your committed actions before He releases His glory on you. He will not give the glory to a man who will be careless with it and waste it without meeting his responsibilities. The expectations of God for those who desire to be carriers of His glory are to ascertain that when the glory comes, the carriers can value the glory. The cost and the responsibilities attached to glory are not because we have the capacity to pay for the glory but so that we can have a consciousness that we must not be careless with it.

In the text, God was to visit the people, so He told them to get ready and prepare themselves for the visit. The first responsibility for a man that will experience glory is that he must deliberately prepare himself or herself for glory. The first preparation demanded by God was that the people should sanctify and wash themselves. Righteousness and holiness are prerequisites for glory. Don't be carried away with the gospel that tells you that you can do anything because we are in the period of grace. The Scripture says the people should be sanctified for the glory to come; to be sanctified is to be set apart. If you want to get God's glory, you must be ready to give up certain things that a lot of people indulge in without any qualm.

It matters to God what you do; it matters to God how you live. Christ has paid everything on our behalf and by His grace and finished work we can enjoy glory. However, grace demands that we must live the holy life that Christ died to purchase for us.

* Ask for grace to help you in all areas of preparation needed for your glory.
* Pray that in all that you do from today, you will stand out in righteousness and holiness.
* Pray that you will not fail in the responsibility and expectation of God for you.

Blessed be your name oh God, for making the sixth month a reality for me among the living. Take the glory, Oh Lord!

Personal Development for Growth

Sunday 31 May
READ: Acts 17:10-12
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 11:1-2

The eternal truth for today is that any one who sincerely desires to grow in the Christian faith must do more than whatever others are doing. Given the circumstances surrounding the end time Church today, the general food from the pulpit will not be sufficient for the proper growth of any believer. The Church today is confronted with two problems: (I) That of a congregation that is too restless to sit and learn and a congregation more interested in survival prayer than revival, in some cases, people even tell the pastors what to preach and what not to. (ii) The problem of the Church not being focused, some have outgrown their capacity to pastor effectively by their slumber and of course the end time spirit that is working so hard to weaken the Church of Jesus by sin, money, politics, distractions etc.

It is therefore important for every growth conscious believer to go an extra mile beyond the pulpit to personally develop himself/herself. If you don't ensure a growth in your Christian life, you will gradually die off although you may still be sounding like brass. The church ought to provide the learning materials, the inspiration and skill, while the individual picks from that point to develop himself. The Berean church exemplified this when, after learning from Paul, they created time to read over what they had been taught and to study further whether those things were true. Also, after Jesus’ public teaching, His disciples came back to Him privately to seek further clarification of what they had been taught in public.

Any believer who truly wants to grow must create time for extra information, reading and asking our leaders questions like the disciples did (Lk. 11:1) on healing (Mk. 9:29), and on Jesus’ parable( Mk. 4:10). Every believer must learn to create time beyond church sermons to study the Bible, fast and pray alone, and do night vigil with their family. You have a responsibility for whatever you want to become in life and destiny, do take up the challenge today.

* Ask God to lead you to everything you need to become what you need to be in Christ Jesus.
* Pray that the negative spirit and forces of the end time will not be your portion.
* Pray that you will find all it takes and you will give all it takes to grow in your Christian faith
.---Examine yourself critically, locate areas where you need to do more and what you need to do to grow into maturity, and do them.

I shall remain grateful and hopeful in God, I shall not turn back (spiritual or physical) and I shall reach my goal, in Jesus’ name