Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Found by God II

Tuesday 31 January
READ: Psa. 89: 20
MORE LESSON: 2 Chro.16: 9a

When Jesus was born, there were some wise men that were searching for Him. They came from a very distant land and they sought until they found the Baby in the manger. Their names entered into God's record because of their search. This shows that you can also search for God and find Him. In fact, in Jer. 29: 13, God says that you will seek Him, and find Him, when you shall search for Him with all your heart. This shows that God is searching and you also could search for Him. It is when God's search for you meets your search for Him that your place in destiny finds fulfilment.
David was a man like that; he was a passionate seeker of God. He said in Psa. 63: 1, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. David was passionately seeking for God and God was also searching for a king. Saul had fallen short of God’s expectation and God needed a man that would carry out His will in Israel. So God figuratively took a torchlight and started searching over Israel for who would replace Saul.
The old king was still on the throne and God was already searching for a new one. This is why we must pray never to be replaced in God's agenda and that God will not search for someone else to do that which He has called us to do. Saul was busy living the way he wanted but he didn't know that God was already searching. David also was busy faithfully serving God and he did not know that God was searching. So God's searchlight rested on David and he became the king of Israel. In God's search for a king, one would have expected that he would go into the palace or the house of noble men. God, in His infinite wisdom, went to the wilderness and located His choice king. He took the greatest from the lowest place.
This is an encouragement to you to continue serving God faithfully even when no one seems to notice all that you are doing. You may be praying, studying the Word of God and giving yourself and your resources sacrificially for God's kingdom and it is unnoticed. You do not need to be noticed by men; you only need to be found by God. When God finds you, you will enter into your throne in destiny.

* Ask the Lord to make all that search for you for good to find you early.
* Decree God's searchlight to rest on you, in the name of Jesus.
* Forbid darkness from overshadowing you, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, thank You because by Your power, today is the last bus stop for every negative carryover in my life, they end with this last day of the month, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Found by God I

Monday 30 January
READ: Psa. 89: 20 - 37
MORE LESSON: Psa. 78: 70 - 72

God is searching. It is right to conclude that God searches because we know that God finds. Whenever there is a finding, it shows that there is a searching. Therefore when God said, I have found David my servant... Psa 89:20, it must have happened as a product of a search. God needed a servant to lead His people with a true heart and He began to search. There was a small boy who was available and God located him and anointed him. God has not stopped searching; in every generation He searches for men. Many people have said that they are searching for God, when in the actual sense it is God who is searching for them. You need to position yourself so that God can find you.
While David was in the wilderness, God saw his faithfulness in taking care of the little flock that he was a shepherd over and picked him up. God picked him, connected him to Himself and started building him. God trained David through battles, made him confront giants and tested him in many situations. God built him and then raised him and glorified him. It is a glorious thing when God personalises a man. God found David and called him, 'My servant'. It is like a relationship where God is saying, 'David is my very own'. You need to be found available by God. When God finds you, He places a seal of his personality over your life; He anoints you and beautifies you. God glorifies everyone that makes himself available to be found by Him.
When God finds a man, He wipes away his tears. When God locates you, He lifts you out of purposelessness and obscurity. He found David, and made him a joy to many generations. You should live your life in such a way that God will easily locate you when He needs a man. This entails a consecrated life, a life of holiness and service to God. If you want to be found by someone, you must always hang around where he is. So you can't be running away from God's presence and fellowship and expect to be located.
Lost in your pursuit of things, you need to be found by God. Lost in poverty and lack, you need to be found. Lost in emotional attachments and pleasures of sin, you need to be found by God. When God finds you, He connects you to Himself, builds you and then uses you.

* Ask that the Lord will find and help you as it happened to Mephibosheth, in the name of Jesus.
* Declare, in Jesus’ name, that you will not reach where you cannot be found in life.

My Father and my God, as this month runs to an end, I declare that my hopes and expectations for the new year shall not be dashed, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Burning Lamp

Sunday 29 January
READ: Acts.13:47-49
MORE LESSON: Job.11:17

Jesus testifying about John the Baptist said, He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light: John 5:35. Every one who is a believer is supposed to bear this same testimony and much more because Jesus the Light of men now lives in us. When we give our life to Jesus and we get filled with the Holy Spirit, we are ignited to burn and shine. The candle (lamp) of our life which is our spirit is lit by the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. We become like lamps that have been trimmed and filled with new oil. Men should be willing to rejoice in our light, not only for a season, but till Jesus comes for the rapture of the Church. What must we do to attain this height of testimony?
If we must burn as true lamps, we must recognise and comply with the following:
1. The Lord Himself as our Lamp, For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness: 2 Sam. 22:29.
2. The Word of God as our Lamp, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a
light unto my path: Psa. 119:105.
3. God's commandments as our lamp, For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: Prov. 6:23.
4. Supply the oil needed for the lamp everyday, which is prayer, And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always: Exo. 27:20.
Having been lit by God, you must continue to burn until the bridegroom comes. The five virgins whose lamps went down for lack of oil just before the arrival of the bridegroom missed the opportunity to enter the banquet hall when they went searching for oil at the wrong hour. You must sustain your own lamp, for you know not the hour the Bridegroom may come.

* Lord, let me burn and never be put out by the power of satan, in Jesus’ name.
* I will affect my generation for the Lord, come what may, in Jesus’ name.

As we give thanks today for 2017, I prophesy that my candle light will be unquenchable in 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Dependable God

Saturday 28 January
READ: 1 Thess. 5: 17-24
MORE LESSON: Isa. 25: 1

God is dependable. You can trust Him with your life and know that it is absolutely safe and secure. You can follow God with your two eyes closed and know that you will not miss the way or fall into a ditch. One day, during a sermon, I asked a mother to give her new born baby to another small girl to carry and she did. The small baby didn't revolt or fear, she just continued resting in the arms of the small girl, trusting that whoever was carrying her was up to the task. It is such childlike faith that is required in depending on God. You should rest in his arms, knowing that He is up to the task of carrying you. When the small baby grows up a little more, she begins to select who she will allow to carry her and who she won't.
Many times we have 'grown up' too much and become 'too intelligent' that we do not allow God to carry us anymore.
Sometimes, even children that have grown enough to be selective of who carries them and who doesn't, allow a person to carry them if they know the person's capacity and strength and are sure that the person is up to the task of carrying them. In a similar manner, in-depth knowledge of God creates faith in us and makes us know that we can depend on Him. The more you know God, the more you realise that you can depend on Him.
You can depend on God to meet all your needs; He has all the resources of the earth. According to Psa. 24:1, The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. When you know that God owns all things, you will not struggle to depend on Him for whatever you need. Remember He said, For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof: Psa. 50:10-12. You can depend on God because He holds and rules the entire world. Whatever you need is available from the dependable God.
There are things you need to do to enjoy God's dependability in your life. The first thing is that you must search and rest on His Word. God is only committed by His Word. When you have God's Word as your basis of trust, He will back up His Word. Secondly, you must respect the prophetic. When God gives prophetic instructions to you, make sure you act on them. When you obey God's prophetic instructions through His servants, you can depend on Him to perform. You must also walk close with Him; a closer walk with God makes Him accessible to you. Finally, God is dependable because of His track record of faithfulness and success; God has no record of failure. There is nothing He has ever said that failed; they have either happened or are about to happen. He has all it takes to keep His promises, so you can trust and depend on Him for your today and tomorrow.

* The dependable God is sufficient for me today and forever, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Declare that you will not lack, in Jesus’ name.

2017, I call you by your name, overflow with joy for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Restored Kingship

Friday 27 January
READ: Psa. 89: 20 - 37
MORE LESSON: Num. 25: 1 – 13

In Gen. 49: 10, the Holy Spirit spoke through Jacob, The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. This shows that the kingship of Israel had been prophetically given to Judah. Therefore, the kings of Israel were rightfully supposed to come from the tribe of Judah.
However, when it was time for a king to be selected in Israel, it was Saul the son of Kish that was selected as king. Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin and God took him and wanted to establish his dynasty forever in Israel. This means that Judah would have lost out of his prophetic destiny if God didn't find a man who would rise out of Judah and became king over Israel.
Saul missed the kingship through his repeated disobedience and rebellion against the commandments of God. God searched and found a young man called David, who was busy paying the price of faithfulness and commitment to God. As he worked and walked with God diligently, little did he know that he was reclaiming a prophecy, not just over his life, but the entire tribe of Judah. It was through David's commitment to God that the prophecy of the kingdom over the tribe of Judah was fulfilled.
It seemed like when God found David and saw the integrity of his heart and his passion for the things of God, He began to remember that the kingdom was not meant for Benjamin but Judah in the first place. So God took the throne from Saul and gave it to David; from Benjamin and gave it back to Judah, the rightful owner.
Today you need to pay attention to your life and your walk with God. You must bear in mind that the fulfilment of the prophetic destiny of your family, nation or even your generation can be hanging over your being available to God. You may not even know it but you could fulfil an age long prophecy by your obedience to God. God wants to restore the kingship rightfully meant for your life, family, nation and generation. This is why you can no longer afford to be casual in your approach to the things of God. You must give it all it takes and make yourself available to the maximum to fulfil God's will. It may not look so convenient now but generations to come will celebrate you as the man who made himself available to fulfil God's prophecy for that generation. Phinehas was an example of such godly living. By his life he turned the anger of God away from Israel and earned himself and his future generation a covenant of peace. Because of him his seeds will never live in crisis but peace.
Some people’s lives provoke God’s anger for their future generations and some provoke peace. What will your life purchase for your seeds?

* Ask the Lord for the heart that walks in obedience to God, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace to fulfil my vows unto the Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Father, every old story must give way for new and glorious things in my life this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Strength for Revival II

Thursday 26 January
READ: Psa. 84: 1 - 12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 63 1 - 3

Revival means coming to life again. Every aspect of your life needs new life and for this newness to come, there is need for new strength. Waiting on the Lord is the secret to accessing strength for revival. It is important that you draw strength from God in the secret place so that you can do exploits in every area of your life. In addition to your personal prayer life, there are other things you need to do to grow strong in destiny. They include;
1. Maximising corporate fellowship with the brethren. The Bible says, Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend: Prov. 27:17. Wherever the people of God gather together, strength is built up and imparted to everyone present.
2. Service: making yourself available for service in the vineyard of God builds strength. If you make yourself available any time God needs a man to use then you can be sure He will strengthen you. If you go to church because of needs or only when you are in trouble, it may look like you come to church regularly but you won't be strengthened because immediately that need is met you will go back to who you used to be. The right motive for coming to the house of God is to come, be blessed and serve.
3. Esteeming the presence of God above every other place is a time proven secret of strength. Psalms 84:10, says, For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. You should not just come to God's presence, you must love His presence above all other places.
4. Total dependence on God: this means being conscious that you do not have any strength of your own and you need to depend on God for strength every day. It is only such heart that is totally dependent on God that will be strong.
The strength of God is available for you if you will be addicted to His presence. Ps 84:6 talks about those who pass through the valley of Baca and make it a well; the rain also fills the pools. The valley of Baca is the valley of weeping and the pools talk about the tears of longing. These people were not crying for food and drink; they were not crying out of pain or lack; they were crying out of longing and desire for God. When you long for God so much that you cry with tears of desire for Him in your secret place, then you will see that your spirit will be refreshed and new strength will come to you. The place of intense desire for God is the place of strength.

* Ask the Lord to fuel your fire one more time, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to cause a great revival and awakening in the Church and in our nation.

By the force of Heaven, I am turning every enemy to flight this year, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Strength for Revival I

Wednesday 25 January
READ: Psa. 29: 11
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:29-31

It takes strength for revival to happen in a man's life. If we must be revived in any aspect of life and break out of status quo, we need strength from God. The very first thing in revival and getting strength from the Lord is a character and attitude of sincere self-assessment. You need to admit the place where you have lost fervor, where you have grown weak and where you are not doing good enough. It is when a man is sincere and acknowledges that he can be better that he will cry to the Lord for revival. Psalms 29:11 says, The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace. God delights in giving you strength and He wants to revive you. He wants you to admit your need for revival.
Strength comes from waiting on the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 says, But they that wait upon the lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagle, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and will not faint. One of the ways to have strength is waiting on the Lord in the place of prayer, personal study of the Word of God and active service. Desire for more of God and panting after Him with all your heart will constantly lead you to the place of strength. The Psalmist said, My soul longeth even fainteth for the court of the lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God: Psalms 84:2.
That is the place of strength, where you begin to desire God more than you have ever had Him, when your heart begins to ask for more of God, when you train your heart and your flesh to desire God. One of the reasons why Christians misbehave is because their heart and their flesh is asking for something that is contrary to God. So when they yield to their heart and flesh, they become weaker and weaker. Yielding to godly desire is what brings strength. It is in the place of prayer that we derive strength, according to Psalms 84:7: They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. When you fill your life and time with God's presence in prayers, spiritual activities, fellowship with brethren, worship and the Word, you will be a person of strength. Strength is needed for revival and it takes strength to move forward. The strength you need is in God's presence. The place of prayer is the place of strength.

* I receive strength for what is left in me that is about to die, in Jesus’ name.
* My hope will not be deferred as I wait on the Lord, in Jesus’ name.

I decree, darkness will not have a memorial in my new year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

He is all you Need

Tuesday 24 January
READ: Job 23: 10-12
MORE LESSON: Matt 6: 31 - 33

There are many things that men seek that are important needs in life; for example, man seeks what to eat. Every man on earth is doing something for food. People go out in the morning and come back late at night with little or no time for anything else in order to ensure that they and their families can feed. All the schooling, working, business and moving up and down that people do always boil down to the issue of bread. Many times when you try to make people go after spiritual things, they ask, 'How does that put food on my table?' But today you must know that getting Jesus is more important than getting food because He is the bread of Life (John 6: 48). This is better understood when we read John 6:27 which says, Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you: John 6:27 (NKJV).
This, of course, is not to advocate laziness and not doing anything for a living under the guise of spirituality. Every believer should be hard-working and have a job in his hand, but our priority in life should not be what to eat and possess but to know God and advance His Kingdom. That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear, There is more to life than food, and to your body more than clothes ...So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs: Matt. 6:25-32 (NLT). God is all you need; He is more important than the things you count as important.
The most important things that man cannot live without in the natural world are air and water. And these two are the most abundant resources on earth. But you need Jesus more than you need air and water. The Spirit of God in you is more important than air, The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life: Job 33:4. The words translated 'spirit' and 'breath' in the Bible actually mean 'wind' or 'air' in the original language. So the Holy Spirit is the air you need to live. Jesus also is the giver of the Living Water which, if a man drinks, he will never thirst again (John 7: 38, John 4:13-14). Jesus says He is the water of life. Jesus chooses to compare Himself with the most essential thing in the life of a man because not having Jesus can be compared with not having the most essential thing in life and destiny.

* Jesus, I make You number one in my life, therefore let everything I need become gifts for me, in Jesus’ name.
* Jesus, come and occupy Your rightful place in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

I am the light of the world; I shall be a solution, not a problem, all through my lifetime, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Enemies of God

Monday 23 January
READ: Matt. 27:23-31
MORE LESSONS: Job 8:9-13

I have never been surprised to hear people talk of enemies. After all, it was human beings that crucified Jesus of Nazareth, even when they could not point at one thing that He did wrong. All allegations against Him were proved wrong, yet they insisted He must be killed. Thank God Jesus resurrected on the third day, triumphant over all enemies. Jesus’ predicament was a clear case of enmity; on this basis, one then wonders why God too has enemies. He created man in His own image and loves him but man reciprocates with enmity. An enemy of God is anyone who breaks the law of God for whatever reason. You are an enemy of God when you break His commandments as I John 3:8-9 says, He that committeth sin is of the devil..., Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin…. If the Bible says someone is of the devil it is the same as saying you are God's number one enemy.
Sin, whether one or many, makes a man an enemy of God. Committing sin is beyond breaking the law of God and it extends to doing anything against God's interest to a person, a people or the work of God. It includes knowing what to do and refusing to do it (Jam.4:17). All enemies of God will pay a great price in life and in death, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God: Psa. 9:17.
As God’s children we have a responsibility to tell all people the consequences of being God’s enemy, which is hell. We must express our concern about the eternal punishment of hating God and tell sinners with compassion that God will forgive them if only they change their ways, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon: Isa. 55:7. Your spiritual status with God is a choice, choose Jesus for a happy eternity!

* I declare, from today I will not live a life of sin that will make me an enemy of God, in Jesus’ name.
* I will not be part of law breakers in my church, office, school etc I will not join the multitude to commit evil, in the name of Jesus.

Jesus, You are the light of my year 2017, I shall not walk in darkness, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Friends of God

Sunday 22 January
READ:John 15:1-15
MORE LESSONS: John 14:23,

One of the greatest and most beneficial relationships on the earth is that of man becoming a friend of God. This relationship is most beneficial because it has both earthly and eternal blessings. It is also the highest level of relationship a man can ever have, relating with the Most High God as a friend.
Abraham was no doubt a friend of God and that was why God did not keep anything from him, And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do: Gen.18:17. Moses was even directly referred to in the Bible as a friend of God, And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend…: Exo.33:11.
This great privilege is, however, not received without a condition. John 15:14 says, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Obedience, therefore, is the condition for a good relationship with God. If you want to become a personal friend of God like Abraham and Moses, then brace up for a life of total obedience to God in all things.
The starting point, however, is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, invite Him to be in total control of your life and He will come in. He says in Rev.3:20, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. That is an open invitation by the Almighty for friendship. Be a friend of God, TODAY! Only friends of God will spend eternity with God in Heaven, but His enemies shall perish in hell. Even before going to Heaven, friends of God will enjoy the cover and greatness of Heaven on earth. God will be jealous for their sake, defend them, give them silver and gold and they shall not be feeble (Psa. 105:37).
They will call upon God and He will answer them, He will be with them in trouble, He will deliver and honour them, He will satisfy them with long life and at the end show them His salvation (Psa. 91:15-16). All these benefits and more are yours as a friend of God, so go for them.

* Jesus, I pledge to do Your will for the rest of my life; make me Your friend, in Jesus’ name.
* As a friend and partner with Jesus I will be obedient to my own part of the covenant like Abraham, in the name of Jesus.

As the wind does not blow without effect on the trees of the forest, so I shall not have an ineffective year, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Divinely Connected II

Saturday 21 January
READ: Gen 24: 12 - 26
MORE LESSON: Isa. 34: 16

The story of Abraham’s servant who was sent to get a wife for Isaac is a testimony of how God can divinely connect a person to his/her life partner in answer to prayer. The man prayed and God brought the right person at the right time to the right place.
This brings to mind the story of a lady that marriage eluded for a long time. Each time she was in a relationship and they went as far as printing the wedding card, the man would just dump her. This happened about five times. When she came and narrated the ordeal she was going through, the Holy Spirit ministered to me that the enemy changed her identity. Each time she was near getting married; the prospective husband would begin to see her as an old woman once the card had been printed. This meant that there was a spiritual mask that was put on her by the enemy that made each man lose interest in marrying her.
The lady was a bank manager who was wealthy, beautiful and successful but her marital destiny was held to ransom by the enemy; she was already fifty-one years old at the time I met her. The church where I ministered in that town was a very small church but she overlooked all her pomp and class and came to sit down in the small classroom church. Just like Rebekah in the Bible, it was that act of humility that made her miracle to locate her. She came after the meeting and I prayed for her, then the Lord broke the cloud of darkness over her destiny. It was her first time in that church and that same day there was a retired army major who was in church and was not married, he was a first timer. The man gave his life to Christ in that service and decided that he wanted to take a new leaf in life. So the first thing he decided to do was to marry and settle down. The long and short of the story is that the two of them are married to the glory of God; they are doing well and are blessed with children.
God is a specialist in connecting people. God located the woman, found a man and arranged for the two of them to come to the same church the same day. Both of them were first timers on that day and God divinely connected them as the answer to each other's prayers. I want you to know that whatever you are trusting God for, especially those waiting on God for marriage partner, there is a divine connection that God has for you. Today, God's Spirit will gather and connect you to the answer to your prayers and no one shall want his/her mate (Isa. 34: 16). God can do the same for jobs, careers, education, visas etc. Just ask God for a divine visitation and attention. God can do it again!

* Tell the Lord to connect you early for testimonies, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Speak against every wall militating against your divine connection, in Jesus’ name.

Father, in my lifetime, I declare I shall never lose my light to darkness, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Divinely Connected I

Friday 20 January
READ: Exo. 2: 1 - 9
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11: 23

God had a great destiny for Moses to be the deliverer of Israel. He was born at a time when Pharaoh had declared that all male children of the Israelites were to be killed. In order to preserve Moses as a baby, his parents had to make a basket of bulrushes and keep him on the River Nile. Keeping a child in a basket to float on a river is a big risk; the child could be carried away to where he would not be found or he may even drown. However, Moses was divinely connected and so his destiny was preserved.
Pharaoh’s daughter came to the River to take her bath on the very day that Moses was kept on the river. The daughter of a king had all the best bathrooms at her disposal and could even command her attendants to go and fetch water for her if she wanted to bathe with the water from that river by all means. She must have been prompted by the Lord as she left all the luxury of the palace and trekked all the way to the river to take a bath. When she got to the river she found Moses and from there onwards, the destiny of Moses took a new turn.
There is someone that needs to find you so that your destiny can enter into the place that God has ordained for you. When God connects you to the person that He has appointed as the doorway for your next level, your struggles will be over in a moment. How do you explain what happened to Moses? His mother was called upon to take care of him and she was paid handsomely and regularly to train her own child. Moses became a prince who had access to the best of education, life and everything in the land. He was adopted as the child of Pharaoh and had a portion of the throne of Egypt. All these happened without him losing his eternal connection to the covenant of God with Israel as he was with his family to tell him the true story of his life and continually teach him about the laws and covenant of the God of Israel.
Moses grew up and was able to fulfil his destiny in God but it all started with a divine connection that God granted him as a child when he couldn't even arrange anything for himself. This shows that destiny is not fulfilled as a function of arranging human connections for oneself but by seeking God to divinely connect you with the persons He has ordained for you. It is your turn to be found, connected and lifted by God, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Ask God to divinely locate you for destiny connection, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask God for ceaseless divine connections.
* Announce the connection you are believing God for, in the name of Jesus.

As the sunrays break forth without hindrance so shall I break forth into victory, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sheep or Goat?

Thursday 19 January
READ: Matt. 25: 32 – 46
MORE LESSON: Psalm 23:1 - 6

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Psalm 23 is a popular scripture that shows what the Good Shepherd has in store for His sheep. The blessings of the shepherd are for the sheep and not the goats. Goats make life difficult for the keeper but sheep are easy to lead. Goats are difficult to gather and lead while sheep are known for hearkening to the guidance and counsel of the shepherd. No parent wants children that are goats; such children are stubborn, rebellious, never at home and always causing trouble around the neighbourhood. Pastoring is problematic when goats are the ones gathered under you. It is a very worthy prayer for parents, leaders and pastors that those under you will not be goats but sheep.
I was surprised when I once saw a man taking pieces of water melon fruit with pen-knive and feeding them to a sheep. If you take water melon with knife and try to feed a goat, it will eat it all; water melon, knife and your hand. Psa 23: 1 – 2 says that the good Shepherd makes the sheep to lie down in green pasture. The problem with goats is that they never lie down in a place, even if the grass is green. They roam to someone else's house for foodstuff to steal and eat. The Good Shepherd willingly laid down his life for the sheep but the goats kill their keeper by the stress they give him. Sheep lie down in green pastures.
This talks about sustained relationship between the sheep and Shepherd. As sheep maintains good relationship with the shepherd; a sheep in the sheepfold of God also maintains good contact and relationship with the under-shepherd that the Great Shepherd has placed over him. This means that a sheep has good relationship and contact with God and with his/her pastor. Goats are not in good relationship with the fold; they don't lie down; they always wander around. Sheep stay with other sheep in the flock while goats roam solo. A believer, who isolates himself from the shepherd and the sheepfold, is becoming a goat and satan is at the verge of destroying such.
A church member who is always complaining about the church and not contributing his quota to the development and progress of the church is not a sheep. One who only subtracts from the church and does nothing to add is a goat; he is not useful to the church, he has become useless. I pray that you will be relevant and useful in your home, church, workplace and nation. In today's text, we see that the Kingdom of God is for the sheep and not goats. Jesus kept the sheep by the right hand side and the goats by the left. The goats were marked for eternal damnation. I pray that you will be a sheep and not a goat.

* Ask God for grace to be a sheep-like Christian, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to separate you from habits that can question your faith, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I prophesy, lines will fall to me in pleasant places in glorious heritage, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Responsible Children II

Wednesday 18 January
READ: 2 Kings 6: 1 - 7
MORE LESSON: Neh. 2: 3 - 5

We are examining the life of Prophet Elisha and how the sons of the prophet that were with him displayed a good sense of responsibility. Kings, generals of armies and great men were among people that used to visit Elisha. He didn't take things from these great men that came to him to gratify himself. He stayed in a humble house and all these great men came there. It could be that his sons felt that the prophet, who was teaching about the great and mighty God was living in a place which didn't reflect the greatness of the Almighty God. So they took it upon themselves to put the lessons he taught them about the greatness of God to practice by starting from the place where the man of God lived.
I remember one of my spiritual fahers told me that at a point if he went shopping and he looked too much at something, by the time he got home, it would have followed him home. This was because he had some sons that went around trying to study what he likes so that they can quickly buy it for him. It is similar to what the sons of Elisha the prophet did. Some exceptional children always take it upon themselves to see that their father has the best. Note that being a responsible child is not limited to buying things. Spiritual children can show responsibility by always praying for their parents. As a child to your biological parents, spiritual father, pastors and in the household of God, do not join those that pull their parents down with words? Look out for problems and solve them; don't be the problem. Children that condemn their parents always find out in a matter of time that they cannot do better than their parents; many times, they can't even do as much as them.
Responsible children in the church understand that God has brought them to the place for contribution and not mere collection. These are the two categories of people in every church; those that add and those that subtract. Choose the adding part; that is, the part of responsible children. In fact, this is not limited to the church but everywhere you find yourself. Don't just be an onlooker in your location, add to the place you are. A responsible child takes charge everywhere he gets to and adds value. This is the reason some people are successful anywhere you put them. Greatness is not in a location, it is in the person. You could live anywhere and be great; all it takes is taking responsibility. Responsible children sooner or later become an object of celebration wherever they are. Receive more grace to display a high sense of responsibility, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for grace to invest in your spiritual and biological parents, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for more responsible children in our homes, church and society, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, this year I shall outshine every enemy of my advancement in every way, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Responsible Children I

Tuesday 17 January
READ: 2 Kings 6: 1 - 7
MORE LESSON: Psa 127: 3 - 5

The sons of the prophet called their father Elisha and begged him to let them a build bigger place for him. The explanation of the story in the text is that the sons of the prophet were ministers in training staying with Elisha and learning from him. They came to Elisha and told him that they noticed that it was getting too tight in his house where all of them were staying. They begged him to allow them go and build a bigger place for him so that it could conveniently contain them and he would also have a bigger space. You would notice that it was not Elisha that complained that the house was too small and jam-packed; they beseeched him to let them build a bigger place. These sons of the prophetic showed themselves to be responsible children.
It is always pleasing to parents when they have responsible children in the house. Such children identify problems and take initiative to solve them without anyone pursuing them around. Identifying and solving problems by self-initiative shows a sense of responsibility. It is always a thing of joy for a man to have grown to a point that the children he raised can solve his problems. Even if he has what it takes to solve the problems himself, he doesn't get as much fulfilment as when children solve them. It is not about the solution, it is more about the fulfilment and joy of having responsible children.
The sons of the prophet begged their father to go with them to the work site and Elisha left his tight ministerial schedule to follow them. Responsible children will always have the backing of their father. When they were at the site, the axe of one of them fell into the water. Thankfully, Elijah was around so he stood in his office as the prophet of God and commanded a miracle there and then. Responsible children also enjoy the miraculous because the grace of the father is released with the whole of his heart when they have a need and he prays for them. How will the grace of God on the life of Elisha not be stirred, when one of his spiritual children comes to tell him that he borrowed an axe to build for the prophet and now the axe has fallen into the water? The man actually went out of his way to borrow in order to get a bigger lodge for the prophet and he was in trouble. Miracle must surely be commanded. My prayer for you today is that you will be a responsible child of God in His church and of your parents, both biological and spiritual.

* Lord make me responsible to my spiritual and biological parents/guardian, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God that the blessings of a responsible child shall not elude you.
**Do something memorable for your parents today.

Jesus, light of the world, illuminate my destiny today, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, January 16, 2017

What’s your Name?

Monday 16 January
READ: I Chron. 4:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Hos. 1:2-11

There is so much about a name; it tells one’s history or heritage. Jabez was so named because his mother bore him in pain. Jabez did not like it so he asked God to bless him, enlarge his coast and keep him from evil (1Chronicles 4:10).
When Phinehas' pregnant wife heard the sad news that the ark of God had been captured and that her husband, his father, and brother were dead, that the army of Israel suffered heavy losses and fled before the Philistines, she went into labour and gave birth to a boy whom she named Ichabod because of the bad events surrounding his birth (1 Samuel 4:17-22). Jesus was named Jesus because He was born to save His people from their sins and Emmnauel because God came to dwell with man (Matthew 1:20-25).
What is your name? Is your name a memorial of pain, an epic of sorrow, despair, frustration, rejection, doom or a symbol of faith, hope and abundant life? We have many examples in the Scripture of how a man's name can determine his destiny; some had the name from birth, others had theirs changed. Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, all had a change of name, while Jesus, John the Baptist and Isaac had their names from birth. All of them had their destinies influenced by their names. Although Jabez had a bad name, he did not drop the name but had a change of the influence of the name. The Bible says, …And God granted him that which he requested: I Chron. 4:10.
The point is that names have effect and influence on one’s destiny, negative and positive. But unlike what many believers think, the first thing to do about a name with a negative influence is not to change it but to pray for deliverance and a divine instruction on what to do with the name. You need not rush to change your name, rather give prompt attention to the force behind the evil name. Even names that come out of negative events will respond when there is a change of force behind the story. When the power of God breaks the yoke, and the story of barrenness, lateness, failure, sorrow etc. changes, obviously the forces behind the evil name will go. I agree with you, that every evil force working against you by your name is broken. Receive power for a greater life now.

* Decree that your name will influence your life positively.
* Declare that whatever evil force is associated with the names in your lineage be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that your name shall be heard in great places, in the name of Jesus.

The daily rising of the sun in 2017 shall carry on its wings my next level without fail, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Backslidden and Stubborn Heart

Sunday 15 January
READ: Matt.13:5-7, 20-22
MORE LESSON: Isa.1:18-20

A backslidden heart is one that has gone astray or left the path of God to follow after worldly cravings. Though such a heart has not renounced God, he has no love and affection for God and the things of God anymore. It is a heart that has been choked up by the cares of this world. A backslidden heart is one to which satan has easy access, ensnares and lures back to those things which the heart has once rejected and renounced. The backslidden heart now accommodates those things and finds excuses for them. Since his love and affection for God has grown cold, the backslidden no longer enjoys the fellowship, prayer, reading the Bible, going to church, giving offerings, paying tithes, etc. Such things become a burden and something inside him tells him they are a waste of time and energy.
A heart that is backslidden from God easily finds company, pleasure and comfort with people who do not talk about God while the people of God are offensive to him. The backslidden heart loves the world and the things therein contrary to the scripture which says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever: 1John 2:15-17.
A stubborn heart is one who does not yield in obedience to God and the path of righteousness. Although he believes in the supremacy of God, he will go headlong to do what he wants rather than what God wants. The conscience of a stubborn heart is not completely broken, so his will easily overrides God's purpose. Even when he is repentant, he still wants things his own way (1Sam.15:24-25). Hebrew 2:1 says we must take earnest heed to the things we have been taught lest we drift away. The antidote to backsliding is to consciously examine yourself at the end of each day whether you are doing the things a forward moving believer is supposed to do, and make amends as necessary.

* Lord, deliver me from the spirit of backsliding, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive power to do only those things that give Jesus pleasure, now and forever, in the mighty name of Jesus.

My light will shine in 2017 and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it, in the most powerful name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Repentant Heart

Saturday 14 January
READ: Ezek.11:19-21
MORE LESSON: John.8:36

A repentant heart is one which has turned to God from satan, through the name of Jesus, to serve the living and true God (1Thess.1:9). True repentance is not just about being sorry for your sins and mistakes and becoming personally determined not to commit sin again. It is not just about telling God or someone that you are sorry, and will not repeat such sinful acts again. True repentance is about your spirit man (the man's heart) being rescued from the control and dominion of the power of sin; the force that makes a man to do what he knows he is not supposed to do and yet he keeps doing it (Col.1:13; Rom.7:18-19, 22-25).
A repentant heart is one in which Jesus is in control; therefore unclean thoughts, wickedness, immorality and all such do not dwell there. When satan brings these things to the heart of the man, they are repelled by the Spirit of God who now controls the man. A repentant heart is one that is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and the Spirit of God now resides in him. He is regenerated (Titus 3:5), made alive (Eph.2:1), and full of the life of God (Eph.2:12). The conscience of a repentant heart has been made alive; so he is conscious of sin and the fear of God. He has also been empowered to rebel against sin and follow after righteousness by the Spirit of God (Titus 2:11-13).
A repentant heart has passion for God and the things of God only because the Spirit of God dwells in him. He has positioned himself under God for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. The attractions of a repentant heart are those things that are Heaven-wards (Col.3:1-3). His former ways of life no longer appeal to him, and he can indeed say, ...[I am] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. When a man admits that he is a sinner and acknowledges Jesus the Son of God as God's provision to take him out of the power of sin, God's Spirit takes hold of that man's spirit, sets him free and empowers him to live a sin-free life. You can enjoy that today if you want to. Will you ask the Spirit of Jesus to do that for you right now?

* Jesus, I repent of all my sins. Give me a new heart that thirsts after God and His righteousness, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* I proclaim I am a new creature. Old things have passed away, all things have become new in me, in Jesus’ name.

2017 is bright and beautiful for me, I shall testify, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Heart of a Sinner

Friday 13 January
READ: Matt.15:17-19
MORE LESSON: Jer. 17:9

In biblical context, the heart does not just refer to the organ of the body which is responsible for blood circulation. The heart refers to the spirit of man, which is responsible for the actions, response, conduct, and behaviour of a man (Matt.15:17-19). It is this heart that actually controls the real man who lives inside the body. As the state of the physical heart which circulates blood determines whether the body lives or not, so also the state of a man's spirit determines whether he has eternal life or not.
When a man is not born again, his heart is under the control of the forces of darkness (Eph.2:2-3); as a result he does not have eternal life. Eternal life means the life of God. A man who is not born again is separated from the life of God (Eph.2:11-12), God is not in his heart; rather satan has full control and residence of that man's heart. Therefore, his thought, language, affections, and conduct are always filthy and impure; and such is the heart of sinners.
If a man's heart (the spirit man) continues in that state up to the time when he comes out of the physical body (which is death), he cannot go to live with God in Heaven because God is pure and holy; the man can only go to hell, which is the abode of satan who is the lord of impurity and filthiness.
The sinner's heart is doomed for destruction except it is submitted to be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. When you sincerely give your life to Jesus, satan's control over your heart is broken and your spirit man then receives the life and power of God to live to please Him. Will you give your life to Jesus today?

* Ask the Lord to retrieve your heart from every ungodly influence, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the light of God to lighten up your light, in the name of Jesus.

The power that rolled away the stone at the tomb of Jesus and crushed death to raise Jesus back to life will crush every barrier to my greatness and give me breakthrough this year, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

You Must be Born Again

Thursday 12 January
READ: John 3:1-7
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 5:16-21

Everyone on earth was once born. The only way into this world is through birth. However, the Bible talks about a second birth, ...except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God: John 3:3. Natural birth doesn't qualify a man for God's Kingdom. It doesn't matter whether the man was born into the hand of church midwives in the mission house or into the hands of a prophetess in the church hospital, until he makes a personal decision to be born again, he is not qualified for the Kingdom of God. Being a worker or leader in the church will not compensate for a person who is not born again. Serving in the church or giving will not cover up; they are all irrelevant if a man is not born again. In my opinion, the strongest statement in scriptures is 'except a man be born again, he cannot . . .' This means no matter what you do, there is no compromise on this matter; if you are not born again, no Heaven for you; you must go to hell. I think this statement is much more serious than people think.
Getting born again is a conscious act and it involves certain steps. First, you need to acknowledge that you are a sinner, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness; accept Jesus as the Saviour and Lord of your life, and confess Him publicly and continue to live your life for Him. It is the result of these steps that is called being born again. It is very true that many people merely assume that they are born again; especially those that are in the church environment. Being in church doesn't mean you are born again, you must be able to pin-point a definite time when you made the decision for Christ and you acted on it thereby giving your life to Christ.
It is only those that are truly born again of the Spirit of God that will inherit the Kingdom of God. If one lived this earth and missed eternity, then all his life and everything he did on earth was a very big waste. This is the reason we appeal to all men not to take the Word of God for granted, you must be born again if your eternity is to be sure. Leaving the earth without being born again is a very dangerous experiment, Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences: 2 Cor. 5:11.

* Today, I confess the lordship of Jesus over my life (if you have not done it before), in the name of Jesus.
* I re-dedicate my life to Jesus today, in Jesus’ name.

2017, I shall not fail, I shall not fall, I shall not be trampled underfoot, in the name of Jesus.

All-round Prosperity

Wednesday 11 January
MORE LESSON: Gen.39:1-6

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth: III Jn.2 is God’s golden Word to you this morning. God wants you to prosper in all areas of life. Some say that God will not bless you all-round so that you will stay humble, or that God gives you one good thing and takes another good thing from you in exchange. These are just human postulations; the Word of God says God wants you to prosper all-round. Consider how the Amplified version puts that same verse, Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your body may keep well, even as I know your soul keeps well and prospers. Say to yourself, “I will prosper in every way, in every area of my life because this is God's will for me. My spirit, soul and body will prosper. I will not settle for less, in Jesus’ name”. Divine prosperity is full and all encompassing; it affects the spirit, soul and body.
How can you enjoy all-round prosperity? 1)Be connected and stay connected to God. Deut.8:18 says, But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. Therefore true wealth is only gotten by connection to God. 2) Find something doing; God made all that Joseph did in his master's house to prosper as clearly seen in the second reading for today. If you are not doing anything and you expect great prosperity, you will not have your wish. What has God put in you? Put it to use and He will bless that thing. No one is created empty, everyone is a solution for someone somewhere and people will pay for solution.
Locate what God has put in you to bless humanity and sell it and it will bring wealth your way. 3) Have a giving life. Pro.11:24 says, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The secret to breaking tightness in finances is not to hold unto money or hide money somewhere, it is to put money to work or invest it in valuable ways. Part of investing is spending for God's kingdom. Sacrificially give to God's projects and building of His kingdom, bless God's servants and people in need especially those that are close to God's heart like His servants on the field, missionaries, widows and orphans.
Obey these principles rather than envy the wicked that use evil and ungodly means to get wealth. Such people do not have all-round prosperity because wealth in this brief world without spiritual prosperity is equal to eternity in hell, what will a man give in exchange for his soul? No prosperity must jeopardise a man's eternal abode and placement in Heaven.

* My heritage in Christ is all-round prosperity, I connect permanently to God for all-round prosperity, in Jesus’ name.
* Help me Lord to practise the principles of abiding wealth. I will not just be blessed but will be a blessing to humanity, in Jesus’ name.

There is the glory of the sun, moon and star, I shall shine this year in the greater glory of the sun, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sevenfold as Bright

Tuesday 10 January
READ: Isa. 30: 26
MORE LESSON: Gen. 1: 14

The Lord wants to increase His light upon your life. In Gen 1: 14, God created the lights in the firmament and He said that they should be for signs. As a carrier of light, God has made you to be for signs. You are a sign and a wonder to many. Isa. 8: 18 says concerning you, Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. As the light of God is multiplied in your life, you become a wonder to many,
I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge: Psa. 71:7. Isa. 30:26 says, Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. This is the day that the Lord will give a sevenfold increase to His light in your life. This happens when He binds up your bruise and heals the stroke of your wound. Sin is the breach that separates men from the light of God. As you confess and forsake your sins, your light will shine sevenfold brighter. A stroke is a sudden act of destruction that comes upon a people. Sin is the breach that creates an opportunity for the stroke to come.
It is sin that makes a man open and vulnerable to the attack of witches and wizards. Darkness has no power over a believer except sin creates a chance for it. However, today the Lord bind the breach of all sin in your life by His blood and heal the stroke of your wound. Every wrong that has allowed satan to have a foothold in your life is destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
When you confess your sins and receive forgiveness through His blood, then the light of the moon will become like the light of the sun and the light of the sun will become seven times as bright. Today, it is day break for you and your sun will shine seven times as bright. Song. 4:6 says, Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense. It is day break for you and all shadows are fleeing away from your life. Your life will be so bright that there will be no shadow of darkness at all. When men complain of darkness, your moon will be as the light of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven fold as bright for you.

* Receive the capacity for improvement, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive a sevenfold increase of peace, joy and abundance, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father in Heaven, in 2017 I shall shine by default,in the name of Jesus.

Monday, January 9, 2017

More and More II

Monday 9 January
READ: Prov. 4: 18
MORE LESSON: Deut. 1: 11

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Our God is a God of more and more. God does not give once in a life time blessing; He gives more and more. No matter how many blessings you have; this year you have to get ready for more. The term ‘more and more' shows that God doesn't give momentary blessings, He gives continuous blessings. Not only does God give a continuous blessing, He gives increasing blessings. This shows that God never has a better yesterday, and for His children, there is no better last year. Every single year is more than the previous. If there was any good thing you have experienced in the past, then, expect a repeat of the blessing. Beyond an ordinary repeat of the blessing, expect a repeat with an increase.
The major miracles in the Bible were repeated. God doesn't do miracles once and never again; He does them over and over again. Jesus healed the blind many times, cleansed lepers time and time again, raised many from the dead. There is hardly any miracle in the Bible that was not repeated. This is to prove that the first happening was not an accident. If He opened the eyes of the blind once, people can say that it happened by chance. But when He does it time and time again to the extent of creating eyes out of dust for a man born without eyes, then you know that these miracles are not accidental; they are deliberate.
Probably, you were rich before and the devourer came and you came down in your finances. This is the year that you are going to be more than you ever were before. Probably you had a baby and you have not been able to conceive again after that, and it is now looking like even the one you have was by chance. The God of deliberate, repeated and more miracles give you more this year. In case you have never had any before, then the God who has done it for others will repeat it in your life. Your miracles this year are not by chance; they are the deliberate acts of God. This year in every area of your life, you will become more and more.This means that the way you started 2017 is not the way you will end it.
You may start small but your path will shine more and more till you become everything that you are meant to be. By the end of the year, your testimony will be, Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness: Psa. 65:11.

* My path in life shall not end in loss but more blessing, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Speak multiplication of blessing and goodness of God to your life, in Jesus’ name.

2017, I shall shine more and more unto the perfect day, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

More and More I

Sunday 8 January
READ: Prov. 4: 18
MORE LESSON: Gen 1: 14 – 16

Our text reads, The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day (NLT). The King James Version says, ...the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. This shows that the desired perfect destiny of the just man is reached only by shining more and more. This means that as the greatness of the light of a man increases, the perfection of his destiny becomes evident.
Many times, the problem of believers is not the absolute absence of light but the insufficiency of light. Even in the natural, the electric light supplied to our homes could be so low in voltage that it is not good to us: it cannot power any gadget and we can't even see well with it. This situation, popularly called 'low current' in Nigeria, is sometimes even as bad as when there is no power at all. Today, you need a brightening of the light of your life. You need to shine more and more. You might be born again, Spirit filled or even a servant of God but the intensity of your light is not enough for your desired result and impact in life. The way out is to get more and more light; do not rest with the light that you carry, thinking that is all the light there is. You need more light.
Peradventure, your candle is even already going down, you need your candle to be lit all over again. The light of the sun is more than the light of the moon and so the impact of the sun is greater than the impact of the moon. This shows that the greater your light, the greater your impact. More light will definitely result in more greatness, grace, glory, health and wealth. The sun rules the day because it shines more and more. When the dawn breaks, the sun only shines a little and darkness is still seen around to a certain degree. However, as the day progresses, the sun increases in shining till it dominates the firmament. Dominion is as a result of shining more and more.
There are certain matters in life that will not bow to you at your current level of light. You might have done all you know and your marriage, finances, health or whatever area of life is not responding. This shows that you need more light in that area. Go for more light so that you can shine more. More light comes by getting more of the Word of God and more illumination from people that God has given light in that area of life. Pray to God for light and seek light from people that carry light so that in their light you can see light (Psa 36: 9).

* Ask the Lord to enrich your heart with the revelation of His Word, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to grant you an unhindered progress in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

By the power of the name of Jesus and His powerful blood, I shall not record any “R.I.P” (Rest in peace) but I shall have a daily RSVP of celebration, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Power of Light II

Saturday 7 January
READ: Psalm 36:5-10
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 4:6-7

Light is a great force that everything under Heaven responds to. From creation, God put everything He created on earth under the influence of light. Beside the light that God spoke into existence to rescue the earth from the influence of the darkness that was moving upon the deep in Genesis 1:3-4; God also proclaimed lights over the firmament to be governors over day and night, And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good: Gen. 1:14-18.
The earth and the things therein cannot be without light. Light enables men to see around them and afar off. Light kindles hope and assurance in men. The ray of the morning light through the window of a sick man's room can be very relieving. Light ensures productivity and effectiveness. It is one of the greatest sources of energy. Plant production is not possible without light, plant grows in the direction of light. Animals in general are active in the day; only few who are nocturnal move about in the dark. Yet God has blessed such animals with eyes that can pierce through darkness. Have you ever seen the eyes of a pussy cat in the night? It is awesome.
In our Scripture reading today, the psalmist said, For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light: v.9. As the lights of the cosmos are to the earth, much more is the light of God to the man's body, soul and spirit. Only in God's light shall we see light; and Jesus Christ is that Light. John the Baptist bearing witness of Jesus said, That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God: John 1:12-13. If you want to see the light that will disperse your darkness, invite Jesus into your life today.

* Lord, let Your light shine upon me as I invite Jesus into my life now, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, deal with every darkness of my life today by the power of Your light, in Jesus’ name.

Today is the last day of the first week in 2017, with every sense of fulfilment and joy I shall see the last week and last day of 2017, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Power of Light I

Friday 6 January
READ: Isa. 60:1-3
MORE LESSON: Exo, 14:19-20

The Cambridge Dictionary defines light as, the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen. Irrespective of sources, the key facts about light, based on the definition above, are: 1) Light illuminates; it brightens; 2) It allows for things to be seen. Where there is light, groping, zigzag walk, fear and intimidation cease. Light is so powerful that it disperses darkness cheaply. Light also has the power to rejuvenate all living things. The power of light is an ordinance of God to teach men about His power. God is light
(1John 1:5). When God lights the lamp of a man's life, it means:
1. God has simply taken residence in that man's life.
2. The fullness of God has come into effect in that man's life.
3. The man is graced to manifest the power and effect contained in the light.
4. The man is empowered to see what others without lamp cannot see.
5. He has become a source of life and power to many others. Through the man many others who grope in darkness will be helped. Hope and life return to those in distress.
When God moved the Israelites through the wilderness, He gave them light in form of pillar so that they could continue their journey in the night. When God wanted to prevent the Egyptians from catching up with the Israelites, ...the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night: Exo.14: 19-20.
The pillar of cloud which went before the Israelites simply repositioned itself such that it was a pillar of light to the Israelites and darkness to the Egyptians; and as such, their enemy could not catch up with them. I pray for you today, that what is giving you light will give darkness to your enemies. I ask the angel of God to reposition Himself in your matter to become light to you and darkness to your enemies, in the name of Jesus. Those chasing after your destiny to hurt it will never be able to catch up with you. I command the darkness to slow them down while the power of light give you speed for advancement, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord , let my light never go dim, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* I command every bit of darkness around me to roll back, in Jesus’ name

I am a barrier breaker and a line crosser in 2017, all limitations shall be over in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Enlighten my Darkness

Thursday 5 January
READ: Psa. 18: 28
MORE LESSON: John 1: 1 - 5

One of the most terrible things that can happen to a man is for him to live in darkness. One characteristic of darkness is the inability to see clearly. During the daytime, it is always easy to walk around, but once night comes, men stumble. Jesus expressed this fact in John 11: 9 – 10, ...If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him (NKJV). A man can be in darkness physically or/and spiritually. Whichever form of darkness a man finds himself, the answer to darkness is to seek external illumination. Darkness cannot help itself; light must come from an external source. Therefore, when the psalmist found himself in darkness, he said, For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness: Psa. 18:28. David knew that he didn't have the answer to his darkness problem; he needed the Lord to enlighten his darkness.
Darkness denotes being blind in the spirit of the mind. A man who is not born again is blind in his spiritual man, so he is in darkness (2 Cor. 4:4). Ignorance is also another form of darkness. When a man is ignorant, he does things that put him in bondage and inflict self-damage. Bondage is spiritual darkness. Demonic possession, obsession and oppression are activities of darkness. It is darkness that makes a man feel so downcast to the point of committing suicide. Darkness is the absence of light; wherever there is darkness, movement becomes a struggle. Therefore, every form of stagnation, struggle, poverty and sickness are activities of darkness.
It is important to identify the activities of darkness so that darkness will not hide in one corner of your life and be inflicting damage on you while you think that life is business as usual. Seek out every form of darkness in your life and destroy it. David was a giant slayer, prophet and king but he still prayed to God to enlighten his darkness. This shows that it is possible for a man to be born again, Spirit-filled and even be a preacher while darkness buffets one or more areas of his life. You might be battling with a form of darkness in your finances, family, marriage, career, spirit or body.
The only solution to darkness is light. The psalmist cried for light. When things become so difficult and there seems to be no way, you need to switch on the light. Some problems do not bow to the application of natural principles; they only bow when spiritual light is switched on. Jesus is the Light and today as you call on Him, He will come and put an end to every activity of darkness in your life.

* I decree, no darkness shall withstand the light of God in my life, in Jesus’ name.
* By the light of God, every divination and evil enterprise are exposed, in Jesus’ name.

Father I declare that the forces of wickedness and darkness shall bow to my light this year, in the name of Jesus.

Let there be Light

Wednesday 4 January
READ: Gen. 1: 2 - 3
MORE LESSON: John 1:1 - 5

In the beginning, when God was to create all things, the whole earth was void and formless. The earth was in a chaotic state because darkness was on the face of the deep (Gen. 1: 2). Everywhere darkness reigns, there is chaos, void and formlessness. Even God had a chaotic situation on His hands as long as darkness was allowed to rule on the earth. He had to command light to come so that order could be brought into the world. Enough of disorder in your life; enough of confusion and hopelessness – let there be light.
Everything responds to light. When light comes, darkness fades away. God commanded light to come in the beginning and from there He could solve every other problem. It is only when the light problem is solved that every other problem can be solved. It is when a man is born again and spiritual light comes that every other problem of his life can receive solution. Even in a nation, until the light (power) problem is solved, the economy, social development and infrastructure cannot respond. We have to learn from the all-wise God of Creation, He didn't try to solve all the problems at once even though He is powerful enough to; He started by addressing the light problem. He thereafter attended to the other problems one by one.
What you need in your life is light; when you have light, everything else will fall in place. You may be hungry and poor now, when light comes, it will subsequently put food on your table and wealth in your house. Do you know that even the food that all creation eats is synthesised by light? The process of photosynthesis is the basis for all the food that we eat. John 1: 4 says, In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. Light is life; the more light you have, the more life you have.
If your destiny is currently buffeted by any form of darkness, you have to declare light just as God did. The same Spirit of God that decreed light over darkness in the beginning lives in you, so you can decree light and dispel all darkness in your life, For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ: 2 Cor 4:6.

* Declare that the challenges associated with the early stages of life will not stop you, in Jesus’ name.
* Let there be (Mention your desires), in the mighty name of Jesus.

From the rising of the sun to the going down of same throughout 2017, I shall not record loss in any area of my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Mystery of Praise II

Tuesday 3 January
READ: Psa.34:1
MORE LESSONS: Acts16:25-26

When God made man, He made him spirit, soul and body. According to 1Thess.5:23b, …and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So when the psalmist in the first text demanded of his soul to sing praises to the Lord, it was actually his spirit that was instructing his soul to praise the Lord. Why did the spirit of the psalmist summon his own soul to praise God? Our human minds tend to focus on the prevailing challenges around and not on the prevailing power in praise within.
The realms of our intellect and logic cannot fathom that we must praise God because praise is not an intellectual concept; it is a spiritual mystery. That is why, with a closer look, we also will notice that the psalmist was not issuing an advice or suggestion but an emphatic command! David was arguably Israel's greatest King and an anointed man of war from his youth; so if anyone knew anything about issuing commands, David did. Now, here comes the great man of war speaking about praise with military undertones to reveal that he understood that praise was actually a lethal weapon of warfare.
Throughout Bible history, from the exodus of the children of Israel to the time of the apostles, the mystery of praise was one weapon consistently deployed by the children of God to quench the fiery darts of the devil and his cohorts. The mysterious power in praise owes to the fact that God dwells in praise and where ever the presence of the Lord is, no demonic operation can thrive there.
Praise is a vehicle of the presence and power of God. True praise is irresistible to God. It commands the manifestation of the full weight of the Host of Heaven to your life and situation. Whenever we praise God whole heartedly, God surely visits our lives. One visit from the Lord Himself is more than enough to turn everything around for the better and we can testify like David in Psa.126:1, When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Praise is a spiritual transaction through which you give God what He desires and He in turn gives you your heart’s desires. Truly, wise people praise God even before their breakthroughs show up. Be wise, praise Him in advance.

* Father, as I praise You continuously from today, cause me to experience the unfathomable power of praise, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, give me the wisdom to praise You always, in Jesus’ name.

This year I shall operate by the force and speed of light, in the mighty name of Jesus.