Monday, January 30, 2017

Found by God I

Monday 30 January
READ: Psa. 89: 20 - 37
MORE LESSON: Psa. 78: 70 - 72

God is searching. It is right to conclude that God searches because we know that God finds. Whenever there is a finding, it shows that there is a searching. Therefore when God said, I have found David my servant... Psa 89:20, it must have happened as a product of a search. God needed a servant to lead His people with a true heart and He began to search. There was a small boy who was available and God located him and anointed him. God has not stopped searching; in every generation He searches for men. Many people have said that they are searching for God, when in the actual sense it is God who is searching for them. You need to position yourself so that God can find you.
While David was in the wilderness, God saw his faithfulness in taking care of the little flock that he was a shepherd over and picked him up. God picked him, connected him to Himself and started building him. God trained David through battles, made him confront giants and tested him in many situations. God built him and then raised him and glorified him. It is a glorious thing when God personalises a man. God found David and called him, 'My servant'. It is like a relationship where God is saying, 'David is my very own'. You need to be found available by God. When God finds you, He places a seal of his personality over your life; He anoints you and beautifies you. God glorifies everyone that makes himself available to be found by Him.
When God finds a man, He wipes away his tears. When God locates you, He lifts you out of purposelessness and obscurity. He found David, and made him a joy to many generations. You should live your life in such a way that God will easily locate you when He needs a man. This entails a consecrated life, a life of holiness and service to God. If you want to be found by someone, you must always hang around where he is. So you can't be running away from God's presence and fellowship and expect to be located.
Lost in your pursuit of things, you need to be found by God. Lost in poverty and lack, you need to be found. Lost in emotional attachments and pleasures of sin, you need to be found by God. When God finds you, He connects you to Himself, builds you and then uses you.

* Ask that the Lord will find and help you as it happened to Mephibosheth, in the name of Jesus.
* Declare, in Jesus’ name, that you will not reach where you cannot be found in life.

My Father and my God, as this month runs to an end, I declare that my hopes and expectations for the new year shall not be dashed, in the name of Jesus.


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