Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Dependable God

Saturday 28 January
READ: 1 Thess. 5: 17-24
MORE LESSON: Isa. 25: 1

God is dependable. You can trust Him with your life and know that it is absolutely safe and secure. You can follow God with your two eyes closed and know that you will not miss the way or fall into a ditch. One day, during a sermon, I asked a mother to give her new born baby to another small girl to carry and she did. The small baby didn't revolt or fear, she just continued resting in the arms of the small girl, trusting that whoever was carrying her was up to the task. It is such childlike faith that is required in depending on God. You should rest in his arms, knowing that He is up to the task of carrying you. When the small baby grows up a little more, she begins to select who she will allow to carry her and who she won't.
Many times we have 'grown up' too much and become 'too intelligent' that we do not allow God to carry us anymore.
Sometimes, even children that have grown enough to be selective of who carries them and who doesn't, allow a person to carry them if they know the person's capacity and strength and are sure that the person is up to the task of carrying them. In a similar manner, in-depth knowledge of God creates faith in us and makes us know that we can depend on Him. The more you know God, the more you realise that you can depend on Him.
You can depend on God to meet all your needs; He has all the resources of the earth. According to Psa. 24:1, The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. When you know that God owns all things, you will not struggle to depend on Him for whatever you need. Remember He said, For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof: Psa. 50:10-12. You can depend on God because He holds and rules the entire world. Whatever you need is available from the dependable God.
There are things you need to do to enjoy God's dependability in your life. The first thing is that you must search and rest on His Word. God is only committed by His Word. When you have God's Word as your basis of trust, He will back up His Word. Secondly, you must respect the prophetic. When God gives prophetic instructions to you, make sure you act on them. When you obey God's prophetic instructions through His servants, you can depend on Him to perform. You must also walk close with Him; a closer walk with God makes Him accessible to you. Finally, God is dependable because of His track record of faithfulness and success; God has no record of failure. There is nothing He has ever said that failed; they have either happened or are about to happen. He has all it takes to keep His promises, so you can trust and depend on Him for your today and tomorrow.

* The dependable God is sufficient for me today and forever, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Declare that you will not lack, in Jesus’ name.

2017, I call you by your name, overflow with joy for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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